New Class 10.0

Ion: But what if… we had five leather classes?! :exploding_head:

Yea lets ask them for more classes when they can’t even properly balance all 36(?) specs they currently have , should be wonderful !!

People want bards, people want necromancers, combine them and them Necrodancers, a class that has to move into a different square every GCD.


screeeeetches in agony

Oh Elune…

They’re also based off of 2 different Hero units…
Moot Point.

Actually a Blood Elf Mage IS A Blood Mage. His name was Kael’thas. He was a big deal.

Sanlayn and Blood Trolls are cool. But we still have stuff in the Source materiel of WoW we need to borrow from first.

Considering they Raise the Dead. I argue they are necromancers, because that’s what Necromancy means.

Necromancer was not a Hero unit in Warcraft 3. But “Death Knight” was.
So we got Death Knights, and they use Necromancy. Making them Necromancers.

Agree to disagree, I’m still gonna keep askin’ for a proper, traditional Necromancer whenever these threads crop up. Nothin’ you can say will change my mind.

Welp. This game isn’t proper, traditional fantasy. This is “world of warcraft”
If you don’t want a game based on “Warcraft” I don’t know why you signed up.

Tinker, Necromancer and Bard are about all I think is left! D=

While I personally can’t think of a class by name or anything, I’d like for a new class to be ranged and to offer a heal spec. Preferable some ranged dps/heal hero spec, because both hero classes so far are melee dps/tank only.

What about a sub class to your class spec?

Basically you the user can take this and that and throw in a little bit of x and bam new sub class. Strictly for leveling and world quest and world pvp and just fun. So no need to worry about balancing.

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Class: Vampire,

This class will be available for all the races. They will look exactly like in this thread here…

Spec 1: Blood, Healer spec.
Uses the power of the blood to drain foes and heal allies.

Spec 2: Necromancy, DPS spec.
Use the power of darkness, to summon undead or golem minions to do your bidding, and Bring forth darkness in your wake.

Quest giver.

Effectively, you “control” a group of pets that you give “quests” to, with them becoming more and more organized (and thus dangerous) as you burn specialized reagents for them.

Thus the player would be effectively wandering around with what looks like a pack of NPC’s that are only marginally under their control at any given time.

Dragon Knight -

Armor - Mail
Resource - mana, dragonrage, hourglass sand
Races - any

Blue Battle Mage with Aerial attacks
Red Dragon tank with wing buffets, two-handed flamelance+shield, or a

Bronze healer and protector of the timeways. The green dragons are still in deep sleep until their mother Ysera returns.

Tinker -
Armor - Plate
Resource - electricity
Races -
Horde - orc/maghar/belf/goblin/vulpera/forsaken
Alliance - draenei/lightforged/voidelf/dwarf/darkiron/gnome/mechagnome

Mechgineer tank who tanks with various mechs. Tank bosses in a helicopter before crashing to the ground and calling in your mechsuit5000. Wallop the boss with a wrench while tanking with your robo homie before merging as one. Resource - electricity. I can see it now it would be amazing.
Assault ranged dps artillery spec. Their ultimate ability would be to call in their respective race’s “Oh Sh#$” button. So for the Forsaken, that’s a massive blight bomb. For the golbins, it’s the Goblin rail gun in Azshara. For the Lightforged Draenei it is their airship in space. You get the idea! These guys also introduce dual wield gun mechanics in the game which could really help out the rogue and hunter fantasies.
Medic support healer. Themed by race so you are a gnomish medic or a forsaken apothecary etc. but the spells are vague enough such that it can be either

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A new cloth class that is some kind of dragon acolyte, dragonborn, type deal. No tank spec.

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My vote is for another edgy class, like necromancer or dark ranger.

Idk why people want tinkers, if they add it, I foresee they would probably be played less than monks.


We want it because it’s from Warcraft 3. Like every other class in the game

I think they’d be just as popular as mechagnomes.

  1. It’s in the established lore.
  2. There’s a huge meme factor with Tinkers. To many the idea of smashing through the most evil foes in the universe as a gnome/goblin tinker is hilarious at the core. Imagine a Tinker style battle res mechanic? You don a doctor’s transmog and walk to your dead ally, immune to all damage and shoving everyone out of the way while yelling “I’m a doctor” and defribrulating your dead homie in an electrical light show. Tanking with Tinker would be even more fun. Tank the boss in a helicopter like you are Mimiron before crashing to the ground and mech swapping as the fight goes on. You are a super memey, goofy shapeshifter class in a sense. Literally clowning on content which is what we are all doing anyways.
  3. It is the antidote to all the edgelord classes and allows us to add more edgelord classes in the future by lightening the mood a little. This is Blizzard the same folks that gave us pandas already.
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Untrue. People ask for tinkers.

People were begging blizz not to add mechagnomes

Also, A class that a lot of races could be is going to be more popular than a crappy subrace that can’t transmog most of it’s body

Tinkers, Wardens, Dreadlord.

Pick any hero class from WC3 really.

Preferably one that isn’t limited to races. DH is kinda awful like that.

Necromancers: Mail wearer

Ranged dps- summons hordes of undead to do their bidding or focuses on a small group (2-3) of empowered undead with some spells mixed in

Healer- blood magic to keep the party alive and damage/debuff enemies.

Tank - summons a massive bone/flesh golem that shares health with the caster to help mitigate the damage taken