New class in 10.0? (Speculation)

I’m hoping for tinker if anything just because it feels more mundane than the last few classes added. Whatever gets added (if anything) I hope its another triple spec class with tank/healer/dps

I’d prefer an additional overhaul per class.


  • Frost becomes DW 1H only, so they can finally get their damn weapon drops. Obliterate cleaves. BoS enhances and enlarges RW instead of being the “you will probably mess this up” cd of the dungeon.
  • Blood generates bone shield slowly over time. For the pull.
  • Unholy gets clawing shadows baseline, lots of pet variety.
  • Raise Ally does not cost runic power.
  • Auras are back.
  • Wraith walk baseline, talent adds another use, like paladins.


  • Nerf meta, provide much more access to it.
  • Longer uptime for demon spikes
  • Normalize orb generation to be PPM from all attacks and not dependant on carpal tunnel syndrome from your fracture key.
  • Bring back the dodge frame to havoc.


  • Mark of the wild, Trees and innervate in all specs
  • Fix berserk, blood talons and primal wrath, give feral a poison bomb equivalent, and Shroud. This is literally the worst spec on earth.
  • Convoke is a talent
  • Give them at least a fraction of the attention to form cosmetics as were shown to the night fae this expansion.


  • Survival can now dual wield like every other famous dual wielding Hunter in lore ever. And it’s a tank spec.
  • Turtle is a true immunity. MM and BM get a mechanic that creates effective CD reduction of all aspects every time they use an aspect.
  • Aimed shot does not cancel unless the player has no target at the release of the cast.


  • Aren’t they already perfect? Just ask them, they’ll tell you.
  • Icy propulsion has been one of the most fun borrowed powers ever and I hope to see it return in some way, but I’d also like some visibility for glacial spike, ebon bolt and comet storm.
  • Shorter chill phase for arcane.


  • Flying kick for everyone.
  • Can move during whirling punch.
  • Fix the last bug in storm Earth fire.


  • A much more active auras system for paladins.

Priests get nothing.
Stop hurting little kids.


  • Outlaw changed to Combat, is now a tank spec. Firearms and pirate references removed. This tank is high APM, high mobility, weak on DR cds.
  • Bard added as a healing spec to rogue. Can play a guitar like they play your girlfriend.


  • Enhancement is now a tanking spec. Be real you haven’t seen more than one of these a week in years anyway.
  • Available to many more races.


  • All specs now build entire shards predictably instead of cinders and random tic chance cancer.
  • Life tap provides targeted player with mana at the cost of the warlocks health (has a CD).
  • Silence removed from fel pup, given to warlock.
  • Drain soul baseline for affliction.
  • Internal is a 90 sec CD
  • Demo can cast while moving while a very powerful demon is summoned.


  • Learns to read and write at an elementary level.

We’ve had Gnomes and Goblins riding inside mechs since WC3. We had Goblins driving around in cars on a highway system in Cataclysm, which came out over a decade ago. This isn’t even counting all the tech stuff we saw in BFA.

The idea that adding a technology/steampunk class that does the very same thing is somehow going in a “new design” direction is absolutely silly.

I’m forced to disagree. For starters, a “Dragon class” is a highly vague concept. What would a “Dragon class” do exactly? Breathe fire? Use fire magic? Coat melee weapons with fire? We already have that in the game on multiple levels.

Let’s move over to a “Tinker” class; Every WC3 hero brought into WoW as a class (i.e. every expansion class) has brought over their ultimate ability. The ultimate ability from the Tinker is the ability to summon and pilot a mech. So essentially we’re looking at a class that can pilot a vehicle in combat. And no, not like the clunky mess we got in WotLK, but a vehicle that is form based much like the Druid class. However, since it’s mechnical-themed, that opens up the concept to mechanics not possible in the Druid class.

Let’s consider some abilities here;

Eject: You eject from your mech, launching 20 ft in the direction of your choosing.
Self Destruct: You destroy your mech, launching yourself 20 ft in the direction of your choosing, damaging all enemies in a 10 yd radius around your mech.
Park: You leave your mech, allowing it to rest in place.
Remote Control: Remotely control your mech from a distance
Combine: Merge your mech with one of your active devices, increasing your power and granting a new ability.
Transform: Transform your mech into a new vehicle

Something like that would generate far more hype than some generic dragon class.


Tinker existed since WC3 and have been more relevant to the game over the last few expansion than every alliance high elf together… Don’t see what ‘‘forced’’ you see in that.

Maybe you should have quit at WC3.

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What if they throw a curve ball and either add more specs to specific classes (such as gladiator spec for warriors or a tank spec for shamans) or have cosmetics that overhaul spell visuals for certain race + class combos.

E.g. Lightforged Draenei are able to be priests but there is no freaking way that they can ever be shadow priests based on their lore. With this idea I have, whenever they are in shadow spec, the visuals and the buttons are all light based spells (they only look like light spells but they still deal “shadow” damage to keep it balanced) to fit their race theme because pretty much any contact with the void would destroy them. Doing this would also change the spec name “shadow priest” into something else (not sure about spec names yet). Same thing applies to Void Elves but it’s the exact opposite.

If we’re going for simpler stuff. Just add Tinkers into the game, remove the engineering profession and move all the crafted vanity items from it to blacksmithing.

This. I just can’t get what people mean with it. Like dragon is a race, not a class. A dragon class would be what? A regular class using some dragon ability? I don’t recall seeing dragon using enough ability to create 3 whole spec…

On the first post, i saw someone mentioning dragon rider… What the hell does it do? Being a mage but moving on a dragon instead? Its not like your speed will increase that much or they are going to let you flying while fighting…

Tinker just fit to much everything we need right now.

WC3 hero: Yes
Range dps: Yes
Range weapon user: Yes
Mail gear: Yes
Something that is isn’t that close to a other class and wouldn’t steal them to much: Yes

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Maybe they could make cosmetics for our spells to make them look more dragon like if they are truly going in the dragon isles direction. This game would benefit a lot from more spell visual customisation.

Like haft of what you said are change that already happen at every expansion, no need to make it a whole feature. The other haft are change that are going to be hate by those who love their spec currently and would quit if they change it just for the sake of it.

Like as a warlock, i hate the ‘‘entire’’ soul shard idea. I just want my ember shard again.
My second main is a enhancement and i hate your idea of making it a tank. That would make me stop playing by Shadowland main.

If enhancement was a great spec we’d see people playing it. It barely registers on the radar of active players. Outlaw and Survival are widely despised.

At this point I’d consider just not adding Tinker a huge win.

Well since they like rental system that much, they can just give us dragon ability as the system and take it out after the expansion. But even there i just don’t see what a dragon spell look like outside of breathing fire. Dragon a intelligent race that learned to use magic like us so their spell ability aren’t that different and their physical ability is mostly just striking us with their claw…

Fire mage already have a dragon fire ability and it just fire with a dragon head on top of it… What would be the other? Everyone would end up being a Natsu? The last thing i want is a fairy tail expansion…

That’s the thing though, you don’t need to remove engineering to bring in a Tinker class. The Tinker as a concept has it’s own set of abilities from WC3 and HotS that don’t exist in the engineering profession at all.

In addition, engineering would actually be HELPED by the addition of a Tinker because you could add Tinker-based items that only engineers could craft.

For example, imagine engineering being able to craft appearance mods for Tinker mechs? Like if you want your mech to be black instead of silver, or have your mech have four arms instead of just two? The engineering profession could be the exclusive home of these products and the profession crafters would make tons of money from new Tinker players. Heck, Tinker players might just roll engineering themselves so that they can make their own mods.


Because they keep insisting on making it a support spec which impact their dps and no one want that. Enhancement are a awesome spec in shadowland, they just need to make them better at dpsing instead of helping other and people would play them more…

Speak for yourself. The game is dying so i don’t see how not adding something new as a class would help the game.

Its not by giving us something we already have like necromancer or that weird idea of a dragon class that they are going people back.

We’ve already had enough of those kinds of borrowed power. Lets stray away from that.

Idk what a dragon visual spell would look like but I’m sure the art team can come up with something.

Only thinking like a few spells per class would be visually modified and it would be optional. Maybe some sort of dragon firestorm visual to replace bladestorm for warriors.

Just brainstorming ideas here to make the game more cosmetically fun.

I just feel like it would look weird. Dragon are a race and i don’t feel like we need to have dragon looking ability because that just don’t mean anything.

If anything, i would prefer that they come up with a new humanoid dragon race with dragon skin that would end up playable as a race with a few dragon racial ability. That seem like we easier and make way more sense.

You hit the nail on the head. The Tinker is the exact same pedigree as the other three expansion classes. More than likely you’re going to see the abilities of the WC3 Tinker and Alchemist, and the abilities of Gazlowe from HotS combined into a class. You take those abilities alone (there’s over 20 of them) and you have the skeleton of class that is completely original, takes nothing from existing classes, and does all three roles including ranged DPS.

Again, this is a no-brainer. Compare that to any other concept and it’s laughable that we’re even having a conversation/debate about what class is next. ESPECIALLY after getting no class in the Sylvanas and Necromancer heavy Shadowlands.

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Hmmm good point. Never thought how engineering could be improved upon instead of taken away when the Tinker is added.

If they do make the Tinker class then they got to have jumper cables as a res and a battle res. Also have thrown bombs as an ability like how older players used to use bombs from engineering in their rotation.

Tinkers don’t throw bombs, they launch bombs/missiles/charges. Tinkers in both WC3 and HotS use mechanical platforms to deploy weapons.

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Ok noted. Don’t mind me then.

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It’s cool. People don’t know much about the concept, and I’m more than happy to discuss the concept with people to clear up any misunderstandings.

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