Or even a caster bainshee class. Would love to see a necro as well.
How will the player power in Legion still work? There’s no weapon upgrades in Legion and the new class would be stuck with a green they can’t upgrade unless they move on to another expansion.
They don’t need player power. Legion wouldn’t be current content, and once you hit 45-50 (max level would be 70) you can solo all of its raids and dungeons. You can do that now.
It was made up by players so is very unlikely.
OH! I did not know it was in other content; I’m wrong
Necromancer seems way more unlikely. We already have Warlock and Death Knight, Necromancer would seem superfluous. Original content would be better. I would even think a “Witch” would be more likely.
I can’t see “Bard” either since I remember it as pretty much totally a “support” class in EQ. Classes have to be able to solo in Wow.
Didn’t they already explain that? Maybe not.
Obviously the class would be “Post Legion.” Think of DK, which starts at level 50 (or “did” rather ) Any new class would start at BFA level/or above. Perhaps you would need a max level player character, for when the class came out, to start a character as that class.
That’s the main reason it is suggested so thoroughly. All our current new classes have been based on WC3 hero types and units. Monk,DK,DH all of them were in WC3. And tinker was a super powerful unit in WC3 as well.
Personally I’m indifferent to it, I don’t like tinkers because azeroth’s tech is just loads and loads of pollution, every mech and gnomish or goblin creation is just visually spewing out pollution. Not very visually appealing to me personally. But I understand some people like that sort of visual theme and might like the class because of it visually.
The Tinker hero in WC3 and Gazlowe in Heroes of the Storm and Reforged suggests otherwise.
We haven’t gotten a new ranged/caster yet as a new class… I think it’s about time.
Tinker would finally give us another ranged class, and it would ideally use ranged weapons too, so Guns, bows, and Crossbows aren’t limited to two specs of hunter.
Death Knight canabalized all of the Necromancer and Lich abilitites from WC3…
If a Death Knight has all of the Iconic abilitites of a Necromancer. I’d argue that they are a Necromancer.
Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.
I would love a tinker in a mech suit, but I would also like say a dark spear shadow hunter that can be melee and a ranged… or maybe a light based dps caster to go with the light isn’t always sunshine and rainbows… or even a dark ranger or a bloodmancer would be cool… I would also settle dh getting a caster spec if they allowed orcs and Draenei to be demon hunters (something other than elf)
Considering we saw Draenei Artificers since burning crusade, and Warlords of Draenor was full of Orcs using guns and missiles, and mechs. I actually had those two races high on the list for Tinker.
Right behind Goblins and Gnomes.
My big hope is that the next class we get isn’t Edgy. That’s one big reason I want Tinker.
I would like more battlegrounds to be added also. That would be cool.
A fourth specs for everyone.
Ranged yes. Especially physical ranged that uses guns or bows. I don’t know why people want more casters, we have way too many casters as is.
You can argue all you want.
Death knights are death knights.
Necromancers are not death knights.
No one who wants to play a necromancer class is just gonna sit there and play death knight instead because you decided you’re afraid of another class using the same power source.
Sorry if it’s something you do not support.
Necromancer is still the top class I want to see and there is no reason that it has to take from either Warlock or Death Knight especially not now.
Tinker seems like the only potential playable class left from lore or that isn’t similar to any current playable class.
For example…
Necromancers are like Death Knight Warlocks.
Dark Rangers are like Hunter Warlocks.
I’m not really arguing. Just stating the facts as I understand them.
All of the Iconic Necromancer and Lich abilities from WC3 are already in WoW, and they are on death knight.
Now, you could argue they could take these abilities away from DK, and make a Necromancer. But I would rather have a class that does something new.
That is a perfectly fine opinion to have, no one is contesting that.
Tempering my expectations, doubt we’re getting new class, race or race/class combos.
Dream scenario? Leading up to Shadowlands, during the seasons of Confirmed Leaks™, one of the leaks laid out a prestige class system that would bring cosmetic, not mechanical, changes to each class. That would be really cool, potentially , without throwing a wrench in the balancing act.
Their fate matters very little when you look at what they gave Night Elves as their “getting back at horde” arc from Teldrassil. I’d prefer they not TRY to wrap up every single mini-story in the lore and just focus on a main-story that is robust and makes sense.
Re the Tinker idea, it would be awesome to see a little female gnome running around with a giant bazooka on her shoulder.
That’s just what the game needs, 13 unbalanced/untuned/badly designed classes with dead talents instead of 12.