New cinematic trailer just dropped

It looks like a Diablo cinematic. Almost as if it were left over from something and they touched it up…

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I’ll be honest. While it looked good, I didn’t particularly like it. Nothing in it was particularly memorable.

Like say what you will about the previous one, the scene with the giant sword was memorable.

EDIT: Finally found the words. It felt more like a character featurette than the expansion cinematic.

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Diversity and representation don’t make a story good or bad. The issue is that for many people (especially on the internet) “representation” has become so fetishized that for them it actually does make a product good. Much in the way people fetishize cars, guns, nudity, martial arts, dancing, fashion, etc. in movies just seeing their fixation is enough to allow them to be entertained by otherwise low quality stories/games. The big difference here is that nobody who fixates , for example, on gunplay in movies is going to watch a nicely shot action movie with a doo doo story and acting and say it should win best picture and that anyone who disagrees is a bigot.

As for me, they can represent whomever they want however much as they want. If the story is well made I’m there for it. And if the story is bad I won’t blame it on representation, I just won’t pretend its good either.


Imo they should have used this cinematic to portray TWW rather than the Anduin /Trall Bromance .

I am actually excited for Nerubian stuff, gives me old vibes , it might pull me back to try raids again

Nailed it on the head. Diversity is used all too often to defend low effort entertainment. Well done HUMAN stories can resonate with anyone regardless of who or what they are.


Looked pretty bland to me.

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I’d say the issue is that there have been right wing culture warriors pretending to care about movies, video games, comic books and so on and so forth to use as a wedge issue to drive people towards their cause for way too long that people just don’t take it serious when someone just complains about forced diversity.

It’s a pain to find reviews of geeky stuff any more with having to wade through thinly veiled -isms and a reviewer who clearly has not a single clue about the franchise they’re commenting on, just pretending whatever new character is an outrage even when they fit in perfectly. They’ve cried wolf over and over, and people are done with it.

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Another handbook comment from the anti-diversity crowd. This one usually has the implicit sentence added “… as long as they don’t feature diverse characters.”, or they just imply that any story with diverse characters can’t resonate with people.

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Awesome CGI. I really like this one. However… this is definitely “Sweet baby detected”. I’ll be playing the heck out of TWW no matter what.

Her model was purposefully changed and the other character looks just like every other character sweet baby has touched in a couple recent games that are failing miserably due to them having a hand in it. You can say shes masculine or feminine and argue about it all day. The fact is they changed her face to look more androgynous. No matter what your opinion, ask yourself why was this change made? I guarantee if someone looks into it they will find the facts. Just calling it how I see it. Much love :beers:

Damn good CGI though. I can’t wait to go home and watch this on the oled. Even the audio is top notch.

Gaming > activism :two_hearts:


But what about the contributions of the Rand Corporation and the reverse vampires?

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I think you get an extraordinary amount of exercise jumping to conclusions and cherry picking my responses while handily ignoring the fact that, by your superficial standards, I also fall under the umbrella of diversity.

Bad writing and character design is bad writing and character design. I could and have listed a number of well done diverse characters but you just ignore it. I’ve already expressed why characters like Faerin fail even among their target demographics and you ignore that too. If you only want to hear from diverse people who parrot your beliefs back to you, I’ll just leave you to your nonsense.

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It’s ironic that you mention parroting what that’s exactly what you’re doing.

I don’t know you in real life and I don’t care, I only care about what I read here (in the context of this conversation). I’m from South America and I also fall under that “umbrella”, so what?

The thing is, if I had a penny for every time one of these comments is made in response to any diverse character in any media, I’d probably be able to buy freaking Microsoft and Blizzard with it.

It’s the exact same post, almost word to word. You guys act like parrots who just repeat the same post over and over and over. You never fail. Any time one character with any diverse trait appears, there will be posts like these parroted. Every single time.

So in other words, everyone else gets it but you. This isn’t rocket science. If companies weren’t interested in making diverse characters before (or at least acting like they never existed until the last few years even though they’ve been around for decades) and suddenly care now that they get extra investor money for these characters…then the conclusion is…

Feel free to finish that thought but don’t expect me to respond. You are, without a doubt, Blizzard’s target audience. Take that how you will.

Nah, this is just another example of fanaticism and ideology. When you guys repeat the same post for a millionth time, you’re just repeating an ideology. Which is ironic, since you usually claim it’s the others who are ideologized.
Btw, I never said you were a majority either. It’s always the same group, but it’s not everyone who parrots your ideology. Don’t pretend to represent everyone when you don’t.
You just represent a very particular group.

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color me skeptical about that. The investor money is for blatant cash grab live action games with a box price and monetization to try and squeeze as much revenue out of people as possible.

Hm…i got no WOW vibes.
Looked like some avatar/dunno-what trailer.


You know what I read some time ago in an article dedicated to the movie business?

It was a story about the 30th-40-50 (whatever it was) anniversary of the TV show “Roots.” And they mentioned how during one particular weekend, the box office totally bombed. Like, NO ONE went to the movies that weekend. And they actually had good films out. The execs were confused … frustrated.

It was because it was the conclusion of “Roots.” The story of this history of a black author and where his family came from. And the VAST majority of Americans (eg: white Americans) stayed home to watch the conclusion of this masterpiece. (edit: “Roots” was on sometime in the 70s. Well, WELL before it was common to have any sort of device to record something and just “watch it later.” If the conclusion of “Roots” was on TV … you had no choice but to stay home and watch it.)

I think about the reality of this story every time I hear about “ethnic variant X” or “ethnic variant Y” added to this movie or that, to “appeal to those demographics.” As a musician, I never cared that the guys from Living Color were black. All I cared about was how they were one of the most amazing bands I had ever heard!!

There is an obvious difference between “quality” and “pandering.” And it’s not hard to see right through it. It’s sad that it feels like 95% of everything I see and hear to day is nothing but pandering.


Depends on the genre really.

Is it based on comic books, that’s just standard comics continuity.

Classics, especially shakespeare, that’s just old hat, I feel like it’s close to rule 34 in spread, if there’s a genre there’s a shakespeare adaption to it, old old deal.

The big problem with a lot of these discussions is people can’t think of characters outside their comfort zone as just characters and act like they’re just plugged in by a system, and not that someone might possibly think say a black one armed warrior woman might just be a cool concept and went with that.

No, it’s a real thing, unfortunately. I hate to bring up ESG and all that other stuff but it’s a factor. This is why companies put out yearly pictographs to prove how diverse they are. It directly affects how much money they are allowed to borrow from lenders. The diversity point system is real which is why I find it distasteful. If a company is losing money on their uber-diverse products, trust that the execs making the decisions are still getting money elsewhere.

Eh, that’s slowly going away. Microsoft, Blizzard’s parent company mind you, just laid off their big DEI group. Companies all over the place are doing the same thing. It’s fun until it starts to lose them money lol.