New class in 10.0? (Speculation)

With 9.2 most likely being the last patch of Shadowlands it probably won’t be long until we start seeing new shiny stuff from a new xpac! Do you think that we will see a new class come 10.0? If so what do you think it might be or what would you like to see.


Yes, we’re going to see a tinker/mechanic class.


In ascending order of my personal enthusiasm:
Tinker - 0 enthusiasm
Necromancer - 5/10 enthusiasm
Dragon Rider - 10/10 enthusiasm


I don’t see the appeal for Tinker or Necromancer at all.

Tinker is already available through the Engineering profession, and it’d only take minor tuning to make the profession feel like a sub-class like it used to be.

Necromancer is already available through the Death Knight and Warlock classes, and it’d only take minor glyphs for Demonology Warlock to make them use Undead like Unholy DKs.


I don’t know if we’ll get one or not. I’d keep expectations tempered on that :sweat_smile:

But necromancer might be possible. A new re-envisioned type of necromancer based off anima magic we see the covenants using. Something more benevolent and spiritual. We could say we learned these teachings in SL and brought it back. Or if that sky hole stays open then maybe covenant emissaries teach us.

The dark plagues and zombie Scourge type necromancer I wouldn’t see ever happening though. That one is redundant and clashes with death knights and warlocks.


Hopefully not.

Any time spent on a new class should be spent fixing the talents, instead. Easily half the talents in the game never get taken by anybody.


Hope it’s elf spell breakers. Each elf race gets their own version to fit their lore, with only 1 spec.

  • Blood Elf Spellbreaker - heavy magic resistant, mana burn, and interrupt abilities. Highly effective against casters and all magic. Can use magic buffs to prevent damage.
  • Nightborne Spellblades - magically imbued melee assault using arcane, fire, and frost abilities. Heavy focus on weaving through each magical damage class (sort of like a Boomkin).
  • Nightelf Wardens - mix of melee and mid range attacks. Heavy emphasis on roots, chains, slows, and imprisonment CC. Uses barrage of deadly long range glaive throws and close range attacks to burn down groups of enemies. High mobility to hunt down its targets.
  • Void Elf Voidbreaker - Originally trained as Spellbreakers, they now use void magic and corruption to create rifts that summon creatures of the void, empower their melee attacks, and even protect allies through spatial rifts that can bring them in and our of harms way. Think Demonology Warlock mixed with a Warrior.

what is a dragon rider?

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No new classes pl0x, new specs on current classes.


We really don’t need more Elves.


It’s not more elves, just cool classes they can be.


How is a Class meant for Elves only not mean more Elves?

We already have one Elf only Class and that’s plenty.


Bard was the only hints I been seeing for a couple expansions now.


A lot of classes would of fit really well into Shadowlands. But we got nothing so who knows if anymore are even on the table.

If I had to rank them though from most to least likely

  • Tinker
  • Dragonsworn
  • Bard
  • Necromancer
  • Blademaster
  • Dark Ranger

Necromancer I’d hope…it’ll come to the game eventually, but now is a great time.

and no people, necromancers are not death knights lol

nobody cares about tinkers really. not even in war3. i’d be very surprised if it was even a thought (just my opinion - no need to send the gnomes after me)


Class concept based on dragon isles. Dragon knight/dragon rider/dragon born etc. Seems like the new team is eager to close the old teams book, so could be anything.


Tinker, I think has the most reach IMHO.

But honestly, it could be anything. I don’t think anyone after WoD was expecting DH but here we are. Truly it depends what the Expansion is centered around.

The gnomes are coming to break them ankles! :smiling_imp:


They’ll be servicing our personal airships in 10.0.

Personally, I’d be putting Bard as number one right now.

There’s been a lot of clues in Shadowlands that lend to that theory.

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At this point I sure hope they add a class with 10.0

With the current state of WoW they need to pull out all the stops to get players to come back. Maybe throw in a new race for good measure