New community council has Story/Lore section

Involved doesn’t mean the originator but you have provided good content for his moonlighting as a social activist on twitter.
Maybe you are eligible for some dividend payments.

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Well, why would it be a coincidence then. This is what he does?


I know… he seeks drama and then doxxes people on his twitter platform.

Its not a coincidence. This is all intentional and manufactured outrage.
what do you think the “/s” meant?

Is my point exactly. :smiley:


K. You win that one. I have bad reading comprehension.

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Hey thats ok man. It happens.

Who, pray tell, have I doxxed?

Talking about someone’s public posting history isn’t doxxing


Even youtubers understand that even though forums are public they can’t just go around exposing their names on public platform. Even if its avatar names because they players can be found even in game and harrassed. Been there myself. Its not fun.
Assume some responsibility for once for your own behavior Baal.

I don’t agree much with T&E on literally anything but even they have the decency to black out the names of people they grab screenshots of before talking about them on twitter or youtube.


It can also communicate illness. We associate it with the sun and illness.

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Nah community council members choose to accept what Blizzard has determined to be a public role whereupon Blizzard Developers have assigned them the role of community representatives as per language used by them

As such they are subject to public scrutiny


Show me this language that they willing accept onus of being the target of your efforts to try and get a twitter mob going to harrass them.
If you do then I apologize, I was not aware that this was something they signed up for.


Baal. Buddy. Comrade in arms in the battle against racism and sexism, and those who defend it.

Of course a maker of bad takes who says misogynistic behavior is fine is going to think exposing anonymous avatars and their racist or sexist takes is doxing. They want as much anonymity as possible.


You got to respect the instagram users. They know mostly they are shallow and selfserving.
Twitter users on the other hand? They think they are pioneers leadings us to a new golden age.


Well, you know, sexist and racists don’t like to be called out for their bad behavior. Though watching the king of bad takes flail about because Baal calls people out for their bad behavior is fun to watch.

It’s almost like if you don’t want to be called out on your racist or sexists thoughts, than you shouldn’t post them on a PUBLIC forum where we can all screenshot it and let others know


People with problematic takes should be called out.


You called the removed jokes racist and sexist. When actually questioned on the merits of these statements, you fled to the “Blizzard owns the product so they can remove it”.
If you can’t coherently make your case then take the L and move on.
You and Ren 2 weeks ago were calling anyone who didn’t like Sylvanas sexist until the entire story forum called you out and your behavior.

Call them out. We did that on this forum.
Baal is using this opportunity with a couple screenshots to manufacture an outrage on his Twitter profile and gain new followers and harrass this person. Its just attention seeking and selfserving.


Alysna actually said Blizz owns their own IP. If your going to tell someone to take a L at least comprehend who said what

And I know you don’t understand and your comprehension is nonexistent, the jokes are sexist and since blizzard does own WoW, they can remove any content and any jokes they deem not appropriate for the game.

It’s not a loss, you just don’t understand, as usual

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I have Alynsa blocked. I don’t see their posts or their replies unless its quoted.
Your post agreed with the premise Alynsa was apprently making.
If you make a claim then back it up.
If you can’t then take the L and move on.


So, you honestly think Blizzard doesnt own Warcraft, and cant remove content in the game they own?

Is this hill you really want to die on?

I didn’t know this about that poster until this post tbh, their lore takes and comments on BEs is all I knew them by before now but that is very troubling Blizzard put another person with bad takes on their council.


Its delicious.

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