New Class 10.0

Yeah kinda like survival but instead of being about Melee and CC have it focus more on buffing and single target bursts.

Survival doesn’t have much CC, ice trap and intimidate is all.

Buffing its weapons or spells? Or both?

Both and also being able to throw out temp buffs on your allies to either absorb damage or add arcane damage to their attacks for short periods.

I’d rather see new gameplay styles or customizations added to currently available specs, released at the start of each season in groups.

For example:

Gladiator Warrior (dps Prot)

Ranged Unholy (Plate with a Staff)

Corrupted Dragon Form (Druid)

Polearms for Demon Hunter (like a fallen angel look)

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Axe thrower: troll master race class only

Shields warrior. No weapons, just dual wielding shields. (Yes I know I’m basically asking for an iron pineapple build in WOW)

–> Artificers work too

If the next class doesn’t have a sword/board DPS option, then they need to fix it until it does.

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Jocat is that you?

Yes, we get it, people want blood magic.

Very creative.

Moving along…

Well blood magic is the only damage type limited to one class. I still think monk would make a great blood magic class. Keep in mind that blood magic is part of life/spirit magic on a cosmic scale but the only class that uses it is the only death aligned class in the game. It is a concept that has firm lore for a magic type but no real representation in playable customization.

Class: Shill
Spec 1: Forum Shill
Spec 2: Chat Shill
Spec 3: Twitter Shill

All 3 specs have the power to ignore incoming arguments and are designed to automatically counter all arguments with canned replies like “it’s only X minutes”, “nobody is forcing you to play”, “go do something else”.

All 3 specs are passive aggressive in nature.

The forum spec uses forum emojis and has built in AI to know who to harass the most.

The chat spec offers runs and gear for gold (from tokens exclusively).

The twitter spec tells us BS ginned up to sell another expansion. Buzz phrases like “world quest 2.0.”

I just hope we get a dual wielding leather wearer with a lot of high energy combat animations.