New class in 10.0? (Speculation)

Let’s be honest, nothing we say or do right now will effect 10.0, but these are my top 3:


Bard is already pretty well established in The Warcraft lore, kind of…What I mean by that is, Sound Magic is already in the game, so the Bard doesn’t even need to be the instrument playing type, it could just simply be a player that uses sound magic.

Sound has many capabilities, it can Sooth, Hype, Damage (ear drums), Stun/Incapacitate, Heal, Detect Invis/Find Objects (Sonar) and create Barriers.

A Bard could easily have a DPS, Heal and Tank Spec, and could be a much needed 3rd Mail class.

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given that they already had necromancers available but scrapped it i think it was in WOTLK or something? don’t recall i know they scrapped it though. plus the scourge issue in azeroth back in BfA.

other then that i mean i can assume tinker which is the most realistic one lore wise atm imo since what BfA? but even jists of it prior for a LONG time.

if dragon expac then i can only assume we will get a druid like class but dragon related. meaning a tanking spec, range dps, healer, and melee dps. i mean all dragon aspects kinda cover those anyways.

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No more than frost DKs feel like a copy of frost mages or holy paladins feel like a copy of holy priests.

I’m guessing no new classes, but class skins specifically void elf voidadins :octopus:

If its dragon isles like a lot are speculating tinker would make very little sense.

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I’d rather not have another class that is elf specific.

It’s not but it’s inevitable as it’s the easiest way to get players to return to try new content

see the player spikes in WotLK, Pandaria, and Legion

Just to spite us, the next class will wear leather.

Haha totally.

All I want is a Mail wearing Class with a Ranged spec. We’ve never had a new ranged spec added so now would be the time.

Tinkers seem to fit the bill. They can have a ranged DPS, Heal and Tank spec.

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Part of me wants it, but another part of me wants them revamp the class design for 10.0 and go back to MoP. You know, learn what made the flow tick in that expansion and how the current class design can be loosened a bit for the sake of fun.

But if they were to make a new class I would love a tinker kind of class that could summon turrets and stuff. Although they’ll probably never make a pure passive turret based class, because it would be too overpowered. But I feel like it could be a unique gameplay.

You lay down turrets and spend the rest of the time supporting the party, as a healer maybe, or a support dps person. Imagine, if your buffs are strong enough to increase others throughput by 20%-30%, to offset your own lack of dps. Or maybe like a utility support that occupies healer slot, buffs others self-healing, and concentrates on utility and some dps instead. Would probably be a nightmare to balance though.

no more elf stuff ahhhhhh

We really don’t need new classes, current classes break wow as it is.

Your a DK. You should know your a necromancer. They would copy/steal from your skills completely from unholy.

What’s a dragon rider? They would never make a mounted class work. Dragon rider style class works in games like Skyrim and rpgs, not mmorpgs.

Tinkerer has too many questionably bad things about it…would never work.


We have frost dk and frost mage. Holy Pally and holy priest. BM hunter and Demo warlock. Demon hunter had the same argument for years. It’s doable.

Hard no on that.

I see this argument a lot, but it makes very little sense to me.

The “new team” has been around since WoD. We simply would not have been getting expansion after expansion that relied heavily on nostalgia for existing WoW staples if this were the case.

Even if we did get a dragon isles-themed expansion, I would expect it to play heavily into the lore of dragons that has been around since Wrath and Cata. So what “book” are they closing, exactly?

I still can’t understand why Shadowlands didn’t had Necromancer class

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I think next expansion would make more sense for that. Shadowlands is the spirit realm. If we’re back on Azeroth, can raise their soulless corpses! :smiley:

If it’s not a Tinker Class. Then 10.0 is a waste of an expansion.

This guy gets it.

We already have a class that summons and controls the undead.

What “would never work” about tinker?

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The whole concept doesn’t make sense, it basically steals from every other class.

Robotic helpers - engineering pretty much. Also count as “pets” and we have too many pet classes as it is. Would also basically be shaman totems.

Robot suit - Druid bear form or DH demon form. Been done.

Throw renches or other stupid stuff- nope, dumb class. Nothing they could throw would be cool. Sur hunters already throw bombs.

I don’t see anything “original” they could do.

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Why does everyone want Tinkers? Give me more races. Forget the classes. Give me Tuskarr or Vykrul.