New cinematic trailer just dropped

Do you have a citation for this that’s like actual financial statements and not someone saying trust me bro?

I mean, I have no doubt that they put out ESG PR things since they think in looks good, but any proof that there’s some cabal out there preventing otherwise profitable companies from continuing unless they bend that knee?


This was a buffet of thinking and thought forms thread to read.

I think it’s this particular shot, she seems to have a masculine jaw.

Everywhere else she looks feminine

I won’t call it a cabal so much as companies funneling investors (and their funds) to primarily invest in companies that hit their ESG metrics. The main goal is money and the promise that more would come if they hammered home more diversity among other things.

I wish I could post links but Investopedia has a pretty succinct explanation of what it is.

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Is this just talking about pretty standard investment options? Like how there are companies that specialize in matching investors with companies that meet certain goals, like ecofriendly, without certain products like weapons/tobacco, etc?

Yes and no. Yes because there is some of that. No because companies like Blackrock have linked their interest rates to how well companies hit specific diversity metrics. If a company meets them, they get lower interest rates and other perks. If a company does not meet them, they get penalized. This may have changed but this is how it was at least as far back as 2021.

All I’m seeing is that there’s a bunch of politically motiivated lawsuits from unserious state AGs claiming that that company was doing ESG without telling investors, which sounds like nonsense to me (I am assuming that they have a list of the companies that they are investing funds in that is available to look at) And just about all the results come from sources that are active participants in the culture war like fox and the NY Post.

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You gotta be more specific when you search such as asking “does Blackrock lend more money based on ESG”. There is so much noise around it which is why bringing it up can be such a headache and it makes it harder to separate fact and fiction.

Yeah, there certainly does seem to be a lot of fiction around it.

Better than dragonflight 100%, so sick of the happy disney/children show like story\characters, a bit darker like starcraft\diablo is great.

however no real call for action\epic scenes like BFA\Legion\Warlords. Personally think it would of been cool to see some fights between that new elf character and the anubrians, show a bit of the war going on.

It looks cool but yea, no call to arms not super epic. At least the tone is good.

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You want to know a good cinematic that handled ‘diversity’ correctly?

Go re-watch the BFA trailer. It had diversity, it had a cool storyline, it had a battle sequence, it had everything we as fans could have asked for. That’s a cinematic done RIGHT. This trailer felt completely vapid and devoid of any emotion. It had ‘diversity’ and good graphics… and nothing else.


I dont even know what we were supposed to be seeing in the trailer, who the hell are those people.


I have to say, to me, it does come across as a character just being plugged in by a system. Activision Blizzard was bragging about a diversity tool for developing characters about two years ago in consultation with DEI experts: King's Diversity Space Tool

Whether or not that specific Activision-Blizzard tool got used by the WoW team - and maybe it didn’t (it was in beta at the time, and they tried to back off their announcement due to backlash) - a company that views a tool like that as useful is a company that’s not focused on telling the best story, but rather scoring points on a checklist.


Ok? So they have a tool that lets them make varied characters easier? And one that’s set up to do a wider range decently? What’s the problem?

The video shows what the theme should have been but the beta doesn’t mimic the video. I wished the spider area was shrouded in darkness like that. Or the forge had that much contrast. It doesn’t. Not even close.

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It makes the diversity contrived, calculated and manipulative.

And, in this particular instance, given that all the diversity is lumped onto one character, it clearly failed.


Wasn’t talking about personal characters. I mean the ones in lore. You know like the cinematics etc.

How does it do that?

Acolyte 2: The Woke Within


get woke… go broke!~ :rofl: