New community council has Story/Lore section

I’m much weirder.


Y’all my fav weirdos. Love y’all. :wolf:


Don’t forget characters that were removed or killed suddenly existing again, like Warden Stillwater.


It could still be worse- they could come back with an entire armada of Star Destroyers all armed with a Death Star-level planet shattering cannon.


Watch the night sky (everything is more dramatic at night). Be ready for your worst nightmare. The return of Subject Nine and her children, and her children’s children and…

Subject Nine is not supposed to be dead…

Neither is Xe’ra who is stated to have returned to the Light Realm so if she brings a fleet of Planet Destroying Naaru Ships don’t be offended.

We also don’t know how Demon Gul’dan is so don’t be surprised if he comes with a fleet either.

Even Blizzard doesn’t know how dead Archimonde and Xavius are so them bringing planet destroying fleets is no surprise either.

Ragnaros has been given the possibility of resurrection as of BfA though clearly via the same method as Maldraxxi resurrection which is only impossible if there is no body to revive.

Speaking of Maldraxxi resurrection those killed in the Shadowlands can be resurrected yet their Souls rot with their Corpses upon death so any Raid Boss we’ve killed in Sanctum of Domination who has rotted away(which is to say none at all) coming back would be like Sidious’s return.

Revendreth Venthyr demises are supposed to be permanent(no thanks to their Souls being turned into Anima and shot into the Shadowlands to help cure the Anima Drought just like the Anima from the Anima Conductors) aside from the Ash Ghouls(whose Souls stay in the corpse) so any dead Venthyr coming back will be like Sidious coming back.

Funny how Venthyr are the only guys supposed to stay dead while the rest are either dead until reformed or dead until manually resurrected(as if their corpses will ever be allowed to rot by Blizzard as even Ragnaros’s Shoulder Armor and the Mawsworn’s Armor are enough to resurrect them)!

The only popular Venthyr Characters naturally are the living ones(Theotar, Renethal, the Countess, the Accuser, the Stonewright and the Curator).

How dare you leave out best girl, Nadjia the Mistblade.


Um… how dare you… what about General Draven?

Personally, The Accuser and Draven are a step above the rest. I loved hanging out with them in Castle Nathria.

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While I admit I haven’t seen everyone on there, from what I’ve seen, Baalsamael seems to be one of only 2 people on the “Community Council” who’s not an elitist or a shill. What would you say it’s like apart from these two?

  • I don’t know who Subject Nine.
  • I don’t remember reading anywhere that Xe’ra returned to the Light Realm after being jobbed for Shillidan, but I wouldn’t be surprised since she’s so poorly written. Given that jobbing, one might say that Xe’ra is peeved, irritated and maybe even slightly ticked-off.
  • I’m not sure Gul’dan will return. Illidan seemed to fry him body and soul and smash his skull.
  • Blizzard seems to have wiffled on how dead Archimonde is. While I think Xavius is perma-dead, imo Tichondrius and Mannoroth could return.
  • I think Ragnaros is gone for good, we killed him on his home plane in the Firelands.
  • Sidious’ return was badly written, but I’m not sure how any mechanics for resurrection work if a soul “dies” in the Shadowlands.

And yet, there are writers surfing the ripples and doing amazing tricks.

He’s not on the community council. People on the council have green text like the MVPs do, and it says Community Council next to their name.

Subject 9 is a very intelligent raptor that was a Goblin experiment. During Azshara questing, you successfully send her and her children to the moon on a rocket.


I know. It was just thought that if someone was to turn up with a starmada, it should be her.


Many of them have awful, out-of-touch ideas about the game. One of them, IIrC, wants Mythic Raid sets to be removed after the tier is over. They are the person who was on my ignore list before getting on the Council. One of them thinks the Mage Tower was tuned just find, when many other players complained about it. Another of them seems to have grest faith in Blizzard’s moderation.

Ironically, the Community Council member who made topics I agreed with is Prosident, who was kicked out of the Council. They supported Timewalking raids and dungeons in every expansion, was against limited-time items, etc.

I realize this is the Story Forum, but I have gameplay concerns as well, and you asked for my opinions of other Council members.

I’m not on the Council

I’m just a spectre haunting the minds of the Council members.


I wish you were, though.


I see. imo they should’ve accepted your application.


It does feel weird that they haven’t added anyone new yet. I don’t think they have their 100 people atm.

In fact I reckon they won’t fill those up. Blizzard knows people have caught on from the get go that it was a PR stunt. They probably want people to simply forget that it exists.

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Holy moly it only took us checks watch months to have a story post on the community council forum.

Meanwhile every other major-MMO continues to run circles around Blizzard in the storytelling department.


Forget the Community Council. Even the story forums are dead. I had thought I had noticed a decrease in engagement here, but my goodness, what a wasteland.


I think Blizzard was just going to add people with vaguely interesting apps with no more thought into it until the whole racism thing spooked them. Now they need to figure out how to avoid that as best they can.

Plus, you know, the several thousand apps they got.