I’m glad we agree on this anyways because I would love that class
I could care less if they ever made another class
dam man lol
What vacation was that? I didn’t go anywhere.
Evoker “battlemage” sounds like the most boring class idea in the history of class ideas. Even bards have more flavor. And I hate the idea of a bard class.
I’d take Dark Rangers over that and I’m also not fond that class idea.
I hope whatever leak said whatever about evokers is wrong. I really do.
My guess is, they’ll save any new Class/Race for the 20th Anniversary in 2024 with the release of 11.0.1.
It’s not a battlemage though. It’s supposedly a normal run of the mill caster like a mage. Glass cannon, standing still casting, cloth wearing caster.
I prefer no class, we already cant balance what we got.
Whatever they make, it desperately needs to be a healer spec.
It’s fake.
The very idea of an Evoker goes against every Blizzard class convention ever.
That’s sounds even worse.
snorts Keep telling yourself that. But mind your manners from now on.
Only one I would like to see is Dark Ranger, even though I seen the PTR hints of a Dark Ranger quest, I doubt it will lead to anything.
Not to me, I want a new caster! I’m tired of all these new melee classes one after another.
It’s really difficult to predict. The entire ending of SL was “surprise everyone is a robot”. Pocopoc companion with protective shields and light swords, the electronic music of the universe theme. Tinkers can’t really be ruled out by the April fools either. They said Tinker leakers were the new class, not actual Tinkers.
There have been so many supposed leaks I can’t keep track of them. The only thing I believe right now is the expan is called Dragonflight lol.
They aren’t going to be adding any new classes.
agreed 100 percent
Good job snorting? Whatever that means. Maybe you should mind YOUR manners child, i can’t help it if a few fruity people from the alphabet community fail in trying to get someone banned because all they do is troll the forums all day long and crawl up in a ball crying victim in their safe space hiding behind an avatar on the internet. Good luck next time, maybe work on your “interpersonal” skills, LOL. At least everyone knows what you are all about now, internet trolling. Thanks for more laughs angry little child.
Tinker being the new class along with either a 4 spread spec like Druid with every single type or culling out the melee dps spec for hybrid tank/heal/ranged specs would be probably the best case scenario.
I only actually learned recently that they’ve added negative Ranged specs to the game lol
Maybe… That just a Idea like that, but why not, a class Unique for all races no?