New class in 10.0? (Speculation)

No, it really isn’t, and there have been plenty of threads over the last few months fleshing them out in a way that shows that. Additionally, there are plenty of mechanics that boss fights at various levels over the last few expansions have had that would be a likely basis for such things.

If you “can’t see” that one, you need to go back through the forums and find the threads explaining them.


Break the pavlov conditioning in relation to the expectation of getting a new class on odd numbered expansions (which was squashed with SL not getting one but not entirely eliminated).

What we have now needs to feel/perform better.

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“Give me no new content, until we reach the impossibility of perfect balance.”

Yep, sounds like fun. /s



This is my guess too, I don’t think we will get the “Traditional” Necromancers people thinking about when it comes to the class. I think we will be getting Necromancers based on the covenant Necrolords, soul/anima based skills with a few frost/shadow frost spells… (completely different from DKs and Warlocks), I think it be great for a new caster which we’ve never had so far and possible new healing spec with an actual pet that helps heal which would be unique to WoW.

The Primus, “literal father of Necromancy who created it”, seems to be more invested into the factions other then the rest, I feel come wrap up on prepatch his gift for helping Shadowlands is the knowledge he has.

Which Races will this be available too I’m not sure but it could be a future lead up on a new class.

Tinker and a more fleshed out Dark Ranger class could be possible too but I feel like they may be too limited in race choices, honestly I dislike like Demon Hunters are limited to one race per faction.

But in the end we can only guess and create theories and wish for the best outcome for any new class becoming available, even new races may be on the “no go zone” for next expansion aswell.

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Seethe more.

Not, angry? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Was just saying. That’s what I read any time someone says…

or it’s many iterations.

Balance is subjective, and pleasing everyone is impossible. Thus perfect balance is impossible.

Could Blizzard improve? Sure, but it will never get to the point where you or majority are happy. Or atleast it’s highly unlikely. :man_shrugging:

Which also means not it’s a “good reason” to not introduce more classes. :slightly_smiling_face:


I used to be able to do this:

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With how much half the community flip’d its lid over the different Covenant abilities, I seriously doubt that.

Is very interesting idea, perhaps similar to the dragon aspects in WoW?, two forms like them and how the current Worgens work being able to switch from a more humanoid version (depending on your race you select which may have dragonesque features Horns or possible certain areas with skin scales), but when in combat you transform into your pseudo dragon/humanoid form.

May be a lot of work but I’m sure would get great feedback from the community.

If they release the necromancer, it should be themed around shadowlands, not necesarily a warlock clone.

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Bard class seems off.

Look around in this xpac. There are plenty of clues, and there are plenty of us that have shown how it could be more than just a “support class” like people seem to believe.

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I want a class thats ranged hopefully and can be a healer but is also just as visually exciting as the demon hunter is.


Maybe a Merchant class who can:
–use any kind of armor or weapon,
–ride any mount
–+50% rep gains
–100% bonus to vendor sell prices, 40% discount on shop prices
–no AH fees
–convert one soulbound item to account bound once per day
–Ability to interact with both factions’ NPCs
–No faction NPCs aggro to them unless they have a ‘hostile’ debuff gained by attacking players/npcs of a faction
–Sales Pitch ability to randomly slow confuse or daze or pacify enemies
–throw bags of fake gold or food to distract enemies
–double bag space
–double effects of consumables
–summon battle pets to aid them in battle
–talent or high level something to summon mounts to aid them in battle (not riding, just mounts doing /mountspecials and damage happening)

And their combat spells/talents could basically be all the engineering and alchemy weaponry that takes up bag slots, except it’s just a spell button and no actual crap taking up bag slots.

Maybe spread all that over four specs, and each spec gets one of the armor types and select combinations of weaponry/abilities.

climbs back into his Fel Reaver mount!!!

Edit, Merchant’s minion can be a 100-slot pack animal that players can vendor stuff to, and the merchant gains posession of things sold to their pack animal if they had that much gold on their person.

I’m not actually sure that this community really wants another class or spec added to the game. 36 different specs is already a lot, combine that with there only being 20 raid spots, 5 dungeon spots, and 3 spots on an arena team. It seems that some classes still struggle to get representation at high levels, so adding more will just make that worse. To compound the raid problem, you already have 6 mandatory classes to have at least 1 of (warrior, Mage, warlock, priest, monk, demon hunter), unless you’re trying to pull off the world 1st M U’unat comp (pure ranged caster comp). There are already complaint threads about being declined from dungeons because of class, this will only make it worse.


So you want Blizzard to stop adding new content to the game, because of a inherently player made problem? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Where’s the logic in that?


Not what I was saying, I was asking if a new class is really the right form of new content to add.

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I mean fair question, I suppose.

IMHO, there’s no “good” reason to NOT add more classes.

Whether it be your example of a player driven issue or the most common one of balance. Which I see as nothing more then sputtering for new content to never be added to the game again, in the hopes of reaching an impossible level of “perfect” balance.


It’s also the increasing challenge of making a spec that doesn’t share a theme and doesn’t share gameplay of another already existing spec. Does necromancer dps feel like a new class if it is a direct functional copy of demonology warlock?

I mean fair point, with more and more classes. The harder and harder it becomes to make them diverse and not have a sense of overlap.

I know very little of the idea of Necromancer. I’m more of a Tinker person :grin:

But I’d like to think that DH (besides using Demonology Warlock as an early apha way to test Meta) did a fairly successful job at maintaining a unique play style without taking much if anything at all from others.

Even if it’s a fairly basic melee class.