New cgi cutscene possible leak (spoilers)

“Hey, people get sad sometime, maybe if we make all our characters sad, all the time, it will click with people better.”

Jaina has 9999 in engine+ cinematics, 1 cartoon, 0 CGI ones.

Saurfang has 3 CGI ones, 1 cartoon (shows up in Sylvanas’ one) 1 in engine ones (Horde dinner).

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Great, more cgi for someone who was going to win anyway.
God forbid the Forsaken get a bit of a look at the main piller of their culture thats been dragged through the mud that they’re going to lose in this expac.
God forbid the night elves get any looks into how their people are actually doing as a people instead of just warfront fodder.


the story isn’t the primary reason people have left this game either. its the fact u can literally level boost to 110 because the majority of the game is a dead irrelevant boring world a lot of people dont wanna play through either again, or for the first time. its a game where tons of mechanics are out dated and bad when compared with other current generation games.


Disgraceful, but I suspect this comes quite close to the truth. Mmo games aren’t the media to develop these thematics tbqh.

Please stop it I think I’m gonna puke, not even joking this time

Gameplay WILL ALWAYS BE the actual reason the game bleeds subs.

Lore is irrelevant for most players.


And when the gameplay is awful and people start leaving over that, you’re left with the people around for the story. ANd then you double down on what makes those people leave. Brilliant.


Maybe they are indeed trying to kill the game? Leave the absolute lowest common denominator as “customers” so they can consistently deploy mediocre stuff in WoW and route the big bulk of the quality resources into Overwatch?

Overwatch is dying as well though :rofl:

Looool… Fail, Blizz is fail.

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It’s been a constant downhill ever since the office changed around and they really embraced the activision way of doing things.
Its really telling that Sekiro nearly brought in the same amount of earnings this quarter then all the blizzard titles in total.

That is actually more true than you think.
I study game design, afterall I want to work with game development and writing/character development.

When you have a company that just wants to make easy money without INVESTING money on it, you are doomed to loose much, much more on the long run. If they invested a gargantuan sized pile of cash on developers that would effectively make a good job, they would see a lot of return, but you can see from tweets from former devs that the situation is bad to the workers at Actblizzion.

Guys are talking about payment issues, extremely low salary, sueing the company for many reasons, the list goes on.
Now think with me, what kind of product do you think an employee is going to produce with this kind of treatment and conditions? He’s gonna give a total amount of 0 fcks, even worse if the dev is not involved with the game he’s working on, and who truly loses at the end are the players and the very greedy shareholders/CEOs that wanted easy money in the first place.

Fck this sh*t when ProjektRED releases Cyberpunk2077 I’m gonna give blizz goodbye and drown myself on bullets and cyber chicks


but the more people support sylvanas the harder they push saurfang, its a stalemate no one can win

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Yeah that’s near enough the thoughts I’ve had on it all, just put into better words then I could. Blizzard isnt blizzard anymore, its just another subcompany of Activision, whos ceo doesn’t care about making good games and is currently involved with other big companies in resisting the bill that would make loot boxes illigeal.
I don’t want to sound like a classic nerd, but that’s the main reason im looking forward to it. Not mechanics, or nostalgia. Just to play WoW from when there was care put into the game beyond “How do we get people logging in”


Blizzard do, because a divided playerbase is good for them (In their own words) and Saurfang was already going to win from the start. This is just fanning those flames on purpose.

curse you blizzard and your really weird goals of dividing the players!

I honestly believe it’s partially out of pure spite from the writers who are mad people don’t like their story, and a little bit of self awareness of knowing this just can not write a story that would be good for more then one crowd of people anymore. SO they just double down.

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they have gone past doubling down.


Zugging down then.

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