New community council has Story/Lore section

From the Article.

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That’s his statement, not what was found.

If they want to prove that statement, contrary to the report, they’d have to publish what they gave to who

But they refuse to.


Not to defend Kodick but they haven’t disproved their statement either.

And my point to @Alynsa that it makes sense for business to donate to both parties still stands. Businesses do better with both parties (and Independents) as customers than they do with just one party as customers.

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Update, the infamous Council member said that he originally had issues with Mechagnomes having dark skin due to them being underground until BfA, and should be deficuent in melanin, and also had issues with them having “peach/golden hues,” cause being underground, they should be “flushed out” and borderline white (the actual color.) They headcanon the playable mechagnomes as being-recently mechanized regular gnomes.

Anyway, the cringe keeps coming.


Some people make it very clear that their greatest fantasy is a world without Humans of color. And they don’t want any Humans of color in their fantasy world.

Even non human races like Gnomes or Elves having skin color other than white offends them.

Sadly, it is one of the louder opinions in the fantasy genre.

I think a small portion of people have desired inclusivity, a small portion loathes it, while the vast majority don’t really care about the issue, but are happy to see others get customizations they enjoy.

Fortunately, despite the blatant racism and bigotry that Blizzard’s hand picked Council expresses, I doubt Blizz will ever remove the skin colors.

Headcanon is the last refuge for the people who refuse to acknowledge the actual lore and game. If they need to conjure up non canon lore to explain the existence of people of color, that says a lot about them.


I always wonder what rock these racists live under and if they truly never met a person of color before.

I keep telling myself people can’t possibly be this ignorant but people still somehow manage to pull it off


Who’s that? I’m out of the loop.

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Maizou, the one who was part of the recent drama.

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It is quite possible in rural areas in the US for most people to only see people different from them when on vacation or in a tourist area. A lot of these towns are (according to census data) in the high 80% to mid 90% one skin color.

I live in a large city that is quite diverse, when I return to the mountain region where my mother was born to visit family, those areas are not diverse.

It wouldn’t surprise me to find rural areas of Europe and other places to be the same way.

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Some people do have issues, it seems.
I mean, of all things wow to get upset about, mechagnomes skin color would be the very last on my list lol


Oh, plenty of places in Europe are like that. Even cities. Please, don’t be under the impression that all cities in Europe are like New York in terms of diversity. Far from it.

I’m willing to admit first hand, where I’m from, people are racist.

In now two streams Bellular has implied he’s been told that there was Another Plan For Shadowlands Entirely that was scrapped fairly last minute

Regarding both Sylvanas characterization and Zovaal characterization

Also he brought up Kiraser’s thread but entirely cut out the bits sub-posting myself and others criticizing Exploring Kalimdor.

Zovaal’s original model resembled the Primus(who doesn’t look anything like his statue)! It’s natural to assume Afrasiabi was going to make Sylvanas the Big Bad and have the Jailer be her prisoner AKA the Runecarver!

Discarding a Planned Plot or Final Boss is not something that should ever be done! It doesn’t matter if you want the character to be redeemed! If the Plot up to that point demands that character’s demise as a Villain you kill that Character off!


Nah I think they were gonna do:

  1. “Primus is missing and has been for a while!”
  2. There’s The Runecarver and also a Mysterious Jailer!
  3. *player helps the Runecarver escape *
  4. Eternals reveal the Primus is the Jailer and is also the Runecarver, and before he could exert Small Influence and now can exert More Influence, ergo why The Azerothian Scourge is just Maldraxxus Paramilitary

This I actually like because it would help to explain why the Jailer is so good with the use of Domination Magic to begin with. And would make him a much more interesting character


Then the reason the Primus went missing would have been because Sargeras kidnapped him and stuffed him into the Maw after his host Medivh’s demise sent him to the Shadowlands before making an escape back into the Twisting Nether handing the Helm of Domination and Frostmourne to Kil’jaeden as part of his Grand Design.

Sylvanas would simply be an opportunist taking advantage of Sargeras’s schemes to destroy the Machine of Death.

No, the reason would’ve been that the other Eternals found out about the Primus and threw him in Jail.

But that would’ve been a predictable narrative in terms of visual language (“Oh no the Zombie Necromancy Titan is the Bad One!!”) so they split the Jailer into two: Primus/Runecarver and Zovaal/Jailer

Also explains why the Primus lacks a name

Same reason why The Winter Queen lacks a name

Because both were originally fused with another character during early development (Kyrestia and Zovaal).

And they couldn’t be bothered to come up with a name after the split

nah making the necromancy eternal the bad guy is unfathomably banal


That makes for two expansions in a row correct?

The sole purpose of Shadowlands is to salvage the Sylvanas character. She has become such a creator’s pet character.

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We’ll just have to agree to disagree on that point than hun :smiley:

Well yes and no:

  1. Afrasiabi pushed Teldrassil + Evil Sylvanas (probably behind Legion Magic Lamp Sylvanas) but did not have a follow through plan and underestimated everyone’s possible reactions and… the team just went along with him for eternally unclear reasons.
  2. There was a plan to villain-bat Bwonsamdi originally, there was no plan to include Bwonsamdi in Shadowlands originally, and also Mueh’zala was saved from death in Traveler 3 in the now-deleted Nobel/Roux interview (she said too much). Conclusion: Bwonsamdi was gonna be killed in BFA, then they realized that is a Bad Idea, considered killing him in Shadowlands, realized that too is a Bad Idea, and got Roux to un-kill Mueh’zala in Traveler 3 “last minute” (Book released Dec 2019, ergo maybe mid 2019 pivot).
  3. We know from the original concept art of the Jailer vs current Primus and current Jailer that there was a connection there. Safe speculation is that Primus = Zovaal = Jailer = Runecarver at one point in development.
  4. We also know that originally Ardenweald was a subzone of Bastion and they chose to split the zones, and thereby separated the Winter Queen from Kyrestia the Archon (makes sense if the zone that brings souls in also takes them out, they were probably going for a Angelina Jolie Maleficient Fairy Queen Angel aesthetic).
  5. Presumably in the wake of the Lawsuit, Afrasiabi’s narrative choices were further scrutinized in terms of intent and motivation. Due to the internal ideology of “No Negativity In The Dojo” (a motto invented by Afrasiabi, I’ll note), they had ignored criticism for years, and it turns out a lot of our criticism was correct! So now they are forced to deal with the aftermath.
  6. The narrative team mistakenly thought pivoting with “Muh Renewal” from Elune’s mouth would force the Night Elf players to let it go; they were/are mistaken.
  7. The narrative team mistakenly thought that pivoting with “Muh Soul Split” from Zovaal would force the playerbase to accept Sylvanas again; they were/are mistaken.
  8. As per Danuser’s and Ion’s latest interviews: all of this was 100% always the full and total plan.

Good sassy zombie pope > Evil zombie pope who is also Diet Sauron Lucifer Thanos >:|