New cgi (possible spoilers?)

so apparantly back in july the chinese voice actress for sylvanas did a dub for a cg, but there havent been any cgis with sylvanas since the expansion trailer, is this saying we might get a new one for 8.3 or 8.2.5?

either way it seems the actress didnt like what happens


Sylvanas probably goes to a human orphanage for a light snack while discussing her next evil plan.


Here is a sneak peek guys.


Coupled with Patty Mattson’s recent version of “Lament of the Highborn”, this does not bode well for Sylvanas fans.

Like other’s have said, Patty’s version feels a bit like
 a betrayed goodbye. It evens starts with Treason and War being whispered.

Seeing two of her voice actresses express muted chagrin does not bode well.


i hope you are wrong in that, i do not wish for my friends to be sad.

i commented on that video with how it felt like she was saying goodbye and all she said was

if it was a goodbye, then i hope she finds some good work after this. it is saddening that she has voiced this character for 14 years.


Or it bodes really well depending on your point of view. I just hope they don’t try to redeem her.


Yeah I was talking about for Sylvanas fans, as I said initially in my post.

There are many people who would love to see Sylvanas thrown under the bus for what ever reason. Those people must be thrilled at the prospect of something bad happening to her.


What do Sylvanas fans still see in her? I mean she’s kicking puppies and eating babies at this point.


dont kick me, i am a good pupper girl


Old Yeller, too, was a rabid dog by the end of his life. We mourn the creature that he was, and resent the forces that brought him to this point. So too with Sylvanas.

Spoilers for Old Yeller, incidentally


Sorry but you’re too late for that, she already did in Gilneas.


that sounds like a good way to describe it, i will be borrowing this


I can not speak to the variety of Sylvanas fans. But just using what you described:

Those puppies would grow up to hunt foxes in the Plaguelands. Foxes that look like Vulpera!

And those babies grow up to be Alliance soldiers! Even the farmers, as Greymane pointed out.

Sylvanas can be very forward thinking.


 a Sylvanas based cutscene 
 not what I was expecting. Despite all the cynicism I am at least curious on the contents of such a thing.


Heh, then you get moments like the peace talks that make you wonder if undeath has finally completely rotted her brain.

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what has me interested is why the voice actor doesnt like it

as cursewords said, it doesnt bode well for sylvanas fans

She didn’t say she doesn’t like it 
 she says she’s conflicted on it. What that means remains to be seen 
 but I would wager it either bodes poorly for Sylvanas herself; or quite literally everyone else.


it certainly didnt sound positive with the “damn you writers”


 didn’t read that part, but Sylvanas is a complicated character within the fandom. Like it or not, there are many VERY different interpretations of her character (with some believing she’s far more secretly altruistic than she lets on; and those like me that think she’s an interesting, but incredibly selfish nihilist). What this means regarding this VA’s posts would highly depend on who she perceives Sylvanas as I suspect (and in what way the writing infringes on her image of Sylvie).

 there are those that believed Teldrassil was immensely OOC for Sylvie; and yet there were also plenty that felt it was totally IC for her (depending on her still not presented motives).


I for one do not see anything special, I just like her, for who she was and not the abomination she has become, if she was a REAL person i would dislike her, cuz it was her choice, but since she is fictional and alot of ppl put their fingers into her, I cannot blame the character but the writes, so I’ll sink with her ship all the way down! she can blow up a orphanage full with newborns puppies( cuz humans are a pest and must be purged no matter what, even those with fur) and I would still like her, cuz i’m already prepared for any outcome or atrocity she may bring to the table

but alas it is sad indeed, the last of my war 3 heroes going away in such a horrific way, may her star shine and burn for eternity with Kael’thas, illidan and Arthas.