King's Diversity Space Tool

If you really accept people as equal then seeing these qualities broken out into weighted scores is particularly repugnant. It’s one of the most racist, sexist, bigoted things I’ve ever seen.


I said this is another thread, but I think this is appropriate again:

Blizzard’s take on diversity has always been a curveball.

This actually reminds me of a meme. Think of a car full of friends, 3 of them white, and one of them black. The guy driving, (we’ll just name him ‘Blizzard’), is playing his favorite music. Blizzard then takes the playlist and plays a hip-hop song and turns to the black friend and says, “this one is for you!” Blizzard just inadvertently assumed that their friend in the car likes hip-hop.

This company is just flat out cringeworthy, plain and simple. Diversity is a necessity, and should be welcomed in all avenues. Although, I feel they’re just making this a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuge thing, when it really doesn’t need to be. When they added the new skin colors and facial options for Humans, that was dope. They then basically left it at that. No need to give 100 reasons. Other games, like FF14, just adds new races and whatnot and that’s it, no need for explanations.

This “diversity chart” fiasco is very, very cringe, imo. Even if it’s nothing new, (other companies do this, they just have to), it just makes some heads turn when it’s now open in the light like this.


I think this tool is very positive for the games future. People just like to get outraged over anything nowadays. The game will still be fun but with more inclusion. Regardless of how it’s put in, it’s still representation.


Welcome to critical theory. Population: Blizzard crossbowing itself in the foot.


breaking people down to their gender and sexuality is degrading.


Blizzard was working hard to take your attention away from the whole sexual harassment/discrimination/breast milk scandal(s)


lol why do people act like this is anything new

Like Hollywood doesn’t cast out roles looking for specific characteristics

The tool is stupid and you probably shouldn’t need it if you have any sort of education in developing fiction but the idea that this is somehow racist and sexist?


Some people don’t think it’s degrading, it make them feel special.

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Okay Hollywood makes sense. Maybe you need a certain Italian demographic if you’re going to do the next Godfather.

For any other job, it should be a meritocracy. Best person gets the job regardless of gender, color, religion, culture or sexual orientation.

Gender or racial quotas are discrimination and this tool is a materialization of it.


thats why you dont force the diversity tool on everyone there should be an option to turn it off.


Just make a good and fun game, keep the checklist out of it. It’s quite simple.


Calling it a job when it’s an entire figment of imagination is weird

You people would be complaining if they just made all their characters white joe dirts or Mary Sues, which would be justifiable because that would be boring. To act offended by it though is so embarrassingly transparent you just want something to be upset about

And you’d be licking Blizzard’s boots regardless of what they did.

So it appears we reach an impasse.


Notice how you’re the only person who claims to be in the LGBTQ+ community who thinks this is a good thing? Emphasis on the claims.


It has nothing to do with diversity - diversity is good.

It’s the fact they actively rated races, genders, sexuality, etc.

If it was simply a list that the devs could input the data in, and it compiled it so they could see at a glance “Oh, we have X men, X women, X white, X black, etc.” it’d be one thing.

But they gave numerical values to each different thing. That’s disgusting as hell and I understand they clarified they never used it outside of testing, but it shouldn’t have even been thought of.

If you walk down a street and tell someone they’re a 7/10, you’d be slapped. Because it’s gross.


Inb4 Zarya gets 0 points in everything for being Russian.


He apparently seems to think segregation though rating people what they are, is a good thing.

This mate needs to watch 5 hours of Rags to understand segregation isn’t unity.


I’m just supporting Blizzard and their goals. Clearly this tool is being used and it will be used in future blizzard titles. I’m excited to see how it will improve the gaming experience.

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Character development in stories done by a diversity algorithm brought in to hit DE&I goals. Sounds about right for the entertainment industry in 2022 America.


Wait so you get lower or higher rating based on factors you can’t control? How are people with lower racial scores/ratings, supposed to feel about themselves if the game they love gives the race that they identify with, lower scores?

Also, isn’t this exactly How banks and lending houses used to rate human beings, to keep them from getting home loans and keeping them out of specific neighborhoods/ZIP Codes?