NEW CAT MOUNT on the blizzard store for $25!

Only have to look as far as the M+ mount being a recolor (a barely different recolor mind you), and the sapphire skyblazer launching that same week.

There’s your cool mount not on the shop now go get it

at the time? they absolutely did. there was a reason the spectral tiger was so coveted.

have you seen the level of detail on this one?

that’s just one example.

yes. absolutely, there are some awesome looking shop mounts.
And, yes, absolutely, there are a ton of bland in-game mounts.
but it’s a flat out lie to claim there aren’t also awesome looking in-game mounts.

as simple as it is, this is one of my favorites:


I mean, I’m not a huge fan of great looking mounts in the store. Which is why until now I’ve never gotten one.

But they have at least kept somewhat of a balance between available in game, promotions, and store mounts in my view. That said, I’m all for them taking some of these more exclusive mounts and having recolors available in game more readily after awhile.

More things to work on and collect isn’t a bad thing. And you let people be special for awhile.

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I 100% agree with this.


there are only 21 store mounts

and how many NOT store mounts? I’m too lazy to count all the squares.

yet every. single. time. they add a new store mount, no matter how many non store mounts they’ve added, we get people whining about it. it’s so silly.

edit: there’s a counter at the top of the simple armory page
there are 707 possible mounts
686 not store
21 store

I think people who don’t like store mounts can just take a big giant dose of get the heck over it. :woman_shrugging:


my only issue with it is…it doesnt blink.
i wish it blinked.


That’s fair.

Honestly, I’ve found most of the store mounts to be really “meh” on the whole, and definitely wouldn’t spend money on them.

I would totally work towards a recolored Hogrus, Fey Dragon, or Shu-zen though. I like the models, but definitely not enough to actually pay for them. I certainly feel they should be exclusive for a few years though. Like this cat mount is awesome, and I’d love a black version. Maybe as a halloween event reward in a few years. That kind of thing. Seems a shame to waste the work on models with just a store mount for some of these.

Squeakers comes close though. And this is making me think I should actually go do the stupid hearthstone promo to get the new rat.

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if it helps, the promo was really easy. took about 10 minutes, and I’ve only played hearthstone once before in my life - years ago, to get the hearthsteed.

The argument is always “they’re not unique like store mounts!”

Would buy if the mount didnt have a too big saddle. As usual ruined. To those who like it, enjoy :slight_smile:

to that I reply

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I’m glad most of those store mounts are unique though. And not because I have them and want to be special…


That could be why it does look out of place.

Sure as hell hoping so. I aiming to buy it and that drippy boat this year.

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I seriously doubt it will be discounted this year. they typically don’t discount the newest stuff. most likely next year.


Oh well, I am patient boy then.

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Nice. I like the kitty a lot. What I want most though is the pig mount and the bull mount. They are so cute, especially the pig. Hahah I love that pig.

I like the pig, the bull would be a lot better if it didn’t have wings sprouting out of its belly.

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Those mounts are nice. But none of them look as good or stand out as much as the new shop kitten mount.

The Sylvanas mount is very drab in color. The other mounts are mostly just horses. But that kitten REALLY stands out.

Same is true for pretty much all of the recent shop mounts.

  • they tend to have unique artwork
  • they really stand out from the pack
  • they have a much higher attention to detail in artwork, creativity and animation than mounts obtained from playing the game. It just looks like the devs put a lot more time and effort into the shop mounts.