New class tuning june 5th

In arenas fire mages are just dead the whole time. The damage is fine but sometimes it is impossible to stay alive. It is way worse compared to arcane and frost

Just a reminder

Fel rush is a .5s GCD

on a 7s cd

because its ā€œfunā€


Blizzard waited until after I already achieved my season goals on hard mode. Well played.

Still stoked af for these changes though, and also the dh nerfs :slight_smile:

It actually really is, though.

Honestly yeah. Iā€™m not a glad and I donā€™t feel holy priest was as oppressive as a lot of people say it was (yes I know it was an AWC golden child) but I think a nerf to instant cast damage and stun cooldown reduction is perfectly reasonable

Really good nerfs all around imo. The only thing im surprised not to see is ret pally on the list.


I dont get DH buff/nerf.

magic dmg will hit em 1% harder, but theyll be tougher vs phys damage now?

Weird AF Resto drood buffs.

Moonfire costing less makes me think the devs are cognisant that Rdruids have mana issues but they donā€™t want to give Rdruids any direct healing buffs because of the potential amounts of mastery theyā€™ll have access to (even if itā€™s been nerfed 15% in PvP).

Should be interesting to play around with.

Itā€™s a flat nerf. Magic damage hits them 5% harder and DH deals 4% less damage. You misread.


The nerf to mastery was too much imo. I know resto druids were dominant at the time they did it but what they really should have done is nerfed cyclone and left healing alone


Rdruid healing is already insane


Oh man, I had no intention to playing anymore this season but I guess I should get my last queues in before every lobby is ret/hpal/hpal and every time I target someone they get bopped.

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Am I the only one surprised to see them nerf hpriest damage and not touch pres? Any game Iā€™m in vs pres they are doing half as much damage as the dps and have more than half their mana bar remaining when I oom if I make it that long.

Skill issue then I guess. Iā€™m having a lot of trouble keeping solo shufflers alive as druid even with full hots and stacked mastery. More trouble than Iā€™m having when playing as other healers anyway

Pres should be high risk high reward

As long as you donā€™t have to risk your mana bar anyway

What should I reroll to


Iā€™d agree with that. To make Holy Fire even do decent damage it needs to crit (most H Priests in PvP have between 9-11% crit) and needs to be talented to deal extra damage.

I donā€™t know what changed, last season pre-AWC I saw very few H Priests, yet now people feel they are oppressive.

Pres damage is no joke, Iā€™d love to see a 5% flat nerf to that and give Cyclone a cool down, or allow it to be dispellable (outside of Mass Dispel)

I mean donā€™t get me wrong. Iā€™ve been playing rsham for like six seasons now and I can hop on hpriest and do like 40k more hps consistently with basically zero effort comparatively. Can also mindlessly send chastise from max range and instant holy fires to help my team kill stuff on demand without having to worry about keeping flame shocks up on people if I want procs to do literally ANY damage. Hpriest deserved a bit of a nerf. I believe pres is a higher skill cap but it will do like 220k hps and more damage than any other healer. It kind of reminds me of how sub rogue was last season. Harder to play than other mongo melee but really overtuned, and it feels like blizz doesnā€™t really touch it when it should because there is lower representation due to the difficulty of the spec. Itā€™s just odd to me there were two clear top healers and they nerf one of them. Itā€™s almost like they deliberately try to make one spec head and shoulders above all others some times and I donā€™t really get it.

Buffing our flash heal by 12% and making judge and hammer of wrath do 20-35k more doesnā€™t make it an hpal meta

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