New cgi cutscene possible leak (spoilers)

There’s trash posters on this forum, then there’s this. At least the others try to have a point beyond reeeeeeeeeeing.

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You mean Garrosh?

Might want to take your own advice bucko :wink:

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At least that has the bare bones explanation of Thrall was responsible for Garrosh being a nerd, but then they ruined that by having him deny it.

Nah I’m good chum :wink:

it’s not up to you to care, that Mak Gora was due to happen since a long time before WoD.

I am not as concerned about 'cinematic parity" if only because I expect a new cinematic for the next expansion soon enough and I’m guessing it might be Alliance character taking the lead in that one.

Genn’s crusade against the dog in the other car he passed while Anduin was taking him to the park.


genn is goodest boi

if that happens, fine.
because at this point i feel horrible for my nelf bros.

eh… i disagree they made him our villain, but meh, that’s in the past now.

He’s all snarky, tried to bite my last visit. Had to water spray him


thats just how he says he likes you, dont be mean


And here I thought the Jaina cut scenes were too numerous (they are)… but I honestly thought that they wouldn’t keep making sad orc cgi cinematics and that either the Alliance or Sylvanas would get to do something. Kind of lost all hope of that with the 3rd sad orc cinematic in a row. Lil variety would be nice.


you should know better than to have hope, last time someone had hope teldrassil burned


Anything to do with OG Thrall > Forsaken.

(Also, these Cinematics are displaying the rise/return of a Warchief. THEY ARE VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT.)


…to half the player base. Maybe.


I can honestly say that I would rather have 0 story focus than what the Horde has gotten in BFA. This has to be a monkeys paw situation from Horde players complaining about the lack of Horde focus in Legion.

Probably not even half of the faction it’s supposed to be for.


They are very important. These cinematics have all lead up to the return of the true Warchief, and the return of Metzen.

You may not care because it’s a Horde leader, but Thrall is important to both factions.


They are important but again why did they all need to be CGI ?

They’re really not even important. Old Soldier happens in between Teld and BfL. The whole point of OS was Saurfang believing in the Horde again after trying to kill himself and then he just tries to kill himself again.