New community council has Story/Lore section

They serve only themselves. And others dig in the throat,
Just give them a target.
If they shake hands, or they don’t pay attention -
Okay, fine, no fights, no problems.
Well, if with a loud roar, with a loud angry cry
They will rush to the keyboards and a hard fight will begin.
And after three hundred letters full of the best reasoning
About the theory of racism, knowledge, old interviews
The titans will suddenly disperse, with their remaining opinion.
Well the pitiful creature will feast on the battlefield,
Until the moderator cleans up the most unpleasant story.


Они служат лишь себе. И другим вопьются в горло,
Только цель им укажи.
Коль пожмут друг другу руки, иль не обратят внимания -
Хорошо, прекрасно будет, драки нет и нет проблем.
Ну а если с громким ревом, с громогласным злобным кличем
Ринутся к клавиатурам и начнется тяжкий бой.
И спустя три сотни писем, полных лучший рассуждений
О теории расизма, знаний, старых интервью
Разойдутся вдруг титаны, при своем оставшись мнении.
Ну жалкая тварь будет пировать на поле битвы,
Пока модер не зачистит неприятнейший рассказ.

And that only the stuff people reply publicly lmao


I don’t follow anyone on Twitter, but I lurk. I feel vicariously satisfied when people with bad takes about the game get roasted on here. I’ve been gaslighted and tone-policed by so many clowns on here, while they got away with slinging mud at me cause nobody flagged them.

Would undelete this one, but I need to wait 10 hours.

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You should invite me.

I don’t bite. Too hard.

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Waiting for a feast.


I find his posting pretty good:

I feel like the fixation on the in-game items stems from Christie Golden’s old habit of describing the world of Azeroth as it’s seen in-game as opposed to a more realistic scale (the Traveler series is a good example of the latter).

It shows the difference between Golden and Weisman. Greg Weisman is an established world-building writer who pushed out very iconic TV shows in the past:

  • Gargoyles
  • The Spectacular Spider-Man
  • Young Justice

Weisman always scales the story to its actual threat which is why they are so great to enjoy. This reminds me: Gargoyles is also a great example how an inter-species romance has been displayed over over 65 episodes has been captured without irking the people off - because it is earned.

Perhaps we should ask for Weisman to join the writing team? We could all need some very well thought out twists and character interactions for once.


Excellent topic, very well made. It tackles a lot of concerns in an accurate and greatly worded way. This is what I’ve been wanting to see and it’s surpassed my expectations. I understand now why it took so long to be posted, it takes time and effort to make something of such high quality. I think I owe an apology, it’s obvious a lot of care was put into the topic.


What a coincidence it now gets posted :roll_eyes:

Wtb an apology for

  • Talking smack about me unprovoked
  • Perpetuating a lie when April Copeland and I arrived at a mutual understanding (TWEETS ARE STILL UP LMAO)
  • Making wild false assumptions about me wanting to be hired by Blizzard, assuming that bit is about me and not Zari, Black American guy who has been working to be hired by Blizzard for months, which would be worse to mock
  • Mocking Jewish American players for their (correct) understanding of Goblin construction

This is ugly and unhinged and unnecessary disparaging of my person

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Sadly this is the kind of people in the WoW community that blizz has fostered over the years

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His reasons for not posting are understandable. He was depressed and ill, as well as lacked good faith in anything. Drama with Baal is probably what caused him to come out of the woodworks.

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Would certainly hope not cuz that would suck even more lmao

Why would my feeling like crap over someone I defended apparently talking smack about me and my friends (and generally about players of color and Jewish players criticizing the game) lead to some magical depression cure


I didn’t say that. He might not have been depressed the entire time he wasn’t posting. It was a mix, like he said. You yourself said this.

Furthermore, he indirectly references the racism controversy in Exploring Kalimdor, and decides not to talk about it, probably due to drama issues.


From Kiraser’s thread ( seems I can’t directly quote Community Council topics ) :

The book portrays the tribe as its peace-loving iteration from Classic and uses some impressive mental gymnastics to achieve this goal. The deceased chieftain from Cata is mentioned: but neither the cause of his death nor his title… the Soulripper. It’s mentioned how the tribe does everything to honor agreements with both the Horde and the kaldorei: then how did they end up trying to genocide the elves two times in a row?

There’s nothing wrong with trying to reintroduce the original portrayal of the Shatterspear from 2004, and it’s indeed sad that they were turned into such monsters without any explanation. But changing them back without any explanation is not a solution either. Now their lore is even more confusing. The original tribe lore now exists only in web archives, while the new one is actually in-game. I guess the better solution would be to tie in both takes together: what if the tribe had different subgroups, some inner conflict, something that provoked them?

I want to say that I agree with this 100%.

As a troll fan first and foremost, the Shatterspear have always frustrated me because no matter how much I want to root for them I have to admit that the story pretty much made them villains without a cause.
Apparently they lived in Night Elf territory for a long time and were peaceful, until Garrosh paid them a visit and then they suddenly weren’t anymore and the writers never bothered to give a reason for this change of heart except for the usual “trolls are inherently evil and do evil things”.

Now, with the Exploring Kalimdor book we do indeed get one new important information, namely that they made a contract with the Night Elves that said they would leave them alone under the condition that they never leave the valley.

Now take a moment and think about what that means.
Trolls are territorital by nature but usually content to stay in their usual turf, unless circumstances force them otherwise.
Food shortage for example. The valley is small, there’s a lake to fish but that’s pretty much it, no hunting grounds really to secure supplies. So maybe they were just hungry.
Or maybe the contract with the Night Elves was made a long time ago and following generations were wondering: why are we supposed to stay in a small valley when a whole world is waiting for us outside?
So eventually, either need or curiosity won out and some of them ventured out- just to be killed by Night Elves.
Which would be well in their right because there was a contract, and besides, why would they care if some trolls lived or died?

But of course, such an incident must cause resentment and explain why the Shatterspear were so easily willing to join Garrosh’s war efforts.

A morally gray situation, if you will. But no.

The Exploring Kalimdor book was a good opportunity to expand on this and give both sides reasons and justification, but they wasted it. Instead they settled to explain nothing at all and just reset the status back to zero as if nothing happened.

Which makes the Shatterspear still look evil for no reason and additionally, the Night Elves look dumb to accept their continuing presence in Darkshore. Disappointing.


Wasn’t there a quest in Darkshore where a Night elf said they intended to kill every last Shatterspear?

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Which is funny as the Shatterspear continued to exist up to BFA as some of the faction specific rares the Alliance can kill are Shatterspear trolls.

It does annoy me when Blizzard wants to reuse an old enemy group that were implied to be wiped out but suddenly, “somehow some of them survived”. The Scarlet Crusade during Legion is an example of this. Somehow the crusade / onslaught still existed in New Hearthglen. Even though the Horde destroyed the place during Wrath. To the point that Mal’ganis had to regroup what remained and brought them to Icecrown. Only for those to be wiped out by the Ebon Blade.

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Not to mention the ones that were also raised as undead :smiley:

Well, it is pretty true to form.

There are likely folks who fought to destroy Uncle Adolf, who now have grand kids marching around with his “merch”.

The Union defeated the Confederacy… but we recently had folks bearing Confederate Trappings ransacking Washington.

Some roaches are not truly wiped out - they just crawl under rocks, and wait for dark times to crawl out.


I’m just a forum weirdo :woman_shrugging: