New class tuning june 5th

Games fixed

you know whats slept on

Fel rush having a .5 gcd


It’s great for anything that wants mastery/haste, yeah.

The absorb is free in the sense that it doesn’t affect the stat budget of the item. You’ll absorb a bit of damage here and there, but it’s not really anything that should be factored into the decision of whether or not you should get it.

oh i misread. good catch

thought it said increase reduced from 30% to 25%


I mean… Castweaver is a god in any BG setting. It’d be a war crime to make them gods in Arenas, too.



i mean they tried something and recognized it wasn’t a good edition to the game

i hardly think “peoples tears” were the driving force behind that decision because if so dh,rogue,bm hunter ect would all be literally unplayable


And no nerfs to pure dps outhealing hybrids, perfect, what a good bunch of devs (there are none, I know).

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Never bothered :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


They have nerfed DH how many times this exoansion? Most nerfs or buffs aren’t solely based on metrics and data. Public perception is a huge driving force behind many if not all the pvp related nerfs

Nerf Rdruid.

And none of them have been enough.


nah i’m saying it because me having a mythic trinket week 2 of BFA season 3 that did 14% of my damage was really stupid, but go off nobody

Yeah good point! They’re amazing at listening to feedback hence the meaningful ret/dh/boomkin nerfs

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The class never should have been created in the first place.

A balancing nightmare.

Let it stay nerfed and forgotten by the playerbase.


Should’ve been a tank spec. Why blizzard why

Because they’re delicate little caster lizards.


Nerf monks

X/Aug/Healer was just a boring comp to queue into that gave teams a lot of longevity to potentially never do anything right but outlast the enemy and win by default, much like X/PPal/Healer.

I’m not a big time arena guy, I mostly play a few games here or there when some people are trying to play some chill games for fun. Playing guaranteed long matches that you might lose without really feeling like you were getting outplayed just wasn’t fun for anyone except the people queuing it (and I’d even venture most of them didn’t love the gameplay, just the win ratio).

Should honestly just do some Aug redesign, designate it as a healer and make them a viable second healing spec like Holy/Disc is for Priest so people who like Aug can play it without it being an issue. They’ve really upset the balance of M+ as well.


Why did they only nerf 1 PvP item, and not even by an amount that makes it inferior to PvP pieces?

The procs just make the bullion stuff straight up better than PvP alternatives, because you get the same amount of stats as PvP (or more) and an extra effect.

Buff PvP ilvls by like 15 or riot


idk how bad they actually are nowadays but this is pretty proven with how little it is played. Every evoker just plays dev.


Psure it will still be the go to for any melee 2h user that can wear the leggo. yes nerfed but still free extra dam. it also still provides more vers than a regular pvp ring, and most of the classes that used the ring can sac some secondary for alittle crit. not really a change tbh all this does is make less dmg happen in an already damp meta.