New Class 10.0

can’t remember if i’ve mentioned it here, or in some other thread.
but “witchdoctor” a hybrid dps/healing class. 3 specs, dps, healing, and "balance’

instead of using mana they would have a sliding bar as their resource between light and dark.
the more damage they do, the further the bar gets pushed to the light side and the more powerful their healing abilities become.
the more healing they do, the more it slides towards the dark side of the meter and the more damage they can do.

would rely heavily on dots, curses, debuffs, buffs etc. so somewhere in between a resto-druid, an affliction warlock, and a disc-priest (since disc priests do damage to heal better)

(although since DH’s introduced 2 spec classes, you could probably drop the “balance” spec as being somewhat redundant since i’ve yet to figure out a way that would actually work and feel good)

this would fall into shadow hunter territory which has been split between Spriest and shaman.

Kinda sucks that it isn’t its own class type but what ya gonna do?

I am surprise SL will not bring new Class related to it… but I’m kinda guessing they want DK to shine in this expansion… I hope so actually.

However, there is a possibility, DH are missing a Third Spec and the Class is already Done…

So we could see either it being a Spec mimicking Overwatch Moira Light and Dark Healer/DPS switching mechanic with a burst of fel in it, for a Thrid or they Make the spec a Shadow Hunter and it unlock Trolls to become Demon Hunters? Nah it be too edgy…cool but I don’t think so… Although Vol’jin would be a great mentor to introduce us this new way of Hunting haha

Or neither and we get tons of Death or Vampire or Were-beast Theme Glyph to change our powers.
I be really surprise if they actually add a Class or Hero Class… or Create one we never seen before in previous games…
The Apostle Idea among others classes suggested do sound cool though… I’ve love to see any of them added to be honest.

I want to play as a sugar momma. One important spell, you can throw sugar at mobs and players, and you can control them for two minutes. You can have as many sugar babies as you want! Of course, sugar would be the resource bar for this class. Human and goblins only!!!

Because every class in the game has a 3rd spec and I’m shocked no one has even bothered to bring up the fact that demon hunters still are missing a whole one

It’s been brought up quite a bit but what would they do, what would be added that stays within both the lore and gameplay themes of the class?

Any class concept that isn’t just a poorly thought-out amalgamation of existing classes has my vote.

I don’t care


Give them a medic spec for all I care

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It’s based on Warcraft, it won’t hurt existing classes, it will be something different than every other class in the lineup, it will finally give Goblins/Gnomes a class that fits their race.

while i like the idea of tinkers, how would it fit the theme of an expansion? Also need ranged dps class.

I made a post about this and can’t remember what it said

Isn’t this why Kul’tirans got shaman because they are tidesages.

I would like to see a water-based dps spec as Blizzard has some really good animations for water abilities. Maybe they could reuse some of the animations from the watery vrykul from Helheim zone or Nazjatar.

Im all open to a new class. I don’t really understand the people who don’t want new classes added to the game. I mean, it was a thing back when the game came out in 2004 that the dev team would be adding new content, playable characters, and new classes as the game progressed. Why stop now lol.

They should add the warden class (like Maiev). It’s probably the only fraction leader that doesn’t have the corresponding playable class (we already had demon hunter so why not?).

What do you mean by this? Tyrande & Malfurion is the Night Elf faction leader. Maiev does not lead any faction, also even though i would very much love to see this, it wouldn’t be a great deal different from a rogue and how lorewise would they make it so races other than night elf could learn to be a warden?

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Supposedly there’s going to be a time skip in 10.0. There could be a scenario that without the majority of heroes around, the Gnomes, Mechagnomes, and Goblins combined their technology and created a corp of mech-based pilots to fight.

There’s also Undermine, the subterranean home of the Goblin cartels, and the Tinker Union. Originally it was planned as a continent in Vanilla. It could either come back as a continent, or as a jumping off point for an expansion taking place beneath the surface of Azeroth. Supposedly there’s also a “war” going on between titan constructs (blingtron war) that could involve the need of a technology class.

As for ranged DPS, the Tinker from WC3 and HotS had an entire ability set of ranged abilities. One of Gazlowe’s HotS builds was ranged based. So yeah, a Tinker could pull off a ranged spec pretty easily.

I’d like to see a temptress like hero class
Dominator: this would be a mid to close range dps with whips as its main weapon
Pain bearer: I imagine this as a 2hander tank spec with a mechanic of its health getting lower it get an increase dmg resistance
Courtesan: the healer spec it works by bestowing favours on its target that range from direct healing to buffs to dmg and stun resistance

Calm down JJJ

Plague Knight lol

4th spec with added roles like rogue tank, mage healer, etc.

I think we have enough classes but not enough roles between them.