New class in 10.0? (Speculation)

Yeah. Pretty much.

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Hey man, at least you own it. I can respect that. :slight_smile:

I mean, this is like playing skyrim only to say that you don’t want dragon in the game or playing call of duty and whining about people killing each other with gun…

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You literally have 2 specs from different classes named Frost already.

Yes, the Mage version of Frost is based on the WC3 Archmage. The DK version of Frost is based on the WC3 Lich.

Don’t like technology eh? Racist


Which is a point of mine that we already have too much ability overlapping between class. Demon hunter/warlock, holy priest/holly paladin, mage frost with both frost dk and resto shaman… Can we just have a new class that is his own thing??? Instead of having a class that does nothing more than using magic ability from school of magic already used by many other class???

Blood knight would already be better and take less from other class than that weird haft class haft race idea.

Blood DK says hi

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I’m not really expecting a new class any time soon, but I wouldn’t mind the following:

Tinkers sound really cool and I have a few ideas for characters to make for if they become playable. I would hope they would be available to more than just Gnomes and Goblins, however.

Necromancers are my most wanted class, but I’d be very satisfied if Warlocks got a Necromancer skin.

Bards sound like they would be a lot of fun and I think they would be really interesting to see.

If we do end up getting new classes, I hope we get more character slots per account to go with them. I’m getting dangerously close to the cap and I’d want to make at least one of each spec of any new classes.

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Not really. I can avoid all the steam punky stuff. Like I’d avoid a tinker class. I’m not begrudging their existence, because I have no stake in wows writing team. I’m just saying that to me, personally, I’m less interested in that than I am my next dentist appointment.

Which is why they are far from being the best choice compare to tinker but would still offer something that dk don’t which is range blood user.

Meanwhile nearly every kind of dragon ability would be close to something that already exist.

Fire ability: we already have fire mage for range and shaman for both range and melee
Frost ability: We already have frost dk and frost mage for both melee and range
Arcane ability, we already have arcane for range
Nature ability for healing: We already have resto shaman and resto druid for that and even mistweaver could kind of count.
Earth ability: we already have shaman for that.

Nearly everything is already use.

Well if you don’t play the game you can other wise no. You can’t avoid all of those:

Raid have many engineer boss like in SoO, Blackrock foundry Dazor’alor ( the gnome leader) and dungeon have even more like mechagon,gnomeran, the train dungeon in wod.
World content have many of it to like mechagon who was literally haft of a patch content.
Geblin had many moment in Bfa and even a big appearance in Legion cinematic.
Expedition island had group of them.

At this point avoiding them is like avoiding Wow story and content which lead to the question as to why are you even playing that game?

Good question. Habit at this point. Or just keeping in touch with my friends. I actually bowed out for most of legion and WoD because of all that stuff. BfA had the goblin dungeon, which I hated. And DoS has the mechagon wing, which I hate. But I can do stuff I don’t like. Like I eat my vegetables lol.

The world isn’t built in absolutes.

I hated mechagon. I hate mechagomes, too. They exist, I just don’t play them. Tinkers will, in all likelihood, exist. I’m not going to quit the game or whine about it if they do, I’m just not going to play them.

Affinities/elements can be presented in new ways to fit a new class.

Alchemist and Tinker could be part of the same class.

Alchemist could be the healing spec, and they could use their gadgets to throw potions (alternately the was a “bandage gun” in Legion that was being made by Flintlocke IIRC, that could be incorporated somehow if they so chose).

I’ll ignore the obvious troll and hit you with these:

There may be more, those were just the ones I could locate in a short time. These are from Bastion or Ardenweald. Not sure if Revendreth or Maldraxxus have (or even would have) them or not. Regardless, the signs are there that “magical musical instruments” do exist. It wouldn’t be a far stretch to think in our travels we would have a few people that would learn how to utilize this magic in a new way.

You must be new here:

There is the template. Most of WoW was pulled from older games, and this class could be very similar to this template. I’ve posted this before, but I will reiterate that Bards could be light fighters (somewhere between Warriors and Rogues) and use their music magic to heal, buff, debuff, and even cast things like Frost Or Fire.

The link I provided doesn’t mention it specifically (it gets mentioned in the chat below), but these characters had access to weapons that could breathe Fire or Frost (with limited uses). This could be incorporated like a spell instead (think Dragon’s Breath or Cone Of Cold or other similar spells) so Bard could be more than a “support class” like so many people seem to think it would be.

I could see that, honestly.

All of these things are items and have never been part of a class system in any Warcraft game.

This isn’t even Warcraft. Nowhere in the lore does this class exist. Every class that has been in game since its inception have been part of the Warcraft universe somewhere in the past. Death Knights, Monks, and Demon Hunters were added because they were popular classes from the RPG days. No bards.

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Blizzard has already said they intend to use Shadowlands as a “reset button” for what’s happening in Azeroth.

There’s no reason they couldn’t add something that wasn’t previously in the game(s) when that occurs.

Besides, with as many times as they have rewritten the lore, do you think they REALLY care THAT much about it?

Edit: I will add though, that I am more passionate about Tinker (with a tank/healing/DPS spec set) than anything else. Bard could be more than “just a support class” or “just someone who stands back and sings” and there are examples of how they could make it work in a way that would make it stand on its own.

I’m not saying they couldn’t add something new. I’m saying there is a small subset of vocal people that keep asking about having a Bard class, and the classes from the original game should take precedence.

Historically, the developers have never implemented an April Fools joke as a serious addition to the game, and I hope they never start.

Retconning isn’t really changing the past, rather adding to it for a future story’s continuity. That being said, some little things have been changed, like Chen’s place of birth going from Pandaria in WC3 to The Wandering Isle in MoP.

Here’s a list of all the retcons in Warcraft lore.

You’ll see a lot of minor instances, but it’s relegated to just that. You also have to remember that most of the Warcraft lore was mainly solidified in WC3, minus a few instances.

Lastly, which do you think would be easier to write a story for at this point? What I mean is, Tinkers and Alchemists already have a history of being in game. Even some current NPCs, like Mechatorque’s title of High Tinker, already suggest there are other Tinkers running around.

Bards would come out of nowhere. They could only be introduced with an expansion that went to another world or universe, and I don’t think we’re going there for a while, since the next expansion should be an Azeroth story, since we’ve been away for so long now.

Maybe in the future, but I don’t see it happening.

Umm, Pandas would like to have a word with you…

Chen Stormstout was a Pandaren Monk in WC3. He may have been added as a joke in WC3, but became popular enough to incorporate into WoW.

The issue with Bards is that you have a concept with no direction, no hero, and no abilities.

Death Knights? We had Arthas/Lich King, and we had the DK hero from WC3 that had unique abilities.

Monks? We had Chen Stormstout, and we had the Brewmaster hero from WC3 that had unique abilities.

Demon Hunters? We had Illidan Stormrage, and we had unique abilities from WC3 and HotS to pull from.

Bards? We got nothing but some wayward items and vague references to some musical instruments. We have no hero and no unique abilities to pull from. It doesn’t help that multiple classes have sound/music-based abilities already.