New Class 10.0

Sounds fun to me!

Something with range.

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Bard or Tinker seem like the only good remaining ones.

Other than that, I’d rather see other races become playable, like ogres or the walrus dudes from northrend.

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Jihadi . There could be three specs. Isil spec black hood. Osama spec turban build. And Saddam spec business suit style

Because balancing well enough for the community to be happy will never happen, so why not add some more interesting and fun mechanics and classes? New (or replaced/modified) abilities is one of my favorite parts about expansions, provided that it is novel - thats also why I don’t like the whole ‘borrowed power’ theme these recent expansions have been going with.

A tinker class would be really, really cool to me. I’m just worried that it will never happen because everyone wants Dark Rangers or Necromancers and stuff instead, which I personally think would have less opportunity to be thematically distinctive. Also the fact that the class would have an image tie-in with mechagnomes which people love to hate on, and it’d be considered another ‘I don’t want f**kin’ pandas in my game’ debacle…

Blood Magic.

Something that works similar to what we saw with the trolls. A mobile caster who siphons life from their enemies to empower themselves. They could also have a healing spec in which they transfer their enemies’ life energy onto their allies. It’d be pretty cool I guess.

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I thinkthey should add a tinker necromancer. A Necrotinky.

A mechamancer? Raise the dead and un-do their curse of flesh and amass a mecha-army? Sounds good to me!

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I want to see a class that’s all about polearms and long ranged throw attacks.
Surv hunter doesn’t do it for me, it’s still too much about traps and crossbows etc.

I want pictures of Spider-Man

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Bard class or dancer class in case female character yeah is good beetween range, melee and heal spec, very good, but first…

WE NEED TINKER CLASS and not only in Vulvera, Gnomes and goblins, we need in more races with engineer knowledge. (except Taurens and Night Elfs probably)

this is tinker, probably are would nice name in tank spec or rdps caster spec if the names of Mech gunner or Magic Engineer isn’t works.

and it would be worse if it were Tom Holland SPIDERMILLENIAN godlike mega hyper uber super very afwul crap.



Definitely a Necrotinker.


What about a Bloodmage? The presence of this class has been known to be in the game lore since Warcraft days. So I could see this class be potentially introduced to either Void Elves/Blood Elves. I think it’s a lesser known class but I believe it’s a class sort of like a mage and warlock put into one with sacrificial health ability’s for dmg.

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I could def. get down with a blood mage.

Is essentially a fire mage with some of warlock’s lore. I don’t really see this happening at least for the currently in lors blood mages. If they introduced a ranged blood magic user I could see it happening. Have to remember that blood magic is a type of life magic in game.

I want a new hybrid that only has access to tank or heals.

tanks and (1) heals have had something new added since launch, RDPS needs a new class. Need 2 RDPS and 1 Heal spec class. Even 1 RDPS and heal would be ok if they wanted to do a 2 spec class again.

I don’t think they should add another class until demon hunters get a 3rd spec

why do they need a 3rd spec? what would it do?