New community council has Story/Lore section

Not the irony you think it is. You said blizz has no right to remove content from the game. So either blizz either owns Warcraft and can remove what they please, or they don’t own WoW and have no right to remove said content.

Which is it?

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This community poster says that wow races are not representatives of people of different ethnic back grounds.

Can you explain to me how in the world this is a bad take?
Or do you want the entire Native American culture (never mind that this statement alone is reductive as it is) for example to be represented by the Tauren?

So anything bad happens on the tauren? It reflects on real people.
The Tauren do something bad? it reflects on real people.
I think thats insane and it shouldn’t be the case for any group… its reductive and insulting.
I wouldn’t trust the Blizzard writing staff to write a menu much less make them responsible to make a representative depiction of anyone’s race, creed or culture.

You make baseless accusations and put words in my mouth. I make a post that clearly indicates otherwise and the next one is you lamenting people twisting your words against you.

No I think the irony is quite clear.


For clarity to those others reading, what Obtuse is referring to is when he said "Blizzard has no right to remove (content) from their game, and needed to be reminded that yes, the IP owner has that right.

He is conflating that with Micah’s argument, even though the relation is only and was clearly tangential.

The irony of course is Smally twisting these two separated events into one in an attempt to “win”, but saying Micah’s the one twisting his words and deflecting.


I was actually referring to a conversation I had with Mawthorne and some people were taking his words out of context. But of course, since your reading comprehension is near zero, figures you failed to grasp the context of that statement

So in your opinion the wrongness of twisting someone’s words against them, diluting what they actually meant, is entirely dependent on the person in question rather than the act itself?


Blocking Small is self-care and more of you should try it.


I would, but the coward has his profile hidden


Nah. Sometimes I like to see how the other half lives and justifies their views. It’s a good laugh.

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You can still block me even if I set myself as private.
I encourage you to do it.

You can block him through your own profile preferences.

Preferences - Users - Name/realm - duration


Thanks hun. Hugs

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They also have a bit of German (mainly Bavaria) considering Brewfest was originally a dwarfish Holiday and it is based on Octoberfest.

So what does that make you?

A crazy or one with a high tolerance for them?

If you claim neither and say you are one of the level headed people, that would make you incorrect. As you stated ALL of them have left. Therefore if you claim to be one of them, then you are wrong. As clearly, not all of them have left.

Side note.

Why does all the good stuff happen when i’m sleeping? =(


Definitely on the crazy side if I am still here. But on a level headed side too because despite the rudeness I get constantly I still keep my cool. At least I have for a long while.

Sleep is nice! Definitely level headed energy.

A lot of the wow races get mix of a lot of different references to IRL cultures. Its never exactly a 1:1 comparison.

how about all the vile dog crap you spewed in Murloc Spot? You told everyone you were going to send racists and anti-woman groups our way and dipped because you didn’t like what someone said to you.

I’m afraid to say that I don’t have any posts straight from Maizou because the mods wiped the discord clean of what was spewed but here’s a screenshot from the moderator’s statement about it over back in October.


Yikes, and I wanna know is how they claim to know anti womens rights and racist people as if their friends on speed dial that’s pretty sus, and sad to me I’m Asian and gay and idk how Maizous posts have been sensitive to one demographic while not standing in solidarity with other minorities.

Then to know they have anti womens rights and racist friends etc to just call up as if on speed dial is just …

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whats that?

Because Kangaroo Time is backwards.

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Maizou mentioned before that she had issues with homophobes in that Discord. It is a WoW general forum discord, so that is not surprising.

The context of Maizou threatening to send such groups to the Discord was probably as a form of mockery. “You are okay with homphobes? Why don’t I send racists and sexists too?”

So, this one is may not be what we think it is imo. It was a threat out of spite for homophobic treatment, and not genuine.

A Discord run by Thallia/Rhielle on GD. Alynsa butted heads with her yesterday.

Idk given what I have seen today of them not standing in solidarity with other minorities it just seems suspect to me, though I can’t say I am not in that discord