New Colossus Smash and Warbreaker animations on PTR are bad

I said a non meme bracket and 2k rbg rating looks like you bought it rofl.

I guess you missed this part

Imagine losing an argument so bad you try to involve peoples families

Right, which I got it in. Thanks though.

I sure couldn’t, seems to be a daily occurrence for you though.

Not according to check pvp.

So again why you lyin.

You lose every interaction with me. Its why youre so mad I am catching up to you in shuffle.

It’s okay that you can’t figure that out either.

Incorrect, and provably so. They all go just like this one, I disprove something you say with evidence and you sit there going nuh uh with no basis, fact, or evidence.

I dont care what it’s for or why they did it. They waste time and resources for stupid crap when we still need utility and more damage! They should just remove it all together and all warriors get demo shout back.

They should just make new animations as glyphs. Allow players the option to use new animations or previous ones.


You should probably focus more on improving your rotation. Warriors dont have bad damage. You do

Thanks for the advice huntard.

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Should I link my warrior? My posting avatar doesnt change the fact you have a 37.5 overall performanceand an 18.9 overall by ilvl in heroic which shows you dont have basic rotation knowledge.

And how many times have i done heroic raid? You arent very smart or understand how statistics work. :clown_face:

How is that relevant to you not knowing your rotation?

I know how logs work and that being carried by gear and parsing full greys byilvl is a rotation issue

Tell me you are an elitist dbag without telling me bother. You expect everyone to know all the mechanics of raid on the first try and have perfect rotation? I literally ran it one time to get aotc, not that i have to defend myself but good lord man get over yourself.

Make excuses.

Where did I say perfect rotation? PS the mechanics are the same for everyone. What your logs show is a complete lack of knowledge on your rotation

You mean you got carried to aotc

This game has so many issues that needs addressing and they think this is one of them? The animation for Colossal Smash is fine, it’s always been fine

Jesus loves you my friend. And so do I. Release your anger.

When that pathetic hunter plays a warrior ill pretend to care about his opinion till then the effect is out of theme for a warrior. Phantom weapons are more DK or Paladin effect. If they don’t want to change it at least give us a glyph choice as hitting a big pack of mobs and seeing 3x weapons pop up for each hit is bound to effect some people’s computers.


What the heck about a Warrior needs blue sparkles?!

LOL no anger to release. You complained about lack of damage and I suggested you fix your rotation. IDC if you fix it or not but your complaint isnt valid

Someone is about to eat crow

Says the guy with the largest mountain of rotting crows in his back yard.

It’s partly change for the sake of change, to make it look like they’re doing something. I think another factor is they wanted an issue for players to argue about as a distraction from some other, bigger issue they want to deflect attention from.

Not at all. Because I can back up everything I say.

You clearly don’t know what that saying means.