New class for upcoming expansion?

I don’t really see it…

The only thing they really seem to have is the raise dead bit.

The rest is all just Death Knight abilities expanded…

Necromancers have plenty that could be filled in from then, though I normally am looking for more use of the Maldraxxus abilities added as of SLs.

Those new spell looks and uses fit fine with the old necromancers from WC3 and there isn’t any reason they can’t still add in similar abilities between the classes.

Taking abilities from death knight and warlock is unnecessary.

Necromancers are neither warlocks or death knights.

In other games (and in general), I’d agree with you. However, Blizzard specifically had Necromancer in mind (and Runewarden, btw) when they made Death Knights.

So as far as Blizzard is concerned, Death Knights ARE your Necromancers.

You’re not likely to see a version like you can play in Diablo. Pretty sure that ship has sailed.


Sorry for late reply, AEST time zone here.

But like I said it’s different in terms soulstone it’s more like Reincarnation, it’s a self rez that doesn’t use a Brez, which Soulstone does, regardless how you look at it.

Also worth mentioning, the Phylactery’s used in Maldraxxus, like I said remember we going of Necromancers in Maldraxxus not the traditional ones you keep thinking off play more like Alter Time+Reincarnation, we’re it resurrects the “caster” at the location of the Phylactery…

I am in no means against other classes, Tinkers, Dark Rangers, Dragonsworn whatever, with a little thought they all can be unique to their own… but I’m just saying the Necromancers from Maldraxxus have little to no similar skills as DKs and Warlocks other then being able to summon a pet.

Edit: Warlocks Soulstone is unique, it’s a pre planned Battle Rez, saves so much time in raid Prog too, in no means am I saying to take this spell or anything similar. I’m a Warlock main, I love it.

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Now I think on it they could have a talent to switch it from a self rez to a totem like turret or another to make it into an AoE effect.

We see some Lich use theirs to fire deathbolts and make death tornados.

Could be neat.

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The possibilities are literally endless, for every class, the only limit is imagination. Aslong as they stick to the theme of the class/fantasy it all can work.

Look at Shadow Priests, who would of ever thought they’d get Void Form, but it works and sticking to the theme.

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As long as it’s a caster class… every single new class that’s been added has been melee



There’s no balance for the ones that currently exist.

There should be no new class until after Blizzard actually balances the game.

I feel like there will never be true balance to the game. And that was long before they started adding new classes to the game.


Not my fault Blizzard chooses to not work.

I’m all for this, I’d love a Caster Class that potentially could wear Mail!!.

In a perfect world I’d love Blizzard to go crazy next expansion, release multiple classes and races, give players an abundance of choice and replay ability, so incase of another content drought we have much to do.

Nothing feels better playing a Fresh Class or Race in my eyes. :heart:

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Yah i would not mind a caster class myself, or a more hunter ranged like class. But any class is fine by me. A tinker as people throw around alot, would also be cool. I have always been a sucker for goblins. I mean they are the most teched out race in wow other than gnomes, and i guess what we saw in draenor with the orcs.


I have said it before, and i will say it again. But world of warcraft is like super smash bros. You can never have to many races or class combos in this game. And you can never have to many characters to fight as in smash.


I’m the exact same!, the more choices the better, I’ve never heard of any game having to many choices being a bad thing!.


I feel like balance is something that comes up alot, but the game has never been perfectly balanced, no matter how many classes there are. I play classic back when it came out, and dang were some of those classes broken. But they eventually figured it out. Same thing with any new class they might add.

I think their are notable examples of certain characters and classes being to broken though. Meta knight in smash brawl had a permanent up b move if you knew how to use him. Seal of blood in bc was pretty broken as a paladin seal. And death knights were super broken when they were released for a while.

It happens. The game feels pretty balanced in retail with the classes currently to me.


I’ve played WoW since Dec 2004, the game has never been balanced, I’d say the closest it ever felt was MoP more so cause all the classes felt good to play, but even then their was a “Meta”.

That’s why I’m against when people say no classes till they balance what we have, if we go by their logic we would never get anything new…ever…

The more the merrier I say :grin:


Instead of a new class just open up demon Hunter to all races And work in necromancy as a new spec to mages

Bard would be so much fun. Also would love 4th specs for several classes.

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Eh, I’d rather it be its own thing.

Though now you bring up new mage specs I want them to get a tank spec that is effectively Spellbreaker.

Either give all races the option or at least the Orcs and Draenei.

Hope not…no new class added makes it that much easier for me to no longer purchase new expansions due to pathfinder…

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