New Colossus Smash and Warbreaker animations on PTR are bad

Even the most visual CDs and ones that already make noise people either ignore or it doesn’t matter because so much goes at once. It’s why there’s Weakaura packs and other addons.

You mean bad players.

If you tell me you cant tell when a ret paladin is using wings lol

So, Mes and all the other R1’s that use WEakauras and other addon packs?

It’s in Mes’s weakaura pack. Though I guess suddenly you’re better than r1’s and know all about PvP despite negative w/l ratio in Shuffle (Supposed to be meme bracket as you said)


Thats a bit different. They use those packs to stay on equal footing. You dont need those packs to get to 1800.

Ok and?

I never said I was better than rank 1s.

Yes solo shuffle is a meme bracket

Not really - it’s about being aware of all the CDS you need to be aware of at all times - even if you miss the initial keypress of them with all the visual clutter.

You called them bad.

So, you’re worse than bad?

One you haven’t gotten to default MMR with CR yet.

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I can understand wanting the alert but if you need a weakaura pack to tell you that a ret uses wings then IDK what to tell you.

You took the statement out of context as usual.

Nope, just better than you.

Aww I love how you move the goalposts. First it was " I could never hit 1800" now that I have its something else.

The salt is real that I have equal ratings to you and didnt need a w/a pack lol

Idk what you want to tell Mes and all the other top rated players.

Nah, it’s what you said.

Clearly not, haven’t caught up in rated or %'s. I even got mine early without inflation - and on most classes. The non-caster Warrior is very easy.

Well, early season it doesn’t start you at 1890 - now it does.

No you don’t.

Someone made the assumption I use a WA pack but the funny point is you use DBM+Big wigs, WA, and all that stuff to raid and still on bench.

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Have y’all seen the Hunter ones?
They just added zoom lines to a few spells. So disappointing lmao.

As for CS, I don’t mind the animation itself but I don’t really understand it. Why are weapons falling and shattering? Should it not be armor that is shattering?

Instead the weapons should be stabbing into the target, not falling away from them.

I am not telling them anything. I am sorry you cant comprehend the game is different at high end than it is at low end.

Its not.

LOL inflation is your excuse now? LOL always an excuse.

Its a safe assumption since your complaining about being able to see wings.

Why would I use both? They both do the same thing. And all it does is show timers.

I use very basic weakauras.

You act like this is an insult when I chose to be on bench and not trial till next tier rofl.

You enjoy embarrassing yourself as awlays.

TBH I think its supposed to be the weapons hitting the armor and the armor shattering

You tried to.

It is, I direct quoted it.

1890 is currently the starting MMR, which you haven’t hit yet.

Can generally see wings, never said I couldn’t. Sorry about your literacy issues. Perhaps you need a WA for it though? Maybe you’ll get to my rating with the assistance of addons?

No I didnt, reach harder.

ANd you still misunderstood it.

I was actually playing at 2100 MMR in greens.

Im not the one with literacy issues. Youre just big mad im close to you in your preferred game mode in less time.

PS you were the one saying you needed WA packs not me.

Yeah you did, you called them bad for using WAs…

No, it’s what you said. You tried to imply it - and did so towards me twice.

You’re under my CR with more games played than me - which were played early in the season without inflation. It’s okay that you can’t even get there on an easy one.

Yeah you are.

Quote it, then? Otherwise I’ll take your concession.

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Nope. I did not.

Nope, your comprehension is just awful.

Keep making excusesand moving goalposts.

Nope thats you.

You wont ever get a concession from me because you arent smarter than me. You just enjoy embarrassing yourself

That’s yourself, you keep claiming I said stuff I didn’t while claiming you never said something I quoted multiple times.

Lmk when you learn to PvP, Snoz.

Hmm, your claim was…

Wonder if there’s a difference of NEEDED WA packs to ‘Hey, people use WA packs because of visual and audio clutter.’

Please, the reading rainbow will help you.

You already did, you couldn’t quote it.

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Let me know when you ever break 2k in a non meme bracket.

I did. Your literal first post.

I get the armor breaking spell effect, and what seems to be in large part a re-use of the Whirlwind animation, but the random Hellreavers and Gorehowls flying around all covered in an anomalous white substance is really throwing me off.

Already did, current day too. Sorry you seem unable to.

No, you didn’t. Thanks for your concession and admittance to your literacy issues.


Check PVP shows you not breaking 2k in any arena bracket rofl. Why you lyin?

Aww you said it whether you want to admit it or not.

Except the title achieve, oops.

I genuinely feel for your family.

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