Sad orcs… It’s the Horde ode version to “muh depressed characters”.
Sad orc was done much better in wrath with just Saurfangs comments on the pig farm. RIght there you got something that let you know how badly damage he was without flashbacks of his dead son and him sulking in a jail cell to get cheered up by a 18 year old human.
I think its gonna be him calling for thralls help and quoting the boy king
“I can’t do this. Not alone”
Bam, daddy thrall is back, we have another civil war and I will have to see another cutscene of alliance finger waving a bunch of legendary characters and greymane telling anduin to d i s m a n t l e the horde.
Good grief its not even out yet and I’m already loathing it.
That is exactly what it is
and make those who like him dig their heels in as well, and let me tell ya hunny im wearing some BIG ol high heels for this one.
no one is gonna ‘switch sides’ or none a that over this lol.
this cinematic isn’t gonna do anything except get a screaming crowd of fans, who are hyped for blizzcon or w/e, to scream and nerd out and be like “HOLY FRICK THIS IS FRICKING AWESOME OMFG YESS!!! THRALL!!! DADDY!!! CGI !!! YESS!!!”
basically what im gonna be doing
also tons of reaction videos. basically its gonna hype people who are already hyped and generate bunch of clicks and ad revenue.
only a small part of the player base probably has tbh
but what if thrall acts like skywalker in the last jedi tho? like tells saurfang the horde sucks and he’s done with it.
ANy cinimatic they bring out of any quality generates alot of clicks. The sole purpose of this one is to beat the stick over people that “Sad orcs good” and make the divided fanbase more angry.
And as great as that would be, as in something I would love, it isnt because Thrall is back in 8.2
skywalker came back at the end of the last jedi, too.
At the end, Thrall is there at the start of 8.2 to save Baine.
right, but this cinematic is taking place BEFORE 8.2, story wise.
Indeed, the cgi is just a much more humiliating fanatical worship of the “depressed character” than actual construction of one… It’s a creepy recurrent theme in BfA it seems.
Yeeeeaaah, which means he agrees to come back right away, because Saurfang and him are there right at the start.
With this cutscene, the outcome will be:
Alliance players will be even more pissed off because blizzard is giving crap to nelfs and will rage the fck outta themselves, like Etheldald was doing (and with reason)
Sadfang/Thrall loyalists are going to have the strongest bone_r that a human being can conceive without passing out due to lack of blood in the brain
Sylvanas loyalists will want their heads on a pike even harder
Every single outcome is disgusting, gratz blizzard.
Please dont mention this movie, it was a dumpster on fire
Can you imagine how if one of these cgi orc parties was given to say, Tyrande as the Night Warrior, or a delve into some of the loldumb evil Sylvanas is up to? Something that might actually further a story point? That’d be nice.
That honestly one of the main reasons I hate bfa, purposefully exploiting passionate fans in a negative way to simulate interest.
doesn’t mean that’ll be shown in the cinematic. in old soldier it ends with saurfang returning to the horde, even though we know in the battle for lordaeron ultimately he still tries to get himself killed. in lost honor it ends with the cell door open and saurfang looking at it, it isn’t til you do the war campaign that you know he escaped. similarly in this cinematic it could be thrall telling saurfang that he too is done with the horde, and that it sucks, only for his mind to be changed.
i dont think that’s what’s gonna happen, but it could!
Dude this expansion is a convoluted mess, should I shove a keyboard in my butt and write a story with my a**hole I’d have come up with something better.
And yes, it’s cheap marketing to grab some money and attention, nothing good will come out of this on the long run.
Thing is there is no more content between this cinematic and 8.2, so outside of ANOTHER cinimatic of Saurfang pulling a Rey and just sitting at Thralls hutt for ages, it doesn’t matter because we already know the end point.
It would had been actually constructive to pseudo fix this trash narrative by proxy of explaining or giving additional context to the main faction war narrative, but alas!! how could the art team dare to defy the current worship the lore team apparently has in regards to “this is how depression looks and how people overcomes it” n-esim iteration.
Are our writers just the last emos in existence?
They’ve been bleeding players for ages and are just doubling down on the stuff that is causing the bleeding. But that might be the plan really, cull the players that won’t join in on their AMAZING TWIST NARRITIVE and just eat up the zug and human potential they’re fed.
i was speaking more of a condensed version, i didnt imply it’d be like a whole ordeal.
i do think there will be more cinematics, though. as i said they are gonna chronicle saurfangs entire journey through bfa with these. i imagine the next one will be before the coup of sylvanas or whatever.