New class for upcoming expansion?

Do you think we’ll get a new class in the next WoW expansion? Seems like that would draw a lot of people back in.


The Tinker class is a popular concept that seems pretty likely.
A class that uses Guns, Explosives, Technology, and Mechs.

  • Just Like Death Knight, Monk, and Demon Hunter. Tinkers are based on a Hero Unit in WC3.

  • There were Significant Tinker NPCs in BFA. Including Island Expedition teams that had 3 specs, DPS, Healer, and Tank.

  • The New Tutorial zone, Exiles Reach, has a Tinker NPC.

  • We really need a new Ranged Class, and a new Intellect Class, and a new Mail Armor class. Tinker could be all 3.

  • With Gallywix gone, The Racial Leaders for Goblins and Gnomes (Gazlowe and Mekkatorque) are both Tinkers.


Where did that information come from?

What do you mean, exactly? Everything I listed in observable in World of Warcraft, or in WarCraft 3.

Blizzard hasn’t given an Ironclad piece of evidence that they are developing a new class. But I think Tinkers are likely, particularly because of what I listed above.


I’d like that.

I really want Necromancer, but Tinkerer and Bard are high on my list as well.

Warden I could see as well if they get a little creative.


It’s also a fully supported class in the Warcraft 3 official RPG, with something like 20 pages on crafting rules. They are extremely OP at higher levels, and have several prestige class options. They basically fill the roll of the party skill-monkey and as they get stronger they kind of migrate into a full spellcaster role through their devices.

I actually posted the base class last week


Dark ranger.

As sylvanas can’t go back to leading them (she is no longer jailor controlled and no magic to control them), many would not be down for following her since they never asked to be made that way to begin with (like dk’s said we out…when arthas’s power waned).

Horde and alliance now have undead rangers running about with nothing to do.

Inb4 Sigh, more elves…make it open race. BFA was about showing sylvanas (banshee Jailor edition) expanded the T virus program. At lordearon the zombie gas worked on race besides humans.

And nathanos shows humans can be rangers to. Anyone can really. they are basically DK’s. Dk’s who don’t wear plate and use a bow.

But but they aren’t in MOP. Not in wrath. Not in classic. Neither was a void elf but here we are. The now!


While I think Dark Rangers could Fit WoW’s Lore and universe, I do have 1 point I want to raise.

The Dark Ranger Hero unit in WC3 already has all of their abilities in WoW. Primarily on Shadow priest. with Silence and Mind Control. The most Iconic abilities of Dark Ranger. (Life Drain went to Warlock, of course.)

You compare this to Tinker, for example. None of their abilities are In World of Warcraft yet.

And on a personal note, I dont want another edgy, darkness, class.
But I admit that is a subjective opinion.

I Think Dark Rangers would be a fine fit, They make perfect sense. But they wouldn’t interest me personally.


Fair points made.

Angle I am seeing is they will probably keep sylvanas around in 10 since we must keep up the brand. She is a big part of “the Brand”.

She created then left behind a small army of super soldier hunters as it were.

Their fate to me needs to be addressed. Or…they opt to do what they did with DH’s and pretend it never existed. I used to have an army of naga and 6 armed demons. Used to. where they went? No one knows. Not even the writers it seems. We were supposed to forget this bit it seems.

they can’t do this twice. well they can. and then they rate a certified hack writer certificate then.

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She’s taken up 3 cinematic expansion trailers so far. I’m sick of her.

I’ll take expectable outcomes for 500$.

Personally I wouldn’t mind Dark Rangers, I wouldn’t parade around saying they’re a bad addition. But I don’t think it’s as likely as Tinker.

Blizzard could rip the concept from WC3, Slap some talent on it, and use the 3 specs from the Island teams.
Give them a class quest on exile’s reach. And bingo-bango. There’s your class.
If I have learned on thing about blizzard, it’s that they will do the minimum amount of work to create the maximum amount of hype.

Hope so :+1:

We don’t need a new class. We need a rethinking of current classes, specs, races & maybe most importantly factions.


God I hope they add a new class, the gameplay is getting too stale now with all the same classes and specs. The devs have said in the past they keep the imbalance between classes because they like the variety and don’t want all classes to be on the same level. So a new class won’t affect the game in anyway, just make alot of people happy.


We need a technology-based class. We have multiple races that are tech based and have no classes that fit their racial lore.


These would be such fun.

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I want a new class thats never been in any warcraft games before, I can’t think of one but I’m sure blizz can use their imaginations and surprise us with one.

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I think Tortollans are a great candidate for a second neutral race.

Also, I seen someone recently suggest a racoon like race for the Alliance, as a balance to Vulpera in the Horde. I like the idea.


I know…a balanced one.

couldn’t help myself, I will see myself out.

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Rethink gnome & goblin hunter, warrior & rogue to implement more tech. Rethink. We don’t need a tinker class, we need a tinker-type racial ability modifier.



Technically never been a real thing in wow and wasn’t in wc3.