New cgi (possible spoilers?)

Don’t forget Tyrande finally being in a cinematic so she can cry and declare he was a noble soul all along.


Being that it was CG and not something where they said in game it could lead to something at blizzcon making the people that hate Sylvnas that much more mad that she wont die this expansion.

At the same time i have no idea what the person thinks of the character they voice so being conflicted over something doesnt really add anything to this conversation in any great detail as to what will happen.

Either way it will be interesting to watch people complain from either side.

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I’m curious, too. All we can do is wait.

So that’s what she’s saying.

Keep in mind, this is Blizzard. The same people that told you that Garrosh’s fate would be satisfying to all players and that BfA wouldn’t make anyone feel like they had picked the wrong faction.

Their understanding of how players will receive things doesn’t have the greatest track record.


It’s impossible to please everyone. Then again, I don’t recall Blizzard ever saying ALL players. So, if you could point me in the direction of that particular quote, I would appreciate it.


I can’t find it at the moment. I do distinctly remember it being debated at the time in the old forums, and everyone being (rightly) skeptical that Blizzard could pull it off.

I remember that too, and Blizzard talking about it. I do not remember them saying it would please all people.

Found it, I think. As with most half-memories, the reality is less definitive than I thought.

It was in a Q&A at Blizzcon 2013 - World of Warcraft: The Adventure Continues panel. I would post the link, but I am insufficiently beloved on the forums to post links :slight_smile:

Q. Garrosh in this expansion was kind of a letdown – the legacy of Grom and how Garrosh follows that same path of corruption is never addressed. Will we see that in the next expansion?

A. Yes. They feel they may have pushed Garrosh a little too far in one direction this expansion. They aren’t going to redeem him next expansion – they don’t want to call it redemption – but they’re going to provide a more satisfying ending for both us, and for the character. Garrosh has “crazy daddy issues.” There’s a lot of Garrosh explanation that’s going to happen this expansion.

The main problem with Garrosh is that everything that happened was someone else’s fault and not his. First he blames his father, then Thrall. Say what you want about Garrosh, at least he was consistent.

When they push characters too far, there is rarely a 100% satisfying ending for all players. IT’s unrealistic for anyone to think everyone can be pleased, it’s a statistical impossibility.

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oh boy another million dollar horde cinematic and i am already seeing that tyrande or the alliance got nothing, again.

i hate bees! not the bees! :honeybee:

Do you honestly think that me, a worgen rogue cares about moral highground? either way,i don’t care if its just tyrande or jaina murdering everyone or just seeing something alliance in hd. i think that we deserve something.


You get a Bee Mount. Isn’t that what you wanted?

Hey, you guys want to maintain your boring moral high ground, then you get boring story. Alliance story is always more interesting when they are in conflict with each other.


And sad orc is just so darn compelling isn’t it?


Would Tyrande or Jaina being murdered be acceptable? They could go out like Varian did, heroicly sacrificing themselves against a tide of unstoppable evil.


that would be actually pretty metal, an heroic sacrifice is the best way to go.

She probably kills Thrall or something.

Edit: Although killing Saurfang would probably be more likely, he would get his honorable death I guess.

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Does that mean Horde players actually want to keep playing rebels against an evil Warchief because it’s always more interesting when they are in conflict with each other? Is that what not boring means?


Honestly the VA saying they did Slyv work for a cinematic pushes me closer to the belief that the final cinematic to the set is going to be Suarfang and Slyvnas facing off in Mokgara.

The ending likely being one of Blizzard’s twists that the “noble hero” fails and Slyvanas kills Saurfang.

On top of that I entirely expect that Thunderbluff will turn out to be Silithis 2.0 and that Saurfang challenging Slyvanas was the Alliance and Honor Horde’s last play to stop Slyvanas from holding Boralus or Stormwind hostage to force the Alliance to do the things that she says “have to be done” to stop Nzoth in 8.3.

Thus finally the faction war would be over for the foreseeable future after BFA because Slyvanas’ victory fractures both the Alliance and Horde.

Essentially Baine and Thrall refuse to follow Slyvanas causing a large tract of the Horde in Southern Kalimdor and the Frostwolves to splinter off after peace is made.

Alliance side you have the main Alliance accepting peace on Slyvanas’ terms realizing with Nzoth done if they don’t she would slaughter the city being held hostage.

On the flip-side however Tyrande, Genn, and Stromgarde leave the Alliance to make their own resistance movement to retake the lands Slyvanas refused to give back, after Stormwind or Boralus is safe.

I dunno if it was said here, but maybe Sylvanas kills saurfang, orcs specially saurfang are apparently very very popular in china. If the voice actresses likes saurfang…

when you stalk the Chinese Voice actress her “twitter” (the chinese version, weibo) then you can see shes a little Sylvanas fangirl. I think shes conflicted, because her favourite Character gets more Villain treatment. In China the most beloved Character is Sylvanas and Arthas.
And yes, I think she probably will kill Saurfang in the upcoming Cinematic