New Class for Next expac

Mechanic or 4th specs (3 for DH) please! I wish i could have a shuriken/kunais throwing ranged dps rogue.

Ninja specialization? lol
Wait… I want try this specs!

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Tomorrow is the day guys! lets see how disappointed we will be left this time.

Anything other than Tinker will be mildly dissapointing.

Or whatever Blizzard Decides to call it.


I predict the following Class change for 10.0:

“In order to better balance the game, Warlocks have been converted to a melee class. The range on all their spells is reduced to 5’”

What about a dragon knight

Still better than Evoker. But not by much. If it’s just a mortal dragon wannabee than it’s almost as boring.

If it’s a form of actual playable dragons, in the form of a race/class hybrid that’s sometimes suggested around here, I can be more hyped.

Either way we’ll find out tomorrow.

even as an egregiously melee stan
if the next class isn’t a mail wearing caster for at least one spec, blizzard has failed

I just hope that leak was real and we get BARDS, all i want.

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It’s either Dragonsworn based on Alexstraza HotS or the Tinker class.

but… but… I want another melee… another tank…

I doubt we’ll be getting a new class. A new race perhaps, but class would require some explaining, where were they during Legion for example.

y u do this to me mean lady :[

Simple, The Tinkers union wasn’t an Organized enough force until the Venture Co was a threat in BFA, We even saw Gazlowe and Mekkatorque teaming up at the end of that expac when the Alliance and Horde were together in Razor Hill.

Or whatever Bullcrap Blizz wants to come up with.

Another class to dip into bows/guns would be nice too.

The new class in invoker. Looks pretty cool, will definitely try it out. ITs magic / caster theme so even better.

For the tinker lovers. Sorry, it was not released. Hopefully, it gets looked up in future expansions though because it will be a nice class for us all :).

Most importantly its not a MELEEE