** My overall feeling is we have too many melee classes in the game, and more ranged / caster options need to arrive. That Being said …*
Tinker is the obvious choice, now that we have more race options for them [ Gnome, Mecha Gnome, Dwarf, Goblin, Vulpera, MagHar ]
That being said, a 3rd Mail armor class has eluded for a long time, and likely Tinker would be mail armor … perhaps? However another Mail Armor class could be Warden. Some have Argued that Warden should be Plate, which i wouldn’t argue against, that would be cool.
I’ve always wanted to see a Chemist Class, who uses thrown Acid Viles, and entire ranges of potions, concoctions, self Enraging / harming and uses pistols only. However that could easily be a Tinker Spec
I still don’t see the appeal of a warden class. What is the difference between a warden and a rogue? Wardens use some type of magic but I don’t see the difference between that and subtlety rogues. Maybe they should just redesign the sub rogue with warden lore elements. Sub needs a lot of work as a spec anyway.
When they eventually do it, I think a DH 3rd spec would be the place to start. I’d also be in favor of Dark Rangers being added too. Tinkers and Bards just don’t do anything for me, so personally I wouldn’t rush in and create them if added to the game. Maybe eventually I would, but probably toward the end of an expansion when I’m looking for things to do.
I want a brute class. Just a spec with no spells (maybe a few though, like “put your big hands in front of you,” which would reduce damage taken by 80% but you can’t attack) but 9x the hp and damage done. It’s a good compromise; people looking for a mindless mode won’t have to be a DH forever, and every other class can get more complex!
Demonhunters don’t need a 3rd spec… they literally have all the mobility and utility of like 4 specs mixed into 2 not to mention the easiest rotation to top the charts… if a 3rd spec came and took some stuff away from the other specs their would be WW3.
That’s the problem, they have and do everything baked into 2 specs…
So far earth magic has been basically shaman exclusive. Earthwarden would make a great 4th tank spec idea for shammies though.
Ps: How has Lilinas not found this yet? Waiting for this thread to go from what classes you want to tinker speculation.
These are good, but:
They’re not a technological race. All those races have their own technology, minus mag’har, who leared to use goblin technology and kept making and using it. Vulpera have just scavenged some and used it, they aren’t producing it or learning how to.
I’d love to see battlemage be a plate wearing mid ranged class that can use the majority of its abilities as both ranged and melee, Spellbreakers being a kinda anti mage would be cool imo
Anti mage or anti caster? Because as someone who recently switched mains from a caster, let me tell you a tale of death knights. They’re warlock bane and I imagine other casters hate them too.
Ranged and melee? Survival hunters sort of have this going. If you talent into chackrams (which no one does) it can be even more. You’re main damage ability is melee though.