New Class for Next expac

We’ve literally seen Orcs and Draenei in Mech suits, but okay.

These both Work I guess. But to me it would feel like your cramming something with enough unique fantasy to be its own class onto a class that already has unique class fantasy.

In BFA, the Island Expedition Teams all were supposed to mimic real players and classes.
Except there was also a team of Tinkers, they had these 3 specs.

It’s a mech suit, not a tinker. Tinkers are like engineers…

Island expeditions… explains why I didn’t see this thing. Plus from what you’re saying is these aren’t even playable. So there is not really much to go on.

Well what spec fantasies are you talking about? Got a few spec ideas? Because Tinkers are pretty straight forward and simple.

Tinkers are a Hero Unit that rather notoriously fight in a Mech suit… Like In WarCraft 3.

Similarly to this, Druids have abilities like “Tranquility” and “Entangling Roots” Like WC3

Shamans have “Chain Lightning” and “Feral Spirits” Like Wc3

So a Tinker would have Cluster Missiles and a Mech. Like WC3

Well, Lets take your examples of Rogue and Warrior for example.

  • Warrior:
    Warrior’s Class fantasy is Primarily rooted in “Barbarian” themes, but It has Key Abilities from a Few WarCraft Hero Units. Like the Mountain King, and the Blademaster.
    So I think a new Warrior spec that is based on WarCraft would be to Focus on the “blademaster” side of things. With a stealth ability, huge critical hits, and Bladestorm.

  • Rogue: I would say take Major inspiration from the “Warden” Hero unit, with Shadowstrike and Fan of Knives. So I would love to add a spec for Rogue that leans into being a Warden more. Using Thrown Glaives, Thrown Knives, and summoning Avatars of Vengance while Teleporting around.

Every class in WoW takes massive inspiration from WarCraft 3. But A Tinker I think would be best as its own class. As the Tinker was already a very versatile hero. Able to do damage from a range and hide behind turrets, or being able to Tank up close in a Mech.
Also none of the Classes in WoW have Tinker Abilities already.

If that’s the case, you gotta expand on what the tinker does… that’s what I’ve asked multiple times. I’m not truly worried about tinker origins, because this isn’t WC3… WOW is far more complex. Rogues aren’t a fresh idea, neither are warriors. A tinker is something completely different, GW2 has engineer… closest thing to tinker.

So again I’ll ask… what specs ideas do you have in mind, because if you’re this hype to have tinkers, you should have some ideas. Which way will you go? What spec ideas do YOU HAVE. Like how earlier I brought up Priests holy melee spec, cleric. Or mage, chonomancer healing.

The Same specs Blizzard had in mind.

A Ranged Dps, that builds turrets and uses ranged explosives:
A Ranged Healer that Uses a Gun, Healing Grenades, and Healing Shots.
And A Melee Tank. In a Shredder.

Now, Personally, I have thought out ways all of these specs could work, I’d be happy to explain my ideas to you, but they can be a bit wordy. But If you want I will. I have a lot of passion for this idea. I’ll keep it short.

Any class but tinkers will be a huge disappointment for me.

To OP, another melee class will be enough for me to skip 10.0.

Where do you get these specs from blizzard? Are you talking about the non-playable characters again? Those don’t count.

Why does the tinker have a heal and tank spec? What reasoning goes behind it. Warrior, sword and board, Pally, holy light and shield, Druid, a giant ferocious bear, Monk, drunken master… I’m not against Tinker at all. Just wanna know the reasoning for tinker having those specs and also why a new class is better than a new spec for each current class. 1 class 3 specs vs 12 classes 1 additional spec for each.

I mean, Blizzard designed these NPCs to look and act like players, and they also made sure that each NPC had a different set of abilities.

Obviously they weren’t designing a class, I’m not trying to say that they were. But they very clearly made Tinker NPCs that specialized in 3 different things. A Tank, a Healer, and a Ranged DPS.

And Tinker, In a big mech.
Like what we see Gelbin Mekkatorque or Gazlowe do.

Well, Theres a few reasons.
Obviously People want a Ranged DPS, I don’t think that’s a Stretch
As for the Tank spec, I think the “Tinker” fantasy wouldn’t be fufilled if we couldn’t emulate what we see NPCs do.
Druids are obviously inspired by Malfurion, One of Druid’s most signature abilities, Tranquility, was Malfurion’s ult in Warcraft 3. And Tyrandes Ult, Starfall Is also a Druid ability.
Demon Hunters not only have Metamorphosis from Illidan, but they also inhereted the Eye Beams, which weren’t in WC3 at all.
Mages have Blizzard and Water Elemental. Prominemt abilities we see used by Jaina in WarCraft 3 and World of WarCraft. Not to mention Flamestrike and Pheonix from Kael’thas

Therefore: If we follow this trend logically, It stands to reason that a Tinker class would Fight in a Mech like we see major Tinker NPCS do, and I personally think that would be best represented as a Tank.

The Healer spec, is admitedly off-the-cuff and not really based on Anything, But it’s a common request.
It could Alternitvaely be based on the “Alchemist” hero from WC3, which was a Healer/Buffer. Though I personally picture something closer to Ana from Overwatch.

A mech isnt going to work… you aren’t goin to be in an oversized mech the who time… maybe a big skill like tree for druid.

Individual skill ideas aren’t spec ideas… I don’t understand what is difficult about what I’m asking. GIVE ME YOUR SPEC IDEAS… not blizzard’s old games.

Here is a gimme, turrets could work like totems, they could have a bomb/missile based ranged dps spec… maybe called bombardier.

I am hoping for a ranged. I really don’t want a tinker but if it has a ranged spec I’ll still be happy for that.

Maybe we should have some single spec classes for more unique things like tinker

I can already see the complaints coming for that… “my class has no variety!”, “my spec is weak!”, “Tinker is overpowered”

It would also have to be the most interesting spec of all time to be a single spec class… lol

I suppose, but people complain about everything anyways

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I actually hope they don’t add a new class… I think their hands are full with what they have now. It must become a lot of work designing new animations, sets, balancing, dedicated lore, etc. It’s a ton of work…so, they can make a new class but it’ll probably just dilute the attention the others get now. Plus, there’s only so much you can do before classes start to lose identity and meld together.

I’d be happy with more Allied Races though.

Okay, if you really want some spec ideas: Here’s what I have been kicking around

  • Ranged DPS: (Maybe something like “Sapper” or “Artilerist”)
    The Ranged Tinker DPS spec should obviously use Ranged Weapons. Guns of course, but they should be freely switchable with Crossbows and Bows.
    Ideally a Tinker DPS would focus on Turrets, and explosives. Since we already have 1 “Turret Builder” in the form of Demonology lock, I would strive to make Tinker Different.
    I Think a Turret DPS that Applies “Ammo” buffs to themselves, that also effect their turrets could be a fun and unique combination for a DPS. Think like Classic Era Paladin Seals, but they apply to you and all of your pets. While you round out your arsenal with Channeled barrages of missiles, and bombs that go through a short windup before exploding, like Gazlowe in HoTs.
    Turrets could all share a Single resource, requiring you to build Certain Turrets for Single Target, AoE, Cleave, or CC.

  • Tank: (Call it “Technican” or “Mech Jockey”)
    This entire spec should revolve around a Shredder suit/Mech. the AFMOD models we saw in BFA were no bigger than a Tauren Really, and most goblin shredders are about the same size.
    Mechanically, It should function like a Shapeshift form on Druid, where you gain passive stats, and your weapon becomes a stat stick.
    One Idea is to make Tinker a Tank focused on protecting their mech with Energy Shields, all it would take is a simple passive to convert a certain amount of healing to Overshields, and allow the Tinker to actually repair the “Health” of their Mech with abilities.
    Alternitavely, a Tinker tank could fight using Electricity to spark enemies with Thorns damage, and using flamethrowers, or shredder blades from their mech to AOE and keep agro. Tanking abilities could involve Self-repair on the Mech, or putting up a Barrier like Reinhardt from Overwatch!
    Honestly, The potential is pretty limitless as the Technology we’ve seen in WoW is pretty Zany.

I Think Single Spec classes are… Dangerous.
They invite whining about balance moreso than other classes, and wouldn’t really be able to provide a fleshed out class fantasy like existing classes.

I wouldn’t be upset about that being put in the game, still think a spec for each class is easier to do and just better overall.

This i know won’t happen, but maybe scrap the whole spec aspect and change from spec, you get addons to the suit, weapon changes and such. Kinda like Moze from BL3. It would bring a lot of variety. But that’s a shot in the dark.

I don’t have any specific new class I want. But if they want the class to be popular, it should start at a high level, easy to play, and powerful. They got it right with DH and DK.

Copy of my post on a different thread but

How about this for class background/starting scenario similar to demon hunters:

The portal over Icecrown had radiated with the powers of death over all of Northrend disturbing the eternal rest of the fallen dragons within the Great Dragonblight driving their spirits to insanity. The player character over this questline seeks to help these tormented spirits find peace and return to their eternal resting place. Doing so imparts the player with the ability to call upon the powers of the fallen dragon (evoke) in battle.

God I hope that leak is fake.

I mean it is likely something dragon focused unless the entire Dragonflight bit is bait which it very well may be.

I’m not against the idea of a dragon evoker class. It sounds fun actually. I’m all for new concepts. Unfortunate for the communities who campaign for specific class fantasies. Dragon priests tho…