New Colossus Smash and Warbreaker animations on PTR are bad

Yeah they’re terrible. The ghost weapons are certainly an idea. But having them animate after the attack has gone off, and the fact that they don’t strike the enemy is just stupid.

I invite you all to add your voice to the feedback on the ptr forum. There is a fantastic alternative shared in there which Rulord whipped up in 20 minutes. It’s way better than blizz’s ones.


It looks very weird and out of place

Oh, I agree, in fact, I have been against Paladins being weapon summoners since all the way back in Legion, really sad to see them pushing this fantasy even on warriors now.

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they look pretty awful, ghostly spectral weapons floating around is not something a warrior should/would do

you crack the ground open with a stomp and spikes and rock/lava coming up dealing damage, because your are massive strong, not spectral bs like a death knight or a paladin


I dont play arms , but I like them.

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Keep the ghost weapons but change the attack animation back to a stomp please.

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hides my “I like the new animations” sign

Y-yeah their bad…

(For real though I do like the animation, as a fan of over the top nonsense I really like summoning phantom weapons as a warrior)

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Jfc…did they at least fix the sound issues for certain warrior/race combos?

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You know they didn’t. Hence why I shelved my Kultiran warrior.

Blizzard should bring back the Warbreaker animation from Legion, I believe it had the best visual effect for that spell.

It looks like a mobile game sharted! Petition this abomination to be deleted from the code base immediately!

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I like Warbreaker’s whirlwind into downward smash animation.

But overall I don’t see the necessity in the large weapons. The armor crumbling animation is fine.

I think the design intent is for the spell effects to feel more flashy and cool, but I don’t think this is working out.

Modern Blizzard devs aint it

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People not realizing the change is for PvP.

Where is it stated that it’s for PVP only? Even in the PTR patch notes it just says:

Can you please double-check before you say something inaccurate.

Can you please read what I said before trying to look smart and falling flat on your face?

No where did I say the change was made for pvp only. Please learn to read so you dont embarrass yourself again

PvP is too visually cluttered as is, people use weakauras to know when cooldowns are pressed.

Generally yes because some animations for CDs are hard to see. Which is why they have been making CDs more visual.

No, it’s because there’s way too much that gets pressed especially in quick succession. Too many CDs go out constantly.

Way to miss the point.