New Class / Race Wishlist

Night Elf Paladins PLEASE


Sure it is. If Blood Elf Druids were a thing, could always say there were some among the Blood Elves that studied the Void along with the rest of the classes available to the Void Elves.

Kul’tiran Paladins.
Night Elf Paladins.
Void Elf Paladins.
Gnome Paladins.
Forsaken Paladins.
Mechagnome Paladins.
Highmountain Tauren Paladins.
Human Druids.
Blood Elf Druids.
Void Elf Druids.
Dwarf Druids.
Worgen Monks.
Goblin Monks.
Lightforged Draenei Rogues.
Draenei Rogues.
Tauren Rogues.
Highmountain Tauren Rogues.
Void Elf Shamans.
Night Elf Shamans.
Zandalari Warlocks.
Mag’har Orc Warlocks.
Draenei Demon Hunters.
Orc Demon Hunters.
Human Demon Hunters.
Forsaken Demon Hunters.
Troll Demon Hunters.
Dwarf Demon Hunters.

Gotta say I like the idea of Orc and Draenei DH if only for the lore aspect of them being the races most directly screwed by the Legion, but then again it seems too little too late now with the Legion gone.

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Since Shadowlands aren’t going to give us new races or classes, Blizzard should have thought to give all classes the 4th spec, like druids.

Paladin - RDPS (Officializing shockadin)
DK - Heal (Necromancer)

Hunter - Tank
Shaman - Tank

Rogue - Tank

Mage - Heal (Something about time-travel)
Warlock - Tank
Priest - MDPS

Can’t think of anything to do with Warriors and Monks, since they are the most boring classes ever.

With how many races have mingled together, and how many weird lore things have come into play, I genuinely don’t think there’s any class/race combo that couldn’t be justified. I would only advocate for restricting DHs to orcs, belves, draenei and nelves just because their lore and starting zone is a little stricter. Everything else? Fair game.

Tauren rogues, orc paladins, nelf warlocks, literally who cares? There’s outcasts and outliers among every race, and frankly if anyone’s gonna be the one weirdo gnome druid on Azeroth, or something, it’s gonna be a Champion.

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Night Elf Paladins – but tweaked to reflect that it’s Elune they’re paladining for, not the Light.

Draenei bards. No, seriously. Remember the Draenei inns in Legion, seemed like everywhere you went there was a draenei playing a harp. And WoW needs a bard class, darn it.

Tauren Rogues. If that gigantic monstrous Fel Reaver in Outland can always freakin’ sneak up on the unwary, Tauren should be able to sneaky-sneak too.

A healing spec for Hunters. No, stay with me here, it’s canon for Night Elves. Do want.

Kul Tiran Witches. Not mages, witches. Whole new different kind of caster class based on the witches in Drustvar.

And while we’re at it, Troll Blood Mages.

I could go on. I won’t. …I really really wanna though.

Wardens with 2 specs like dh but healing instead of tank and bard class who’s rotation plays out like playing guitar hero and some form of void melee hero class that inflicts insanity maybe creates mirror images and has some chaotic moves In the rotation that could do different things each time however that’d definitely be the hardest to balance I imagine but a melee class that’s old god esque and plays like a wabbajack in Skyrim would just be super fun

Vrykul for Alliance, Mogu for Horde.

Light-forged Orc would be interesting lore wise. I want to see how the alt-universe Garrosh kiss up to yet another power beyond reckoning.

Centaur for Horde. There’s already a character in comic joined the Horde, so why not. In exchange, the Alliance gets Ramkahen.

If we’re talking about adding classes, wish Blizzard kept that Runemaster class before scrapping it. Maybe too late now what with the Demon Hunter, Monk, and Death Knight taking pieces of the class.

I’m honestly in the let everyone be everything camp at this point. But if I had to narrow down specific ones, draenei and orc demon hunters and Nightborne druids would be cool. You may think druids wouldn’t fit Nightborne, and I’d agree for most specs. But Balance feels like a really good fit for them with its focus on moon and star magic, and a race only fitting one of a class’s specs hasn’t stopped Blizzard before (Forsaken priests). Besides, maybe the arcan’dor would have sparked a curiosity in the Nightborne to pursue the class.

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There’s no real argument against draenei rogues. There are draenei and broken rogues in the game, even… A lot of broken seem to go that way, actually.


I want so bad a spiritual class in this game(which I think SL wasted a huge opportunity on that) and many races has the background to support it.

Trolls and Tauren could be the backbone with Witch Doctors and Spirit Walkers amalgalm while the Alliance has it with Draenei Auchenai and Wildhammer Dwarves


Honestly, Shamans could just be re-purposed for this I think.

They’ve always sort of struggled as at the Jack-of-all-Trades Class, and often seem to get set aside in favor of preserving class-fantasy for classes like Mages. Monks, or Druids. But, of all the classes, the Shaman class has always had the strongest functional ties with “Spirits”. Even our Elemental powers stem from relationships with Elementals, and we already have quite a few abilities tied to spirits.

I would be pretty happy if Shamans were sort of aesthetically retooled into “Spirit Talkers”, and given even their more elemental abilities a more “spirit” flair. Druids deal in the Natural World. Monks are “Spirit Users”, in that they temper their own spirits for power and strength. Shamans build relationships with denizens of the inner planes: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Spirit, and Decay.

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Interesting way to see it as “spirit” was listed as the 5 element alongside the primal 4 we know (Although it’s said Azeroth has eaten most of it). But going back to the spirits, it seems Blizzard has put anything related to the spiritual world and the dead linked to Death Magic.

This is why I think it amerits a new class that could work as a more neutral approach with more exotic ways of fighting than the classical necromancer we have in different games.

There are 6 primal forces, alongside side the magic ones. The four elemental, Spirit, and Decay. Of these, Shamans have always had a strong lore link to the first five; and really only have a lack of direct connection to is Decay. A new class would work of course, but perhaps with how depleted in Class fantasy Shamans have truly become … I wouldn’t mind us just dialing back the Elemental Obsession and reasserting the Spiritual one. Orc, Troll, Tauren, and Draenei Shamanism cultural practices have a lot of reverence with Ancestral Spirits after all.

Nightborne Druids wouldn’t be that unusual, given the Kul’Tiran and Zandalari Druids.

Nightborne even have these Grove-Tenders all over their starting area:


I think the difference is that Druid strengthens nature, while Nightborne “shapes” nature with arcane energy. Elisande once mocked Tyrande and the Kaldorei as “hiding in trees and cloaking yourself in false piety. You have grown as savage as the trolls that skulk about your forests.” Her opinion doesn’t represent all Nightborne, but it does explains why the majority of the highborns NE (who sided with Elisande) appreciate arcane more than nature; they consider it a backward disgrace. It’s possible that Nightborne could be taught druidism, but culture wise they don’t have the affinity.


Yeah, the Grovetenders are essentially just professional arcane gardeners. They’re not supporting nature, so much as they’re making nature something useful and pretty for their convenience. Even Troll Dino-Druids and Drust Druids have some varying types of reverence for the natural world. That cannot be said about these NBs with what they are doing with nature.


Which is perfectly mechanically fine from a gameplay perspective.