New Class for Next expac

I mean, one of the leaks kinda sounded neat. Was saying that it was 4 new “Micro-classes” and 5 skinned classes that essentially had a variety mix.

I personally don’t think I’d want to see new classes and see them add new specs instead, cause my character roster is full. On top of that, they’ve used systems last 3 expansions making it hard to stomach playing more than one character, since you’d have to refarm through a tedious system again.

Though, if they did drop using systems and expanded character slots or did some other change where you could either buy new slots or alternate WoW accounts under same Bnet could act as slots. Then I’d probably think the leak with the 4 1-spec classes (Tinkerer/ Dragon Knight/ Minstrel/chronomancer) would be pretty cool.

*makes a flop expansion…


that will surely sell


Gazlowe is melee in HoTS… but Probius is ranged so who knows.

Gazlowe is an updated version of the Warcraft 3 Tinker, Probius is from Starcraft.

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They’re some heroes that clearly could be certain other classes.

For example.

Nova kit would work for Thalyssra.
Johanna a Prot Paladin.
Probius a gnome tinker

Are a couple examples.
Some of these concepts even get made into skins because it just makes sense… like Nova getting an Amazon skin

I’d be sad if it’s not tinker or some form of necromancer. Tinkers are the only class we have zero representation from and we’ve been asking for more caster necromancer representation for years, even if just a class skin for warlocks or as a spec for death knights.

However, if they go with the touted idea of a dragon race/class hybrid as a melee class, as in a fullblown playable dragon able to remain in dragon form 100% in combat with a worgen two-forms type of deal, I’d be pretty psyched.





Probably not



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Yes, it would because players are tired of getting new classes while the other classes don’t get worked on at all. Majority of the playerbase wants the classes to be fixed rather than have them focus on a whole new class.

Is class design not important to you or are you just accepting their poor class design?

Tinker or riot.


I dont think that should be a problem. Class reworks normally come with every expacs. They just need to put in way more effort then before to meet the expectations of their consumers and the product they are deploying. No more half doing the work required. SL was in beta for almost All it’s release with how poorly it was executed.

Summary: they can easily so both, new class and full rework.

This link is a post I made about wanting them to focus on class design and reworks for new expac

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Been wanting something draconic since BC days. I’d love a tinker, but I’m scared if we don’t get a dragon race/class now… well it’s probably the last chance.

A lot of people who have this idea, come from a genuine place of thinking it would make every class more exciting.

But, I don’t personally think this would end well for most classes.
SOME classes could get new specs, but others… not so much.
I main a monk, Blizzard couldn’t even come up with more than 6-7 Torghast powers for my class. I wouldn’t trust them with a new spec.

Yes but we have seen Hero Unit abilities broken up into multiple specs before.
Cluster Missiles and Pocket Factory could easily serve as inspiration for A Ranged Spec, where the Mech could be inspiration for a Melee Tank.


rather they fix classes/spec we have and bring balance for the first time.

as long as its NOT a tinker im good with anything else.

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What makes you say this, exactly?

play a surv hunter if you want a tinker…traps,bombs and harpoons.

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That’s… not a Tinker.
The Tinker in WarCraft 3 Uses Missiles, Turrets, and Mech suits.
Like Gazlowe or High Tinker Mekkatorque.
Those are Tinkers. No one would say they are Hunters.


I’m still waiting for the Peon class to be a thing.

Imagine the fun…/sarc

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Before they add more classes, they should hire more/better class developers because with the sheer incompetence they have shown in their inability to get classes balanced now with all these stupid systems they keep adding I have zero faith they will be able to keep up with adding more classes to balance. There is zero excuse or reason as to why they take so long to put out balancing patches, we should have had one every week or two but so far we had one garbage one they did no homework on(buffing Destro locks LOL) and nothing since…

I just watched a video by a certain person who is hair challenged. Apparently, there is a new leak that claims there will be a new race and class. The leak stated the class will be a caster.