New cgi (possible spoilers?)

Her motive for burning Teldrassil was pretty clear in the novella. She and Saurfang planned a campaign that depended on the Night Elves being demoralized after their leaders are slain. She even volunteered to hunt Malfurion and Tyrande even though she knows that together they are much more powerful than she is. When finally Malfurion is down, Saurfang gets an attack of “honor” doesn’t come through on the plan he helped devise and she’s stuck with pissed off Night Elves who aren’t going to let them occupy the tree without a resistance forming. Her solution, burn the tree and hope that destroys the Night Elves so they do not come back as a force in Darkshore. She would not have done it had Saurfang killed Malfurion when he had him down.

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I’d argue that the character started in WC3 did die. Or rather, died in and with Edge of Night. That Sylvanas existed on an Ahab like arc of revenge at the cost of everything, and then the subject of her arc ceased to be without any personal resolution for her.

That was a mistake.

So we had Sylvanas 2.0 invented, who threw away subtlety in favor of edginess, who disposed of some of the fundamentals of her previous characterization in favor of acting like a surrogate Lich King.

An inferior product, in my opinion, but one for which there is certainly a market. Really, she should have had a well written end actually in Wrath at the Lich King fight, or, we should not yet have had the Lich King xpac. That said, from a business perspective, neither of those things was particularly likely. And that isn’t something unique to Sylvanas. Dragonball was dragged out in directions not intended, Gotrek and Felix over in Warhammer Fantasy was never intended to be a long running series, hence the spectacular oddity of a Slayer who can’t manage to get himself killed.

Consumer demand is why we are at the point we are.


Sylvanas’ plan Saurfang agreed to never involved killing Malfurion:

    “The Gilneans will be furious if the Alliance acts to help the kaldorei first,” she said. “The boy in Stormwind will have a political crisis on his hands. He is smart, but he is not experienced. What happens when Genn Greymane, Malfurion Stormrage, and Tyrande Whisperwind all demand differing actions? He is not a high king like his father. The respect the others give him is a courtesy, not an obligation. Anduin Wrynn will rapidly become a leader who cannot act. If the Alliance will not march as one, each nation will act in its own interest. Each army will return home to protect their lands from us.”

Sylvanas threw away her plan by leaving Malfurion alive herself:

    Sylvanas ripped the axe free from Stormrage. The night elf grunted with pain, and blood gushed out of the wound, but he made no other sound.

    “Finish him and be done with it,” Saurfang said quietly.

    Sylvanas hefted his axe, considering it. Then she looked back at Saurfang. He could not read her expression, but he did not like it.

    She handed the axe back to him. “I leave it to you, High Overlord.”

    A miracle granted by the honorable hand of a foolish old orc.

    And an overconfident warchief. Best to lay blame where it belonged. This was her mistake as much as Saurfang’s.


No matter, she would rather die for her goals, than become an Alliance pet like the rest.

As I always said, my account will stand as long as Sylvanas stands, she goes down, so does my character and account. Take me as an RP, take me as a hardcore Fan. doesn’t matter to me.

Victory for Sylvanas! I’ll fight for her till the very last drop of my blood.


Understandable. Years ago, I used to watch Football, but only if my team played. They never made it to the Playoffs. Once the regular season ended, and my team wouldnt be playing anymore, I stopped watching. I had no interest in the Playoffs or Super Bowl if my team was not there.

I dont watch football anymore at all, now. The head injury issue and the politics on both sides just disgusts me. I lost all interest in my team and the sport.

Imo, you seem more a fan than an RPer.

You arent in character as a Blood Elf who likes her - you are expressing your opinion as a real fan.

You arent stating you are an Elf who was named after the Ranger General by her Elven parents - you give your opinion as a fan.

There is a subtle difference. Imo.


Very well said as always Cursedwords. (your name should have been blessedwords).

And I used to do the same when it came to soccer. I don’t watch it all now. :smiley:


Have you caught the news regarding Antonio Brown and his helmet drama in relation to the head injury stuff?

Not to delve too far off topic, but…

Oh boy. I live in Vegas, the Raiders are moving here, and bringing him, too.

The idea of someone arguing to wear a less adequate helmet when the profession has a documented history of brain injury…

Its shenanigans like that which make it easy for me to ignore Football these days, and my new home town team.


Please no; I can’t stand the thought of watching her powerslide into Frostmourne in full CGI ridiculousness. It was painful enough in the weird parital animation they used for the Warbringers.


Talking about horrible things … The artwork of the 3 sister comic comes to mind…

Ughhh shivers


I think the intended effect was that he rode her down while she was fighting, you can hear the horse running up to her after she does the power slide but they just presented it awfully and made it look like what you described lmao.

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I had forgotten about that. It was like… the awkardness of Jojo, but without the artistic consistency, style, or flair.

we dont talk about the artwork of 3 sisters