I hate that you are probably right.
Every attempt to instill “faction pride” for the alliance in cinematics just induces cringe or despair for anyone not already drunk on Anduin’s kool aid.
But on topic, saurfang needs to commit seppuku already.
I hate that you are probably right.
Every attempt to instill “faction pride” for the alliance in cinematics just induces cringe or despair for anyone not already drunk on Anduin’s kool aid.
But on topic, saurfang needs to commit seppuku already.
At this point this word triggers PTSD. Still, the level of Mary Sue in the boy king is unbearable
He was a Civil War hero before he became brigadier general and led the 7th cavalry in the Indian Wars.
Screw it, the idea of seeing Thrall in a full-fledged cutscene (and Saurfang doing EXACTLY what I was hoping he would do, and going to fetch Thrall from Outlands) … honestly, I’m fairly happy. Don’t really care that we’re getting ANOTHER Saurfang related cutscene; still worried his Doomhammer parallels will result in his death; but for now … I get Thrall, Saurfang and Outlands Nagrand.
The Twitch Clip in the OP’s link is removed. Anyone knows where I can see this leak?
i’m actually really excited to see a conversation between thrall and saurfang … despite everything i think the first 2 were actually really good and emotive so i have high hopes for what a conversation between thrall and saurfang will entail
i am honestly triggered that the alliance is, once again a secondary character in the horde story.
the orc guilty for teldrassil get 4 super mega hd cinematics.
meanwhile, tyrande and the nelfs, the actual victims totally forgotten.
this is infuriating.
Why the alliance should care about saurfang or the horde?
i feel for you… but crap that is epic.
I am a dwarf now, the website’s just slow…
While I find Sylvanas to be nonsensical and deplorable this expac, and am frustrated at the Saurfang focus, I do like Old Soldier, the cinematic intro to the expansion, and this one looks good too.
It’s an issue of context for me. In the context of Night Elves going through an unprecedented genocide of sorts, it feels really sh!tty to see yet another Saurfang/orc focus.
It is clear the cinematic team is a different one from the one writing the main story, Brennadam, etc. They were clearly told a different narrative to work on and it shows.
There needs to be some conflict for the Alliance regarding Saurfangs release. If Tyrande finds out…whooo boy…I want to see that cinematic.
He looks like movie Durotan. I love it.
You mean like how Legion was entirely about the Alliance? Honestly, I don’t think ANYONE on the Horde side wanted THIS to be the way our faction finally gained any level of relevance; but … after two years of playing sidekicks in the Alliance’s story … meh; at least we get the cinematics.
Dude, how was the Legion entirely about the “Alliance”?
Khadgar, and Illidan are not Alliance characters. I wish there was more Alliance involvement in Legion. I wish there was more Horde involvement in Legion in the form on Forsaken, Blood Elves and Orcs leading the charge.
But it is very clear that narratively, Legion was about Class Order Halls vs. the Legion.
yeah, where all the alliance characters became neutral, alliance story, right.
look, if blizzard wants to give saurfang a million cgi cinematics, fine. as long as they give us the same.
But you know who deserves a cgi cinematic? the actual victims, tyrande and the nelfs.
they deserve SOMETHING!.
yeah like I said i definitely understand that, I like night elves and stuff. it’s just i’m taking things as they are given I guess.
for whatever reason they decided the cgi team was gonna make an entire series of these to tell saurfangs story in particular. i think during an interview during blizzcon with one of the guys they implied they were all made at the same time. like they made one and then were like, well we have all the stuff for this let’s do more… but don’t hold me to that cause i could be wrong and don’t feel like looking up the interview on youtube. actually f it here I found it but i dont feel like skipping through the full hour to find what im looking for lol
edit: i don’t think he says what i remembered at all, he says they usually get finished a month before they’re shown to the public. meh its still interesting to hear about the process.
I am just happy to see Blizzard making these kind of “HYPER, PHOTO REALISTIC HD CINEMATICS.” More often now.
Quite literally the ONLY Horde representative that is allowed a positive presence in the ENTIRETY of that expansion is Liadrin in Suramar. That’s it. Baine’s content in Highmountain was entirely cut; Sylvie’s presence in Stormheim had NOTHING to do with defeating the Legion. So tell me exactly where the Horde had ANY relevance beyond Surumar in Legion?
I was going to break it down point by point, but it would be me repeating myself of, “not true, you know why”.
Your only point that does stand is Turalyon and Alleria. But they weren’t Alliance enough, in my opinion.
I see you ignore the class halls, which was the narrative device of the expansion, not factions.
Edit: Also the Tyrande/Malf stuff, I will give you. Honestly, I agree in that regard. It should have had a clearer Horde presence.
Edit 2: You’re bleating about injustices, but the fact is the expansion was not Alliance focused. If anything, they diluted the Alliance whenever they used Alliance themes (such as using Knights of the Silver Hand for the order hall).
dalaran became neutral the moment jaina left. that is why she left in the first place.
Yes, and still he never was an alliance character. he was truly neutral.
And is now the biggest neutral in the world.
and yet he is acting neutral there. same with allerya and turalyon, why would alleria work with a horde/orc champ?
then khadgar decides that he and dala should be neutral. what an alliance character.
and yes, it should have been more horde precense, baine could had a story in highmontain.
but saying that it was “all alliance” i don’t know bro.