New class tuning june 5th

Yeah but Epic BG’s, holy holy, the dmg is so real. And sometimes, when we ball together, the fire mage gets to cackle as we all literally melt in a giant ball of death.

As a team, man! Together as a team!

It’s kinda cool. Yah gotta admit, it’s kinda cool. Even on the receiving end, it is kinda cool.

True but whenever a class gets buffed there’s always an influx…

? Am I missing something where did they get a damage reduction on physical

Okay, broxikar. Calm down

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My biceps are bigger than your head.

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Its a talent p sure. Demon hide or something like that.

Now do the one about counters!

I think I missed that one. Been pretty hit or miss with the forums over the past 6 months.

Oh yeah duh I forgot about that but I don’t see a buff to it?

Or Am I crazy

TBH I think the mastery nerf was good, Resto druid healing is fine it’s just that we OOM extremely quickly. We have access meld drink however which prevents us from getting healing/mana buffs - even if drinking is self CCing yourself and difficult to do vs competent players.

N.B: If you see two replies to your message, sorry…my original reply got removed for being ‘inappropriate’ even though I had nothing offensive written in it - and was signed off by a human apparently. If this wasn’t an automatic system delete and somebody manually reported…lmao get a life.

bald and short lmao

yeah but bgs are completely different from arenas.

as I said, the damage is fine but in arenas the fire mage struggles so hard to survive and do damage at the same time… sometimes I lose games even doing like 30% more damage than the other team because I can just die in an instant… its so frustrating

I feel a bit liberated my boy

First of all EW and where are the affy buffs?!

Looking forward to some Frost DK buffs! Wait…

these are simply not needed

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hope these never come

It’s 50/50. Since FDK is bottom of the barrel right now on every PvP tier list (the only spec lower than FDK is augmentation evoker :joy:), I’m hoping Frost DK’s get overtuned and OP for War Within S1.

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It seems to have its place in 3s

Frost DK has probably the best cc chain in arenas right now. But the spec’s overall damage is low enough that it suffers from being more of a support class than anything (which is probably why it’s ranked at the bottom next to Aug Evokers in current tier lists).

I’m not saying FDK is unplayable—I’m an FDK main and have run it to Duelist several times when it was bottom tier (BfA)—but it could definitely use a small buff at least to sustained damage.

I also play Ret Pally and the difference is night and day in rated arenas. My Ret’s @ 2400 in Solo Shuffle, it was easier pushing 2100-2400 yesterday on Ret than games @ 1900 on FDK.

can vouch, I have significantly an easier time on my DH or WW than I do on my FDK. Having to heavily rely on your teammate to play around your kit in a solo gamemode is extremely frustrating.

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