NEW CAT MOUNT on the blizzard store for $25!

I’m sure I’ll get this at some point. But right now I’m enjoying my brand-new Headless Horseman’s Mount too much.

That would be a cool mount for smaller races and might fit them in a cartoon way but I don’t know about bigger races. Can you imagine an Orc riding into battle on that thing it would be completely immersive breaking. They should make this smaller races exclusive or something,

It’s the overall company I’m disappointed with. Not just any particular team.

you must have a hard to time understanding what you read. This has nothing to do with the art time.

Release a store mount when the game is in this state is the problem.

I have nothing against the people who work there, the problem is the people who run the company.

Why is it a problem?

A profit driven company produces something to sell for profit. This is bad because?

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You mean a for profit company decides to release a mount that is meant for profits?

Tell us more

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Profit driven company doesn’t release the content that its suppose to for the paying customer but puts something cute on the store to cover loses and the mindless WOW fanbois eat it up and try to defend it.

What a glorious company Blizz is.


Edit: either they changed the mount’s name from Sunwarmed Purrkin to Furrline, or I misread. Please ignore!

“Purrkin” is apparently what Brokers (the candlehead people in Shadowlands) call cats:

The Broker cats look quite different from the new mount, but I wonder if the re-use of the name was intentional, maybe a hint of where the story’s going.
Edit: in other words, this cat may not be from Azeroth…
:cat: :thinking:

Already bought 4 of them.


You just made some glorious pies for the bakery you work at. Sadly, you cant sell them because some sleezebag manager did the bads.

Company releases new mount that is optional for you to buy

Who’s forcing you to buy it? Who’s holding your account at stake if you don’t buy the mount?

Does the cat give a better DPS/healing boost? Does it give gear? Can you show us any proof this cat Mount is indeed p2w?

I am not a fan of the cat design, to me it dosent look like it could live on the Warcraft universe.


normal customers pay money in exchange for products/services we want. we don’t send money to businesses as a “reward” for pleasing us or withhold it as “punishment”.



Again, the people creating game content are not the people creating mounts.


Come on now,Grumbles,you can’t resist,you just can’t!

Omg, they did make one,lol :rofl:


i know right? that spectral tiger - the OG epeen mount - I got by not completing a quest, not doing a mythic raid, no high level pvp, and no luck.

wait what about the magic rooster… no. wait. how about the wooly white rhi… no ok umm what about… I think you get the point

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Those mounts were good, but didn’t look head and shoulders more impressive than the mounts you could get completing mythic raid or raid achievements.

That’s not the case for the last 8 years or so. Today, all the best-looking most-impressive mounts come from the shop. Mounts obtained from actually playing the game look lackluster in comparison.


Nice mount. Isn’t worth $25 sadly :sweat_smile: