New community council has Story/Lore section

Blizzard removed posts a few days ago that literally called people MAP’s. That was well-earned.


Mawthorne’s post in the other thread listing time periods was removed, for some reason. It’s like they’re trying to herd conversations into certain directions.

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It’s weird. I wonder if they honestly think we don’t know what they’re up to though

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I hope Akiyass got a forum suspension for that


All the level headed people have left these forums. The only ones left are the crazies or at least those with a high tolerance for them.


It would not be surprising if they did. Nor would it be surprising if devs or mods were popping in on otherwise anonymous alts to push a conversation in certain directions.

And it might not even be necessarily malicious.


Seems like a lot of effort for the gain they’d get out of it.

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Some of my posts were removed in that thread as well. Most of the conversation about mental illness is gone.

IDK. Is it really that much effort? I’m literally typing all of these posts while at work. Each post is, what? A minute? Maybe as many as three?

How much effort would it really take?

Well, you’d need to spend time for someone to come up with the direction for the conversation to go, then dedicate and assign workers or pay others to otherwise get accounts and then carry it out.

Seems a lot of work to do, what, control the narrative in the WoW forums ?


They could be doing so in an unofficial capacity.

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Thats not how things are done in a work environment where there is a platform where users interact with.
I doubt random employees can just jump into their moderator level accounts and start deleting without a procedure. Especially a company this big.
This isn’t exactly a fan discord channel.

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Not control, but direct a conversation? That wouldn’t take much at all.

Look at any thread here. One post turns everything off-topic, either due to trolling or some point someone made. It’s not hard to do. If hypothetically you wanted to turn a conversation about racism in-game off that topic, you could just start talking about a hypothetical Blizzard conspiracy to derail forum threads.

… that’s not what this is, just saying.

Edit: And there was a post just after this one that got deleted. Queue the X-files music people!!!

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I mean employees posting on their own characters during their free time, probably to deflect criticism from Blizzard and such.

The way Blizzard has been treating employees… this sounds like a very unlikely possibility that they, on their own free time would get on the forums to try to deflect and protect their employer.

I remember the early days of this thread…

Since then, this thread has discussed one Council Member who has been unceremoniously stripped of the honor.

And now, we have had one council member summoned like a demon from the twisting nether, where folks argued with them, and then they said :



Well, wasn’t a dev recently outed for pretty much this already? Logging on to the forums on a non-mod account to stir the pot, so to speak?

I don’t know why people think it’s so unrealistic. Devs are (allegedly) playing the game. They have bnet accounts. What is so unrealistic about them using those accounts?



But also some people are probably employed by PR to shill

Like secret shoppers in designer stores

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Kind of ironic that Baal is involved in both instances.
A coincidence.



Actually, I’m the one who started both the discussions. During the Prosident fiasco, Baal was silenced. Baal doesn’t frequent GD like I do, so he didn’t see Maizou’s posts. I brought them up.