New class tuning june 5th

Maybe instead of complaining about a GO based spec being bad in solo shuffle just go play unholy and replace the unholy spell icons with frost ones?

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true we should give sub 20% damage on evis and shadowstrike

WYM? Casters donā€™t have to cast anything anymore and I still have to cast fear,ua,MR drain soul and drain life COME ON MAN! Was looking for that zero cast time buff!

Aff lock is OP right now idk what ur smokin


Idk if id call it OP otherwise it would be all over the ladder lol. Its strong late into the match but long matches dont really happen that often

Nerf desintegrate now!

As a long time Holy Priest player (and a busy mum) Holy Fire should have been given a PvP nerf 2 years ago when Burning Vehemence was first added to the game.

Holy does half of someoneā€™s health bar in a single Chastise window every single time itā€™s used, itā€™s ludicrous how much damage we do let alone the fact weā€™re a healer spec; crits have nothing to do with this, you can fire off 3 Holy Fires, a Mindgames and the Chastise itself on someone every 45 secs and only one of those GCDā€™s exposes your healing school while also gaining healing from doing so.

Maybe the rework we received that upped how much HPS and increased our uptime on damage had something to do with it.

Here we go againā€¦

Brother youā€™re cooked.

Man its been awhile since Iā€™ve done some real 3s but these solos end quick

Ya meme bracket matches donā€™t matter.

They gotta when we are in there for six rounds.

Iā€™m still waiting for Grounding Totem to be taken off GCDā€¦

Especially since they made Ele spamming instant casts on GCD 24/7, you can literally never use it in time.

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Holding a global adds to the skillcap

More important buttons, especially defensives should be on global

Elemental dying because they were too busy slamming meatball, or a Ret not bubbling because they were hammering Judgement is good gameplay. Rogue always having an out via their off global vanish, cloak, step to ally, evasion, etc, is not.


Yeah but then it should be consistent.

  • Warri Spell Reflect
  • Warlock Netherward

basically the same but not on GCD as far as i know.

Personally i think things like Bubble etc could also be off GCD, but i can understand why people think that big live-saving CDs like that should stay on GCD.
But regardless of that: Spell Reflect, Netherward and Grounding do not belong to this category.

@ ā€œSkill Checkā€ and ā€œsaving your GCDā€:
Imho Grounding isnā€™t comparable with something like Bubble, since you cant predict it most of the time like you can predict your low HP.
If you are Ret and you are on 20% HP you can save your GCD but as Ele you cant save your GCD the whole game waiting for the enemy Priest casting Mind Games or Shaman casting Hex.


This is mostly agreed upon.

We should also get rid of cheat deaths while weā€™re at it!


Preach buddy!

Maybe dota ruined me (techies/tinker/prophet meta any survivors in the chat) but the idea of spending a long time in a decent ranked experience is A-OK with me

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rushing midas on prophet and stealing creeps from supports with ult + midas is peak dota

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