New cgi (possible spoilers?)

apparently according to the belf above this comment, the VA likes sylvanas, but i havent checked

add in anduin baine jaina nathanos and I’ll consider it a job well done

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Sylvanas = Guldan in this scene and Saurfang = Durotan

I would appreciate the cinematic in that it would show Sylvanas to be a coward who fears death and fights dishonorably. While Saurfang does not fear death like Sylvanas and does not run away from it like she does.

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That would be pretty good


I like where you are going with this.

Better yet maybe Saurfang will accuse Sylvanas of Genocide only for her to rebut that she gave the orders but the Horde had the option to disobey her yet didn’t and that they should be punished then proceeds to do it herself by having all of those involved in the War of Thorns in Orgrimmar which she blights.

Saurfang of course is mortally wounded yet is feeling content with the assumption that Tyrande will make a beeline for Sylvanas and kill her only for Tyrande to have a temper tantrum over Sylvanas denying her her precious vengeance and burn most of Durotar using the Night Warrior’s power leaving only the Warfront I.E. the Gates of Orgrimmar untouched.

Sylvanas mocks a dying Saurfang over thinking that he could heal the wound she inflicted on the Night Elves by simply killing her and that it’s his fault to suggest striking a wound that won’t heal.

Afterwards she makes her leave for the Assault on Stormwind leaving behind Nathanos, Talanji and Geya’rah to lead the Warfront which will only be accessible for loyalists to Sylvanas(in the case of the Horde) and(in the case of the Alliance) those who support Tyrande’s rampage.

The Horde Loyalists would dutifully be protecting a worthless patch of land(the Gates of Orgrimmar which is all that’s left of Durotar) from vengeful Alliance determined to deny the Horde any inch of land no matter how worthless both sides practically wasting lives over something so trivial it’s not worth bothering over.

It is rather difficult to dismiss any action Tyrande takes as a “temper tantrum.” The few Night Elves that are left would probably agree that there are some things you don’t come back from.

I just don’t want my cool, funny death queen to die and be removed from the game :cry: It’s fine if the Alliance hates her forever but don’t kill her off because you think it’ll be dramatic. I hope she looks cool in the cinematic though.


I don’t care about hating her forever, but some sort of meaningful vengeance is due for the near extermination of the Night Elf race. The baddies, meaning the Horde and it’s armies, really need to feel at least some of what they inflicted on others.

But who am I kidding? Sylvanas is guaranteed to live through the xpac, and the Horde never suffers for what it does to others. We have a High King already who is lined up and is just waiting for the opportunity to declare the Horde forgiven. He already sees this as a war against Sylvanus rather than against the force that butchered its way through Darkshore and perpetrated yet another near total extermination of a race and/or nation.


I think it boils down to Sylvie has some SERIOUS bad karma headed her way at the very least (whether that comes from the Alliance/the Horde/or some other source 
 I haven’t a clue). She is very unlikely to perma-die in this expansion (though I do think its possible that she will lose her sole remaining extra life); however she will cease to be part of the Horde (or leader of the Forsaken) by the conclusion of BfA (its the one thing I’m more-or-less sure about).

Beyond that 
 we likely wont get to see what her final fate is until next expansion at the earliest.


Sad state of alliance writing by Golden presumes the alliance are ready to forgive the Horde for all transgressions because tahts the way she writes her charcters.

I mean it looks like we are fighting to protect the Horde instead of killing them next patch. Its this terrible direction which is ruining the story.


It wouldn’t be to “be dramatic”. It would be because sending her to the afterlife she foresaw would be the very least she deserves.

Why should a curvaceous physique and the occassional snarky quip spare her from the justice that eventually came for Arthas, Gul’dan, Garrosh, Deathwing, and others?


Because it’s a video game and she entertains me. The faceless masses in teldrassil don’t matter. I actually think the burning moved the night elf story to a more interesting place. Can’t wait to see what the important named night elves which all survived do next.


Slaughter the Horde in a moon crusade?
Lol nah. All they got was a Valkyr we never even knew.


The Darkshore warfront was pretty bad but the story isn’t over. I’m sure Tyrande will have something to say about the Alliance helping the Horde (even though I think they’ll forget about her and she’s already forgiven the horde and all the blame goes to one person)

Your optimism is adorable.


I had optimism once. Blizzard killed it and has repeatedly desecrated its corpse.


Sylvanas should have died in Wrath.


They hit the faction war hard in pre patch
 a little in 8.1
 now it’s guaranteed to be over with, with no real resolution to it b cause now we all of the sudden forget and now we are chasing down yet another baddie. Probably won’t see a resolution for darkshore, maybe some off screen comic.


Wow. That’s some serious optimism. Wish I still had that.