April Copeland's reponse to the new Kalimdor book

The initial premise was that these jokes were racist.
They were not.

The next one, which you presented, was the insensitive nature of these comments and how they should be removed in light of Blizzard staff behavior somehow should reflect on us and how we play this game or interact with each other.

If this is your reasoning why they should be removed then its a poor one.
Since you have given up trying to defend this position in favor of the next pivot I will assume that this issue is settled.

The new argument is. Blizzard owns it. So they can remove it.
if thats your only reason and logic behind it? Fine. That’s a fair point.

I am happy that we have established that these removals had no merit in combating racism, sexism or demeaning to either gender.
It took us several pivots to get here but I am satisfied.