Alright I’ll give the old pupper a chance, but just because you are a sugarlump and asked so nicely
thanks hun
I don’t even like Sylvanas or the Forsaken and I think that BFA tantamounts to utter, depraved character assassination for her, and her faction.
Was important to both factions. Between Cata Thrall, and “lemme swoop in and jack this kill” Thrall, I could care less about him.
It’s funny how Saurfang naturally emerged as a fan favorite character that truly represented the Horde…until Blizzard started putting him in cinematics. He went from being one of my favorite characters to someone I hope gets his honorable death as soon as possible just so he will shut-up already.
I’m sure this cinematic will butcher Thrall as well, as if having him murder loyal members of the Horde and ally himself with the Alliance in 8.2 wasn’t already bad enough. Ugh.
Blizzard…you are so out of touch with the Horde without Metzen it’s not even funny.
Seriously? Where’s my Tyrande cutscene? Or any Night Elves. Hell I’d settle for one with some Forsaken lamenting the decisions of their dark lady. Anything but more Saurfang.
I don’t think they particularly care about their customers feelings at this point.
Apparently, we all feel the wrong way and our criticisms should be ignored.
I fully expect the Alliance to take the lead for any Light/Void related expansion if that’s where we’re heading since the Alliance has almost all of the Light/Void themes on their side. Might see some Blood Knights and Sunwalkers, but I’d expect that to go the same way it did in the paladin and priest class halls so it’d still be the Alliance’s show in the end.
It will be cool to see thrall in a cinematic of this quality.
That wasn’t really the point of Old Soldier lol, at least not the way you framed it. These cinematics have to be viewed as all connected, and in context of the things that happen in the game. Him “believing in the Horde again” does not mean him returning as a loyal servant to Sylvanas. That bridge was crossed with Teldrassil, as made clear by… well… Old Soldier, his appearance in Battle for Lordaeron, and then the follow up of Lost Honor.
Are people really surprised the next cinematic will follow the same pattern of showing us Saurfang journey?
Anyways, these cinematics will be loved and well received, believe me. Only the sad little cliques of this depraved forum will be hating them. Hehe!
Yes it is… because Alliance characters are boring as sin and they’ve run out of powerups to give them.
“You think you do but you don’t.”
You see that something is terribly wrong with the narrative when a Nelf begs for a Forsaken lament CGI just to not watch another Sadfang CGI.
My prayers for you fam, the sun will shine again someday.
Not gonna lie, I’ll like the cutscene itself because I love orks, but I’ll complain all the way
I love my Saurfang but I would like something different
Blizzard hates Night Elves remember?
Well… almost everybody hates.
Guess what, Sylvanas is even more evil now GG Blizzard we didn’t understand the first 1000th times.
Isn’t that what “Terror of Darkshore” was?
Forsaken in a cinematic yay!
Even if it was for 5 seconds and they were the villians.
Also, why do I have the feeling they wouldn’t have gone after Thrall if Saurfang hadn’t obviously been going to Thrall? Hmm…
I think the player means a cinematic level not in game engine rendered
I can finally understand supporting Sylvanas out of spite.
Also Goel confirmed for coward cheater who ran and hid while his Horde crumbled.