New class announced at blizz con?

Who and where

a tinker is pretty much engineering blizzard can just fix the profession.

Im hoping for bard. Probably will get tinkers.

Necromancer or Blood Mage. Need a caster class, all of the new classes have been melee

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they want to play an engineering class it seams like run around in a mech suit and shoot stuff…pretty boring.

I’ve played some mech games they can be fun if done right. Just cosmetically I wonder if they would do good things like that, since they don’t do them for druids (like animal armor transmog)

Horde gets bards and necromancers, Alliance gets trash collectors and super male paladins (limited to human only).

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will do Bard only if I get to jam with the Tauren Chieftains :metal::metal:

if they dont whats the point?couldnt they just up date engineering to use turrets and pets there is no need for a tinker class imo.

Personally I would like all players to get the spec if they have engineering. Maybe for alchemy and blacksmithing too (as more support classes)

yea we dont need an engineering spec they can just update engineering if thats what people want.

Not really. I could go for a goblin tinker :stuck_out_tongue:

play a gnome hunter with engineering there is your tinker.

some sort of ranged class that deals both physical and magic damage would be nice and maybe with even a healer spec .

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I’m ready for Necromancer :smiley:

Can a gnome hunter fire flame throwers? Mount demech a mech. Explode? Tank with exploding sheep? Shrink enemies so you can step on them for extra damage? Fire a big laser via turret?

We just got a new class an expansion ago… I want more improvements and less pruning to the 12 classes we already have. And also new abilities and a new talent row!

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if he has engineering all of the above all blizzard needs to do is make the engineering profession up to date and useful again.

There are 6 melee tanks.
There are 6 magic caster healers.
There are 13 melee DPS.
There are 9 magic caster DPS.
There is 1 highly confused ranged shooter DPS.
There is 1 ranged circus lion tamer with over 1/2 of the damage melee pet.

Alleria is a void powered archer.

Sylvanas is a necromancy powered archer.

Goblins/Gnomes have mechanical artillery, rockets, bombs, mortars, turrets, mines, etc.

Support classes (Bard) don’t fit in WoW game play and are they even supported in the Lore?

They just need to add new specs to all classes especially the untouched priests.