Tinker can still have the same ability as engineering without hurting them. At the end of the day, tinker ability are usable only by them while engineering can craft thing and sold them to other people so its not a problem.
People will still need the kite or will want some mechanical mount that can only be craft by engineer.
It’s not even that, I don’t want to play an elf. Bad enough I have to for demon hunter. WoW needs to be less restrictive with its races and classes. Same with the factions. Either lean into wpvp or do away with the factions and let players actually play their characters they way and with who they want. Without wpvp or pvp realms, there is no war in Warcraft
Yeah. I hate when people can’t be neutral and not biased about those think. I use to want shadow hunter more than any other class but when people reminded me that they would kind of be to much between shaman and priest, i didn’t continue to argue saying that Wow still needed more than anything. I realise that they were unlikely and stop asking for them.
Necromancer feel like the same for me. I am a Sylvanas and dark ranger fan so of course i also love necro but would they be that different that DK and Warlock? Nope.
Tinker are on the other side. I wasn’t the class that i wanted the most at first but over the time, i realised that they were just perfect for so many reason and what was we needed more than any other class. They just check so much case to not be playable.
I guess they could add a few more race + class combos into the game if it fits the lore. I believe I saw a night elf paladin NPC in Legion. Would also be a great chance to finally give Zandalari the ability to be warlocks like they should have been from the start.
Also I’m pretty sure the “War” in Warcraft these days is now there because we are constantly at war with hostile forces that aren’t the opposite faction.
There is also quests in Wrath when you are opening up the crusader area where there are undead crusaders using pally shield interrupts and self heal with unholy light
Where is the war? A few lines of dialogue that says hey we hate those guys over there on the blue team while we wave and help kill mobs out in the open world?
Horde burns a civilian population and yet by the end of the expansion “hey there fellow azerothian, let’s team up and fight the baddie.” Over and over. I’m supposed to be at war with the Horde but yet care that the Jailor snatched up Thrall and Baine. The sentient races on Azeroth have to be the dumbest in the Universe as time after time the titan they are riding in gets attacked by a world ending threat and right afterwards they start killing each other again. Until the next time.
Oh, I’m sorry. Our characters are not dumb, we’ve all just been tricked by the Jailor over and over again.
the burning legion, the scourge, the iron horde, the burning legion again, the old god, the naga, the maw… Those aren’t war? The faction aren’t the only thing that exist in this game. Pvp isn’t the only way to be at ‘‘war’’…
Thinking that horde vs alliance is the only war possible in warcrat is just one of the dumbest take that you and a few other people whine about. And its always take as seriously as now…
And? I don’t think that if i search ‘‘war’’ in the dictionary its going to tell me that its need to be done by either the alliance of the horde in a game called world of warcraft…
So what now? The WW2 wasn’t a war because neither the alliance or the horde was include in it?
Not going to happen. There is already a Lock and DK class.
Ummm false on the 10/10. Never heard anyone talk about this let alone what even the heck this is supposed to be. 100% chance of not happening ever in any sense.
So? Tinker has a lot of possibilities and it won’t have to affect Engineering. Plus, I don’t really know anyone who does raids/m+ etc. using Engineering toys. Tinker can be all 3 specs. Ranged, Healer and Tank. Tank could use a Mecho Suit (like Druids have Bear form) and use rockets and other forms of things to tank. Heals obviously “spells/skills” would be fun concoctions of tinker type stuff that throws out heals from aoe heals to single target. Ranged could use all cool types of “spells/abilities”.
Are you obtuse or just argumentative? You responded to a point I made about opening up class, race, and faction restrictions. If we are not fighting each other, then the faction system is useless. Who cares if we fight someone else, but if we do we don’t need factions. If we are fighting each other, then cool let’s actually do it.
Where? Bards are singer/songwriters. How exactly would that ever be a class in WoW? How would it even work? What kind of magic would they use?
You must be new here. There have been numerous calls for a Tinker class for a long time now.
Where exactly do you see these clues? Do you have to put your tinfoil hat on to see them more clearly?
Really, a Tinker class would fit the best in WoW. It was already a thing in WC3, and we’ve seen a lot of classes and races come out of that game. That’s probably one of the last classes we haven’t had access to yet from WC3. Everything else has a spec already in game. The closest thing to a Tinker now is a profession.
Rangers are Hunters. Blademasters are Warriors. Far Seers are Shaman. Mountain King is Dwarven Warriors. Elder Sage was just Akama, who is a Rogue variant.
The only two classes that haven’t been chosen from this list are Alchemists and Tinkers. Both Goblin classes. So, adding both would be acceptable. I don’t know how an Alchemist class would work, but I could see it as a healer class. Throwing potions around to heal his group could be interesting gameplay. Especially if it’s more of a short range healer.
Tinkers could be tanks with their constructs, and set turrets down in an area as DPS, a la TORBJÖRN. Not to mention building pylons for buffs.
But sure. Let's hope for a class that will sing...
Blizzard likes to tease classes. I have seen a bunch of bards in shadowlands zones. They were in Legion class halls.
They teased allied races early too in Legion. But bard has been hinted at since Legion as well.
Bard would be a nice first new caster class.
Ranged sound magics, whatever school that would be. Maybe physical magic. Or I would like a new school of magic called sound magic. Could be a mix of physical and maybe like another school, sound is vibrations in the air, maybe sound would be physical and nature? Could have a fun dps spec called siren, or doomsinger. Would be cool if they had songs of different schools of magic like shadow (cc/death magics) , fel (chaotic songs with random effects), water(frost) like drowning/ccs, thunder (nature - sound magic would be nice as thunder is the sound of lightning) damaging/support, holy for healing (like holy priests hymn).
ETC from hearthstone would show how they do bard tanks.
And healing spec with buffs to allies as a dps option instead of damage spells would be nice talent options. Something like mercy damage boost in overwatch, lucio is basically a bard healer.