New Class 10.0

What class do you think they should add in the next expansion and how should they be implemented mechanically/lore-wise? Ranged Classes preferred. I’ll start.

Apostates. Members of an existing class that choose to delve into abilities deemed to dangerous to use.

Specialization 1: Nightmare. These former Druid(s?) rather than shy away from the Nightmare see it as a natural part of the Emerald Dream and thus the world. They spread the Nightmare’s ‘gift’ to the plants and animals around them making them stronger but also driving them into a frenzy. The Apostate then only needs to ‘direct’ them.

Spell Examples:
Locus Frenzy: Summons a swarm of enraged locus to attack the target for a duration.
Dream Eater: Blast the enemy with corrupted nature energy. Provides stacking effect maybe?
Bloody Tendril: Impale the enemy from below with thorned roots.
Nightmare Form: main CD, transforms you into Nightmarish Chimera.

Specialization 2: Bloodweaver. As a former Monk you were taught to channel spirit energy through the mists to aid your allies. Over time you’ve learned to feel that same energy within your foes and learned to draw it straight out of their bodies (along with copious amounts of their blood). With it you empower yourself and sacrifice your foes.

Spell Examples: Drain: Pull your enemies’ lifeblood straight from their bodies to empower your spells.
Blood Sacrifice: Covers the selected ground area in blood slowing all enemies in the area and after a short duration, exploding, damaging enemies inside.
Invoke the Blood God: Summon an Avatar of the Blood God to bombard your enemies covering them in corrupted blood. (yes that corrupted blood)

Was thinking maybe could have a class quest chain where you would hunt down a dragon then forcibly turn it(or maybe ‘convince’ it) into some sort of blood dragon.

Out of nowhere class but i’m kinda sick of seeing the same suggestions for classes over and over again. Tinker/Necro/Bard though if they could put an interesting twist on the Bard class i’d be game.


Bartender. Keeper of the rum


I want Necromancers. I don’t really care about Unholy DK, they can still have their cool stuff. But necronmancers a la Diablo 2 woulod be amazing. I will be very satisfied if they at least made Demonology gliphs that made demons to skeletons.

Shadowlands was the best setting to bring on the Necros.


I want spiderman.


What is this, dragon age?


Make DH 3rd spec mist of pandaria demonology.

Make DK unholy into a semi ranged spec like Survival hunter…oh wait it already is so no necromancers.



Merchant class. You get three specs… Shopkeep(with repair), Transmogrifier, or Auction House.


Technician/tinker, with engineer (throwing turrets)/gunslinger (think of godfrey and his dual pistols)/meka (tank like mekkatorque and gallywix suits) specs


The Min/Maxer class. You have only one talent per tier. You have an ability that constantly spams your DPS meter to debuff your allies. You also have another tool that tells everyone around you how much of a sod you’re being.






We can’t balance current classes, why add new ones?


Sidekick…who never takes any attention and always makes everyone else shine!

Depends how Shadowlands ends. I see two paths for Blizzard.

Void Ending
Shocking no one at all, N’zoth and The Voids plan to ride on the coat tails of Sylvanas going into The Shadowlands paid off, and both The Jailer and Sylvanas were made pawns by The Void. Ushering in a void threat for 10.0.

Lightforged Ending

Simple. The Old Gods are gone, The Legion is gone, The Titans are locked away, nothing stands in the way of The Light outgrowing the balance.

We return to Azeroth to find The Naaru and new light-forged races we’ve never met before trying to bring forth the vision Alleria saw of planets covered in crystal light.

In classic we see mages and warriors dominate the game.

In retail we see DH being a one button class topping charts… this game has and never will be balanced.


So, this argument keeps coming up… why? We had less classes in the past and they couldn’t balance them. We got more classes and the balance didn’t get better or worse (actually, it’s gotten better over time, generally, but that’s something else).

If we have 12 classes they can’t balance and got a new class, we’d just have 13 classes they can’t balance. Existing classes aren’t getting hurt (as long as they don’t derp like lock/DH fiasco), people get something new to try, win/win/win.


Soldier class. Mail.

Sergeant spec is your DPS spec. it revolves around managing 2-3 “pet” soldiers (by default your own race, but can be changed) Your pets share your aggro table so they can tank for you but they’re relatively flimsy. Class is built around your Morale bar, which is both your spender resource and a scaling buff on your soldiers. Your pets are more expendable than a Warlock/Hunters and will be automatically re-summoned (with a different name each time) when your Morale bar is high enough.

Tactician class is your healer. Lots of ways to pre-empt damage but direct single-target healing is low. Based around knowing when damage spikes will happen.

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Yah a new class would be amazing. I would put my bets on a tinker, shadow hunter or necromancer. I mean shadowlands is still looking good, but i definitely think that a lack of a new class will be an oversight in the long run.

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I stand by the exact same rules I always have.

The game is called “World Of Warcraft”
So it should be based off of Warcraft 3.

The best hero Unit from Warcraft 3 that isn’t represented yet is Tinker.
It wouldn’t steal any abilities from existing classes.

This game is 15 years old, and every single class is directly inspired by WC3.

If your idea for a class isn’t based on “Warcraft” Then it doesn’t belong in World of Warcraft.


But it isn’t. It was introduced into the dream by the old gods. If you want to go that route, pack form would be more like that than the nightmare.

Blade master, Spell Breaker, Mountain King, Warden, Mortar Team. Theres still a lot of cool classes from WC3.