New community council has Story/Lore section

Yeah it is nuts to think that Warcraft lore debates of all things can be so all consuming. Stalking and harassing across multiple platforms. It seems a lot of things are like that these days.

I only use the Forums really. Maybe a tiny bit of Discord, but I don’t really use that unless a group requires it for a raid.

I don’t have the stomach for that sort of cross-platform internet fight. Especially when some people go as far as SWATing and stuff…

It is rough.


I use discord but it’s only with people I trust. I don’t have the energy or care to stalk people across multiple platforms to pick a fight.

Just seems so sad


I remember one time I pugged into a guild run, and we were doing Heroic Vexonia. The Guild was largely fine, but they had one warrior who was tunneling. They admonished him, and that Warrior exploded.

He threatened violence to his guildies, in a serious way that I can’t even repeat without getting forum action, and he meant it. It was an empty threat, but it was about the angriest I heard anyone over discord.

He even talked about finding their IPs and finding where they live before he was blocked.

The Guild removed him and apologized… and after a tense moment, we laughed… but it was interesting to see that even Guild members don’t really know who they are playing with.


Well, nobody’s gonna defend him here anymore.

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Well, since everything has fallen into the Abyss… I’ll watch a bulldog fight if things go really bad.

I’m not your attack dog weirdo

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Well good thing I necroed this, then. I am plagued by the Sha of Doubt.


I could be a very good CCForum attack dog weirdo.


I’m kind of confused, I think I’m missing something. Did Kiraser badmouth Baal somewhere?

Yeah Shernish posted a link to his blog and Doness a follow up post after

And Shernish expected me to like, attack Kiraser lmao


I’m not going to go through the effort of translating Russian. Regardless, to badmouth another figure of the community because of their passion for the story, when on the community council, isn’t a good look.


A Forum Attack Dog Weirdo - or as the scripture calls them, FADW - might be good at what it does… but who does it belong to? Who does it serve?

Who would you serve as a FADW?

Baal has made it clear that he is not Shernish’s FADW.

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I had doubts about Kirasar when they came here asking for topic ideas. Not that it’s a bad idea or anything, mind. I’d do the same…

… After I first posted issues I have with the story direction and lore. Because that’s what I got chosen for from the sorting hat, and I applied because I have very specific things I’d want to say.

That Kirasue had only posted an introduction before asking us for ideas was kind of strange to me.


I just saw the translate button at the bottom of my screen. I’m posting on my phone.

“But it’s just k-k-k-ombo. Because this is not just an argument about a false racial stereotype for the setting. Because it’s mainly promoted by a person who seems to want to get a job as a writer at Blizzard by burning the racist stigma on current writers and listing himself as an alternative guru on racial correctness. For this is the most important thing for a writer.”


Will never


Thanks for the link Shernish. I think you used to link his blog even before he got put on the Council. One of the Council Members is a Blood Elf Priest who was already on my ignore list before they get on there. I was surprised to see “View 1 hidden reply.” on the Council Forums.

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Also, I don’t know what “k-k-k-ombo” means. Is that a phrase in Russian?

Combo. Translation defects.
Edit. M… The perfect storm?

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I am not certain, but my guess :

“Combo breaker” is a thing people say.

“C C Combo breaker” is also a thing.

And this :

It looks like it was a dog whistle. Well, more a blow horn.

Maybe I am too cynical, but by using that letter 3 times, and in the context it was used, I see something intentional.


I passively followed your Twitter for a bit and can I just say holy crap. Like every other week some random person has a problem with you like you’re personally messaging each and every one of them to call them racist or some stupid nonsense.

I’d say I’m surprised at how much backlash you’re getting just for pointing out racist things in a video game but… well, I’ve been in gaming spaces long enough to not be surprised in the least.